_florent_ changed the topic of #litex to: LiteX FPGA SoC builder and Cores / Github : https://github.com/enjoy-digital, https://github.com/litex-hub / Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/litex
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<_florent_> whitequark[cis]: sorry for the delay, I'm now also on matrix (FlorentKermarrec), thanks for your time on helping us for the bridge.
<whitequark[cis]> made you an admin of the room
<whitequark[cis]> admins can't demote each other so I will demote myself later once it's clear the room functions correctly
<_florent_> perfect, thanks!
<sensille> so without the vhdl code my design finally works with yosys. it still does not work with diamond, but the colorlite example also doesn't work with diamond
<sensille> which is still a mystery to me, because the diamond post-synthesis design works in synplify
<sensille> anyway, now i have to try the converter step for the vhdl, which i really wished to avoid, because it spills tons of errors
<sensille> s/synplify/modelsim
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<Mario1159> Hi, it's there a reason why the sky130a pdk in conda (https://anaconda.org/LiteX-Hub/open_pdks.sky130a/files) suddendly it's 10x bigger in size than before?
<sensille> great, ******* GHDL Bug occurred *******
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<josuah> sensille: not sure what could have been causing this in https://github.com/hdl/conda-eda/commits/master so maybe it is elsewhere
<josuah> wait... is anaconda keeping the package definition private?
<josuah> oh right, because it does not know where the "anaconda upload" command was run from, it has no idea of where the package source repo is
<josuah> and cannot link back to it
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