parazyd: see documantation for g_app_info_get_id
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desktop file id from the xdg menu specification is defined as "The id to identify a desktop entry with. For example, if /usr/share/applications is specified as an <AppDir>, and /opt/ude as <LegacyDir prefix="foo-"> then /usr/share/applications/foo/bar.desktop, /usr/share/applications/foo-bar.desktop and /opt/ude/Settings/bar.desktop all have the same desktop-f
"Gets the ID of an application. An id is a string that identifies the application. The exact format of the id is platform dependent. For instance, on Unix this is the desktop file id from the xdg menu specification. "
gtg, ttyl
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parazyd: this has nothing to do with the .desktop file itsef
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parazyd: do we ship our own glib?
Not since ascii
err, since beowulf
We had our own in ascii
is my patch there?
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martijnb1: yo
nice presentation :D
thanks, didn't really prepare it much, but it was within the time limit at least :D
hmm joining here with the libera matrix bridge seems bork
* martijnb1
is not nervous at all for the pmos presentation
I was quite nervous but then seeing the other ones made me less stressed
if you catch my drift
* Wizzup
is looking forward to it
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heh yes
so the matrix channel name on the wiki is wrong, it's #maemo-leste:libera.chat now
g_app_info_get_default_for_type shall return GAppInfo of the application for content_type, in this particular case this is "application/pdf"
as you can see from the backtrace, glibe correctly finds desktop file id to be "hildon-osso_pdfviewer.desktop", see frame 2 and above
however, at some point there is a call to g_desktop_app_info_new_from_filename(), which just takes basename to be desktop_id, so self->desktop_id becomes "osso_pdfviewer.desktop"
this clearly breaks the specs and what is worse, prevents libhildonmime from finding the application to handle mime type
parazyd: ^^^
Right, I see
But why does libhildonmime need the path?
because it wants to parse the .desktop file
Isn't there some glib machinery that handles this?
for X-OSSO- stuff
So maybe the right way to patch glib is to offer something that returns the full path?
Thinking in terms so it's not specific to Hildon
no, we have a hash table that maps desktop ids to filenames
I can do a reverse search on that table
to map file name to desktop id
and if that fails, then use basename as a fallback
looks like glib has a big though
so we have a way to fix it already
I have an idea how to fix it
it is not so simple, because the hastable in question is protected by mutexes, but I'll deal with it
Surprising that glib does by have something that resolves the full path to a given desktop file
not, it is on the opposite, but I can hack around with g_hashtable_foreach
it maps desktop_id to filename
that's why you see the correct desktop_id in calls to desktop_file_dir_get_app etc
so, shall I fix that or you have a better idea
Not rn, but I can think about it tomorrow
I'll make a patch in the meanwhile :)
ok, cool
Pick our version btw
do we have one?
Not master upstream, but the one in Devuan Beowulf
I did apt-get source
That's it
well check if its fixed upstream first
also gnome applications have thair own X- whatever special options in .desktop files
already did, it is not
so there must be some way to access them in glib
maybe not by opening the file and parsing it yourself
do you think gnome places stuff in applications/gnome?
but other apps do this
and gnome picks them up too
so something has to give here
I am not sure I want to waste time on trying to find how $UNKNOWN app works around glib bugs
I'd rather fix and send patch upstream
oh, because they fixed all the other issues it seems
its not bad really
I see
and what is wrong with make? lemme guess, it is old, right?
no make is way to basic
who uses plain make?
plain make dosent really scale well...
so most use something on top of make
like cmake or autotools
meson is really the idea that if everyone uses something else to generate make files
so we have CMake, autofu, meson/ninja, qmake... what else?
make dosent really need to exist since its just a midle man
other than tose you named all other build systems are pretty niche
ah, and lets not forget M$ build system
unless you include language specific build systems
but yeah, I guess sript kiddies need to feel useful
sorry, was dealing with angularjs lately :)
i dont see why the existance of multiple buildsystems would cause ire
i mean lots of languages also exist
its kinda the same
sorry, as I said I am grumpy because of angularjs shit, kinda looks the same
reinventing the wheel over and over, but each time with less angles
try building tensorflow
you'll appreciate even meson
why what build system dose that use?
uvos__: see, glib has 874 open issues and 58 merge requests pending, is it really the build system of such a high priority so they must change it before fixing all the bugs?
uvos__: bazel
freemangordon: idk maybe the existing system showed some kind of defficancy
autotools? I doubt
autotools certenly has its rough edges
especcaly in multiplat
ok, could be, I don;t know meson so maybe it is better
still, 874 open issues
just more to learn and remember for our overloaded brains :)
lets reimplment hildon in rust
no, in angularjs/nodejs, that way we will be sure noone knows what happens
and we can bet before first time we start h-d on how long it will take for it to start - 2 or 3 days :)