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hmm, xf86-video-omap loads, but there is nothing on the screen, even for 2d stuff
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oh, ok, finally I was able to mmap gbm bo for writing :)
the same bo EGL renders to
uvos: so, how that helps us with dri3? :) hack modesetting to not use glamor and do 2D SW render to back buffer?
the other option is to use dri2 driver and do a PVR blit of gbm EGL bo
weh have to teach dri2 driver on dri3 ofc
but thats simple, more or less
freemangordon: nice :) fyi, things are moving towards the /dev/dri/cardX being used only for allocation with the rest using the render node, but current pvr mesa seems to only work using the /dev/dri/card0 node
that's to avoid all the permission issues
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if there are other reasons for doing it, i don't know what they might be
tmlind: I don;t understand how's that relevant, sorry. all this dri/drm/ whatever stuff is still in a тхицк фог фор ме :)
*still in thick fog for me
if you have an idea how thing should work (given that I can read/write bo's EGL renders to), please share
I mean - in terms of xorg that is
I would really love if we have zero-copy but not sure what rendering pipeline should look like
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yeah i don't know how it works either :)
tmlind: BTW, definitely there is something wrong with the kernel, xf86-video-omap driver renders nothing on the screen, but pretends to work. *but* - it worked couple of times. 3 of 20, for example
the same happened yesterday with glmark
which hardware?
on n900 it seems there is no issue
yeah ok d4 needs to update the command mode lcd also to refresh it
that patch you reverted might fix it for d4?
but I have "drm/omap: Fix page fault handling and flush what framebuffe wants flushed" reverted there (on n900)
yeah, lemme try it
while we are at it :)
ok, not sure what might be broken with that patch for n900.. and not even sure if that's the right fix for d4
heading out here, bbl today at some point
ttyl, will let you know if it is better with that patch reverted
yeah ok hopefully it works on d4, then we can figure out what's wrong with that patch
do we have a properly working version of -omap?
the d4 uses it now
ah, alright
it works on d4 with sgx 1.9
but it has no DRI3
and it works on just omapdrm
omap_dri.c is 672 lines
I'd say it's the way to go
especially if we plan on adding more omap-specific features at some point
(video decoding anyone? :) )
lets not get ahead of ourselves
besides the ddx dosent do decoding
presentation maybe
I think exa can help with scaling but yeah
not the actual decode pipeline
but also the hw video decoders are kind of at the bottom of my list, I never watch videos on my phone
(but yeah, *my* list)
right, but I vaguely remember it playing a role in the presentation part, and iirc one of the devs working on it had the ddx patched for that purpose
but yeah, anyway :)
grepping for gri3 in glamor/ makes it look easy
dri3* even
modern ddx dont do video presenstaion either
is there some tool to create a defconfig, or shall I just commit my .config ?
I also need to push the dts, etc
make savedefconfig?
freemangordon: ok so sounds like adding a dri3 fallback path for modesetting using mmap is possible for its AccelMethod "none" case
adding this would be a great service to others
it would for instance also slove the pps issues
uvos: pvr2d does PVRSRVMapFullDmaBuf
so i twould do that
PVRSRVMapFullDmaBuf just sets SGX MMU
uvos: didn't he say it would be slower though?
(but yeah I suppose it could still be useful)
well its mmaping and rendering via cpu
thats slow
but short of implementing exa on pvr2d i dont see how anything would be faster
and ofc thats something to be done later and not now
also current d4 works exactly like this
so it should not be unusably slow
the current d4 is kinda slow in 2d
i mean 2d on d4 is slow
esp scrolling is painful
but its not usage breaking
depends on who you ask
freemangordon might disagree :P
terminal scrolling is atrocious
any scrolling is atrocious
there's many seconds in delay
well other than gpu accel
like qt stuff scrolls fine
because it uses gl instead of xorg primitves
I mean it's a good first step if we have a way to als omake 2d fast
otherwise perhaps the path makes less sense
it makes plenty of sense for pp i think, no one cares about xorg on it, we dont have the bandwith to also fix its 3d driver and its cpu is fast enough to make this ok
gets the mapphones working right now, and we can still investigate resurecting -video-omap or adding a accel plugin to replace glamor for modesetting-pvr
guys, we can implement it through mmap initially and then to pvr2d accel where possible
I do not have a strong opinion, just trying to help
feel free to do what makes sense
is there a big x11 issue with PP? there's sxmo, so i guess it's working reasonably okay for them
Wizzup: one for 3.0 kernel and one for 2.6 kernel
or do you want to do it in 2 branches?
i gues that makes sense too
branches or even directories
ill do it as branches later
binaries makes no sense
those are in the main clownboot repo anyhow
ok, since I was not able to compile it ;-)
compileing it remains tough yeah
i have old gcc installed on my main machine but its not something i can easly just export
how old?
uvos: yeah so I commented out the aes disabled thing and now it suspiciously doesn't seem to boot
as the one in scratchbox is old too ;)
uvos: let me add it back in..
Wizzup: wierd
Wizzup: maybe there is some errata tmlind told you about
on old omap4 chips
uvos: yes that is what I recall vaguely
I can grep logs
ok would make sense
06:17 < tmlind> Wizzup: oh cool, you got it booting :) looks like aes2 is not accessible on those devices, try setting:
the d3 is a really early omap4 device
ok so what about the high 3mb
one by one please
the android kernel parameters sugesst all 512 are useable on d3
something funny I think I have noticed, if serial is not in by the time the kexec mod probes (before actually calling kexec), the serial output is not visible until after the kexec
freemangordon: both uvos and I are suggesting to take say debian 6 or so
(I made that number up)
as opposed to using the maemo specific SB just to build a motorola kernel module
to be clear if it works I suppose it can be fine
well yeah, you can install old debian in a VM
but, you can take the pre-build maemo SDK images
btw you can also use the android sdk to emerge the exact gcc version motorola used to complie the kernel
never done it
but should work
emerge - gentoo based?
as I am not sure old debian will still have repos alive
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I think that's just kind of confusing to suggest using scratchbox since it has for the most part outlived it's usefulnes and it mighr confuse people
quite some maemo folk I also speak to don't like sb
but yeah
that's why we us VM on leste :)
in android NDK
uvos: any way I can dump the accelerometer data?
my confusion is that I was expecting to find at least 12 gpios there
(under gpiochip6)
oh, maybe this is also off by one thing
so <&gpio6 12> == gpiochip 5, 12
looks like
so export pin 12
yeah that is 140
root@devuan-bionic:/sys/class/gpio/gpio140# echo 1 > value
-bash: echo: write error: Operation not permitted
truly has to fail every step of the way :P
ah I guess I might need to set the direction
not sure on the interface sorry
but yeah makes sense
yeah, echo out > direction worked
not that it helped with i2c, but hey :)
is the chip on the bus
wait you did change value too
not just direction
its active high
value set to 1, with active_low set to 0
pulling it low wont help
I think it might make more sense to look at android at this point
of course there we have the problem that the dts had the wrong endianness ;)
maybe this is for another time then
what should i2cdetect show if it's present but not in use?
literally "yes"?
freemangordon: nice work, so you probably figured out ddk-1.17 no longer uses any of those proxied ioctls in omapdrm driver ddk-1.9 was using, whatever you do let's not add those back :)
that was a pain to maintain with a big pile of extra patches against the mainline kernel
uvos: heh the kbd brightness is the screen
or something like that it seems..
this turns on the screen brightness: echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/lm3532\:\:kbd_backlight/brightness
(no diff between 1 and 255)
just swap the channels in dts then
uvos: so that's the reg = <> or led-sources = <> ?
tmlind: btw reading the above
led-sources should be swaped
ie in the end
leds for backlight
the leds phandle should link to the one currently used by the keyboard backlight