i would just try the latest image on a device
the latest image being unbootable has been a reoccuring theme
we should have a test stand that boots it on device and checks ps for all the processies we expect to run at boot or something.
uvos: I think he reported this been a consistent problem for him
for months
I think we need a list of things to check / attach when filing a bug
well if he has this problem whilest the image works fine when installed on other devices
dmsg is the obvious log since that suggests hardware failure
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could be, or hw differences
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Greetings! First time user here. I want to express my concerns regarding the infrared selfie flash that is continually flashing. I discovered this while using night vision equipment. On my N900 booting the latest from an sdcard.
I discovered the same issue on my LG v20 while using a custom rom (without GAPPS) but it stopped when I installed LineageOS.
The N900 has a custom rom too from numerous years ago replacing the stock OS
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I believe you are on about a active IR sensor to detect when the phone is against your face.
Hmm, thanks for the info. I didn't know that was how that functioned. I'll check that out.
should not be flashing in leste tho
leste dosent use the sensor at all on n900
so it should be off
on d4/bionic/pp it should get turned on in certian cercumstances but be off otherwise
while true; do cat /sys/devices/platform/gpio-switch/proximity/state; done
hmm, proximity should be enabled only when in call
How you can test it in fremantle.
freemangordon: there are also other cases (right after a alarm fires)
freemangordon: but yeah
freemangordon: but leste dosent controll the proximitry sensor at all on n900 atm
right, alarm is the other user
freemangordon: since its on the evdev interface something might be holding the if open and the sensor on
freemangordon: could be x
sixwheeledbeast: hi! long time no see :)
hey freemangordon
we should open a bug to bring the prox to the iio interface on n900 iirc its just a gpio so should be trivial to port the driver
we have a analogus bug for the acell
does iio support proximity class?
should be trivial then
hmm, maybe I can take that one once I finish with PipCalendar stuff, to have some rest from abook
same thing with acell, there a driver even exits allready and works
only the n900's comptabile needs adding
and the old driver needs removal
I see
what kernel does leste use on n900?
pretty old one 5.1 iirc
oh but not the original 3.x or whatever? that's cool.
orignal was 2.6.x
i need to *find* my n900 - someone's hidden it - but until now i was afraid of using it bc of old software, but leste would let me us e it!
leste its still quite rough but yeah it can be used for some basic tasks
the n900 suffers under some extra issues too most problematic of these are: it has broken rotation and broken pm.
there's a simple debian repo where all the source and binary packages can be found?
I hope the broken pm isn't due to missing proprietary kernel features...
all of the n900 special issues are related to the propretary powervr driver
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well. could be fun to dig into too.
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hopefully i find my n900 in storage tomorrow. else i won't know where else to look
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