freemangordon: is it possible to configure where the sent emails go in modest?
I might try to add that
(they go into a different dir than thunderbirds)
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so mce update is comeing down the pipe that: adds the new dbus interfaces (ofc untill you unload the rtconf-gconf module in favor or rtconf-ini or -gsettings the gconf interfaces will remain and both update the other)
and the way als works has changed
so since iio-sensor-proxy only brodcasts changes instead of x samples per second (and thats all it can do since it wants to save a bounch of power by using hw triggering where available) there was no way to really filter it.
so i now implemented the method android used to use =<2.3: the display is only allowed to increase in brightness while it is on, and can only return to a lower brightness though a display off -> display on cycle
this elemitates the flicker effect from changing brightness levels whilest in a train or whatever
if you dont like the way this works you can add NoAlsLowering=0 to the [DisplayBrightness] in your 99-user.ini
iirc the problem with this was the lack of hw with wokrking kernel api to test it with
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Wizzup: tmlind: i see some omap_hsmmc commits referencing wl1251. just wondering if N900 will not be affected in one way or another
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we passed the ngi dapsi evaluation and proceed to the second round (funding)
plan is to see if we can find people that can help with the telepathy and conversations stuff, also gtk3/qt5
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pmos passed too, fun feedback
yay :)
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those are great news for both projects :-)
am i allowed to ask what the pmos project is about, MartijnBraam[m] ? or it's the OS as a whole?
the OS as a whole, we got the funding to do general maintenance
MartijnBraam[m]: Congrats!
uvos: ACK, will review later today
the leste grant was specifically for the vpn stuff?
First part. Second part is Telepathy and protocols (Signal, Jami, Matrix, XMPP)
oh neato
that and conversations/sms/chat ui
I thought xmpp already worked in the old maemo?
old maemo is closed soruce
parazyd: thanks :)
right, ofcourse
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xmpp on fremantle (specifically in rtcom) isn't that great btw
the only xmpp i've used on maemo was the gchat support, worked fine at the time
integration is great, but a few things made it kinda quirky, compared to pidgin
iirc the way it handles channels (ie leaving channel when closing the window, afair) made it quite non-practical for instance
(at least that's what I remember)
that should be quite easily solveable
(were it not for the fact that it's not foss)
but _we_ can fix that
well, not on fremantle, since it's closed-source
but yeah
exactly :)
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I find it interesting that they'd sponsor vpn-related work first, and that communication would come second only
that is how we laid it out
ah, alright
we and that for with good reasons, first is that osso-abook was nowhere near done at that time
second is that the tor/wg is neat, and the call was aimed at privacy/security
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it sure is neat :)
and it was not really dependent on other parts being finished
I mean also a good fit for the call
wg is brilliant
which reminds me ... is wg part of devuan-stable?
(I thought it only landed in latest debian)
it is definitely in backports, I need to check (and update instructions potentially)
ah, backports
alright :)
yeah... good point
we'd probably need to import it in leste's repos then
in some way or another
at least for the beowulf dist
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bencoh: yeah
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hello everyone, I am back
and still compiling
finished compiling
sicelo: i think n900 has wl1251 on spi so not affected by mmc changes
ah great then. indeed.
golly gee whiz
the 3d acceloration thingy didn't work
install virtualbox
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I can't
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or be patient ... i was running leste vm without accel too, on 4th gen i5. at leat *I* still found it usable
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the sigmakey is just a random smartcard reader with sim card
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not uncommon in hardware drm devices
yeah but it just kinda sticks out :P
nice to have a generic smartcard reader at least
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uvos: The leste-config changes look good. I can test the battery guard on the Pinephone in the coming days. Is it enough to enable it like this in mce or I need some more things?
parazyd: no adding the module to mce and speifcing a voltage is enough
parazyd: really its about how the pp behaves
parazyd: ie when dose the kernel perfom a low voltage shutdown, and what voltage results on the battery
and what voltage if any is required to perform lower end callibration
configuration should be based on these things
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btw parazyd
you mentiond at some point that brightness on the pp was non linear
and als dident work so well because of this
if the pp reacts poorly please also ajust these values to taste
(as the defaults are mapphone optimized)
Will do
Thanks for the reminder
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who is halftux?
a great dev from maemo days. iirc a lot of his applications were qt. he's also member of the maemo community ev. he was in this chan a while ago (maybe we lost him during libera move ... can't remember now)
he is maintainer of the mihphoto leste pacakge but currently not reponsive in this role.