phoebos changed the topic of #kisslinux to: Unofficial KISS Linux community channel | | post logs or else | song of the day
mcpcpc has joined #kisslinux
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midfavila has joined #kisslinux
<kris_> where were you when the internet was kil
<midfavila> at home on internet because government protect my internet so not kil
<midfavila> glorious socialist data pipes
<midfavila> property of people
dontmindmee has joined #kisslinux
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sewn has joined #kisslinux
<riteo> welp would you look at that
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<riteo> time to shut down the bouncer again
<sewn> byeee
<riteo> cya in a few days!
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fultilt has joined #kisslinux
<midfavila> this is a good summary of a lot of things that have been bouncing around in my head
<midfavila> i think you guys will appreciate it
<midfavila> invidious link
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