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Hi guys is kiss linux okay for development, im a uni student that needs to do java and junit. also hows pipewire and networkmanager?
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anyone here?
Guest88: if you can get java and junit working, sure. we dont use networkmanager here. either eiwd or wpa_supplicant. but youre free to package networkmanager for yourself if you like
ahh okie, i have to connect to eduroam so i usually usi nmtui but its it possible to do so using wpa_supplicant?
also on java has anyone here managed to get it working? i was hoping to learn to use emacs and program in java using it this semester haha
I suppose so? unless theres something really wierd about this network. eiwd/wpa_supplcant usually does the job just fine. and iirc, networkmanager doesnt work on its own
theres been some work on getting java working, but I have no idea if that actually faned out
theres probably more stuff lying around though
junit i have no idea
ahh my fear was that the oracle java tar was limited to systemd or something
no, I dont belive it is. alpine also has several java packages. to avoid having to figure out the headache, you could also just fetch alpines packages instead.. they also appear to have junit packaged
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funny enough i was just looking at alpine haha
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alpine is a decent choice if you want something smaller, with musl, but dont want the hassle of building. chimera is also a good option imo, but its a bit niche with their coreutils, seeing as they use freebsd's utils. using kiss, and just fetch some apks on the side is rather optimal if you ask me. keeps the system lean
i think for now i might go alpine and try kiss when semester ends, i need it to work so i dont give myself a reason to procrastinate by hacking at the system haha
i like the idea of kiss alot and would love to contribute when i finish my degree, last semester so after this ill have alot more time to hack away!
could always dualboot both. and when you have the time, see if you can figure out kiss when you have time. alpine also hosts tarballs, so you could also just use a chroot for things you dont wanna deal with on kiss
thanks for your advice
ill eventually be back here not as guest88, this distro is great and neds more love
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ftr one can also flatpak eclipse o rsome other java ide and use the jdk from there
not ideal but works
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im guessing he needed a way to code, and compile java code. im not guessing eclipse provide that sort of thing? :p
i mean, it does if that's what you mean
theres android-studio though. maybe flatpak can be used to code and build java
theres also netbeans and intellij aswell