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<kris_> the woes of choosing an IRC client will continue
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<kris_> mostly self imposed by using soju
<midfavila> use ii
<midfavila> :3c
<midfavila> also wow i just checked my latest bill
<midfavila> for internet
<midfavila> 115gb on lte
<midfavila> 50$
<midfavila> literally like one of two good things about saskatchewan is the government isp
<midfavila> in theory i could use ~1.7tb on lte if i was using it full throttle every second of the month and it would still only be 50$ lol
<midfavila> at some point i need to get one of those openwrt routers and put a 4g modem in it
<midfavila> the uhhhh openwrt one
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<kris_> midfavila: nah i think i'll probably keep using weechat
<kris_> i'm just exploring for things that integrate better with soju
<kris_> halloy *absolutely* does but the UX is pretty awful
<kris_> kind of a shame the only client ive liked so far is weechat, might end up pushing me back to ZNC despite how much i despise ZNC
<kris_> yeah, back to weechat
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<sad_plan> kris_: catgirl :3
<sad_plan> midfavila: do you even use ii?
<sad_plan> never really got how one is supposed to use ii, but never really looked into it either. I see now that theres several frontends for it now. I knew there were some before aswell. suckless made their own now aswell
<sad_plan> although that is some time ago now really. damn 2022
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<kris_> well, *most* of my public stuff is running against musl now
<kris_> today has been a day just completely full of maintenance
<sad_plan> do you use so specific software that running it agsinst musl is outright challenging?
<kris_> generally not but i have a lot of containers and installs
<sad_plan> right
<kris_> so the "maintenance" is more just wiping and reinstalling and setting things up again
<kris_> really what held it off this long was just "stability testing" my build of musl on void, they're still running super patched 1.1.24
<kris_> ive been running 1.2.5 for a few weeks now with nothing to note though so figured it was time to migrate to void musl with my build
<sad_plan> right. getting docker to run on kiss has been attempted in the past iirc. it never made it into community :p
<kris_> you know, this may be the one place people won't be riled up by this, i *really* don't like docker
<sad_plan> mate, just run kiss already
<sad_plan> lol, perhaps. I dont belive anyone here really care much for docker tbqh
<kris_> i use incus for everything, just closer to VMs behaviorally
<kris_> (and doesnt fuck with my nftables rules nearly as dramatically)
<kris_> docker has outright broken my firewall many times
<kris_> >just run kiss already
<kris_> someday
<kris_> the only real issue i have with void is just that, musl is old, and since i'm on 64bit i can pretty much just update it with no breakage
<sad_plan> today is the day kris_
<kris_> on desktop i intend on it once i've gotten everything working
<kris_> my servers are staying on void though, i won't budge with that one
<sad_plan> youll just keep putting it off untill you actually made the switch. its easier to get things working when they dont work at all. because now you have to
<kris_> nah kiss is on my laptop right now as a testing ground
<sad_plan> this was a local server, right?
<sad_plan> nice
<kris_> hah no, it's for all of my public infra
<kris_> my local server will be running void musl until my next OCD episode probably
<sad_plan> ah, well, sometimes getting niche distros to work on vps' can be somewhat iffy, depending on the provider
<sad_plan> lol
<kris_> s/musl/glibc
<kris_> sad_plan yeah, i have to bootstrap from a tarball via hetzners rescue env
<kris_> since they refuse to provide a void iso
<sad_plan> right. I recall dilyn also had to do some bs to get kiss working on his vps. dont recall the provider on the top of my head
<sad_plan> do you have to include the kernel aswell in this case?
<kris_> given you're bootstrapping kiss anyway it wouldnt be too much of a pita from hetzners rescue env, it's pretty much just debian
<sad_plan> ah
<sad_plan> he used linode. he didnt even have to mess with the kernel actually
<kris_> and no, i just run with voids default kernel
<sad_plan> I see
<kris_> the script for this is here
<kris_> one thing i do need to change about this is that it forces LVM
<sad_plan> and im guessing you dont want lvm?
<kris_> it's not particularly useful, i don't swap on disk
<kris_> and even if i did, honestly, swapfiles >
<sad_plan> right
<sad_plan> im kinda curious as to how mcf got oasis to work on a server. and hell, even more so about 9front actually
<kris_> oasis is an interesting concept
<kris_> there are a few things i want to do to the kiss package manager that are adverse to "keeping it simple" before it becomes a daily driver
<kris_> primarily, a concept of build/runtime dependencies, and building inside of a chroot
<sad_plan> indeed it is. I kinda wanna port all the software I use to oasis' buildsystem, but im guessing id have a hard time bootstrapping afterwards. it would be fast though
<sad_plan> isolated build has been in the talks for quite some time now actually
<kris_> isolated builds are sweet
<kris_> voids solution is a little overkill but it's as cool as it is overkill
<kris_> they've *practically* created an entire container solution in order to build things in process/filesystem/etc isolation
<kris_> rootless
<sad_plan> how is kiss' concept of handling make/runtime deps not to your satisfactory? its as simple as it gets mostly
<sad_plan> neat
<sad_plan> not that I need it. but I suppose it can be benefitial
<kris_> it's not that it's a *problem*
<kris_> i would just rather keep the system as clean as possible, so i could remove things that are only needed during build after i'm done but i'd rather this just be an automated process
<kris_> hence a concept of build/runtime deps
<sad_plan> you could probably just write a hook for that
<kris_> potentially, i haven't experimented with that yet
<kris_> right now i still need to get sway to even work on my laptop
<kris_> i do have a number of things packaged, but elogind is being a thorn in my side, and unfortunately i do kinda need that
<kris_> it's honestly mostly just going back and reenabling things that were disabled in existing packages
<sad_plan> yep, thats usually how it goes
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<phinxy> pipewire from community doesn't build due to most/all meson configuration options aren't available, how come?
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<sad_plan> phinxy: sloppy updating I suppose. just bumped version, but didnt check the rest.
<midfavila> sad_plan yes, in the past
<sad_plan> I see. did you find it cumbersome to use? as opposed to a regular client
<midfavila> with mtm to split a terminal into output and input, tail to watch the output socket, and shell aliases to interact with input sockets, in a primitive form
<midfavila> not really tbh
<midfavila> i want to use ii with bitlbee and purple-plugins-purple in the future
<midfavila> nad probably a custom ux on top of ii
<sad_plan> why not switch now?
<midfavila> bc im busy trying to prep for the incoming economic implosion lol
<midfavila> more important unfortunately
<midfavila> but im spending a little time again on computer shit so i probably will, soon
<sad_plan> gotta get your priorities straight. linux should be #1. even before food. food dont matter aslong as you can use linoox
<kris_> kris can have a little linux?
<sad_plan> yes, but void gets tossed into the void
<kris_> nuh uh
<sad_plan> then only winblows for you
<midfavila> sad_plan true
<kris_> smh
<sad_plan> lol
<midfavila> i'm also fiddling with kiss on the uconsole again
<midfavila> i set up a vm in qemu to make sure there's as few issues as possible with the build
<kris_> i need to find a linux user group
<kris_> like irl
<midfavila> start one >:0
<kris_> there is one here but they always meet at like a wendys for some reason
* kris_ flirting with someone like "damn, void never breaks, perhaps i could fix you instead?"
<sad_plan> they cant improve if they dont know meeting at wendys is wrong
<midfavila> kris_ â€theyre probably exusively gentoo and arch users
<midfavila> exclusively
<midfavila> fucking phoneposting
<midfavila> but ye be glad it's not an arbys or something lol
<kris_> i would rather like a taco bell
<kris_> rival factions, one meets at a wendys and one meets at a taco bell
<midfavila> both lose bc of heart disease
<sad_plan> lol, i want you to try that punchline on a girl, and give me the feedback, because I have no faith in that working whats so ever
<sad_plan> taco bell is nice. just sad we dont got it here at all
<kris_> oh i have tried that
<kris_> it works on specific types of women
<sad_plan> fr?
<sad_plan> amazing
<kris_> i am so bored
<kris_> so bored infact that i'm unironically considering playing a game
<midfavila> lame
<midfavila> go recompile your setup
<midfavila> rn
<midfavila> as punishment for even thinking that
<kris_> me with 20 cores so i could totally do that AND game at the same time
<sad_plan> go complete elden ring without dying
<kris_> i love elden ring with the co-op mod
<sad_plan> sounds like cheating
<kris_> how
<sad_plan> co-op
<kris_> i only really like playing games with other people
<sad_plan> someone is helping you
<kris_> and fwiw health of mobs doubles
<kris_> like it scales with how many players there are
<sad_plan> i see. somewhat fair. can you be resurected?
<kris_> depends
<kris_> if you're mid boss fight and you die, you're dead until either your friend dies or the boss does
<kris_> and you spectate until then
<sad_plan> I see
<sad_plan> try kenshi
<kris_> here's the mod if ur curious
<sad_plan> enslave people, or be enslaved yourself, or maybe start a new faction and start a war, or steal someoens skin
<sad_plan> I have a fakepkg for my ps4 for elden ring, but havent really played more than maybe 20 minutes or somehing. Ive been meaning to play it, but been putting it off for other games
<kris_> will check out kenshi
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<kris_> i still prefer dark souls 2 over any other souls game
<kris_> elden ring is fun with friends though
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<sad_plan> I see. I only play singleplayer. I have no friends who play the same games as me, or if they do, I find its a hssle to play with others.
<sad_plan> got black ops 6 for christmas, only played the singleplayer :p
<kris_> yeah i feel you
<kris_> i havent been able to get anyone to get on cs2 or dayz recently
<kris_> i havent played a cod game in a long time, i miss modern warfare 2019
<sad_plan> I was going to say I havent played games with people online for years, but then I remembered I played lords of the fallen for 1 day online or somethin, because it was free that day. but besides that, its been a few years. lol
<kris_> i'm a ranked pvp junkie so outside of games that can fill that for me, i usually just don't play games
<sad_plan> I played all of them on ps4 last year iirc. it was fun. just the campaigh though. I tried to enudlge myself in the zombie mode, but I didnt really like it
<sad_plan> so all or nothing I see
<kris_> zombies is fun on pc via black ops 3
<sad_plan> not so fun alone
<kris_> custom maps are where most of the fun is at
<kris_> and yeah zombies is unfun solo
<sad_plan> perhaps. never used custom maps
<kris_> people make some wild stuff
<sad_plan> I remember playing spec-ops: the line in co-op. although I played it solo. which was wierd, but it worked just like the campaign, which was a win for me
<sad_plan> not supprised :p
<kris_> i feel like i remember spec ops
<sad_plan> its a 3rd person shooter in dubai iirc. its on xbox 360 atleast
<sad_plan> ah,its for linux aswell actually. ps3 and windows aswell
<kris_> id love to get an xbox 360
<sad_plan> I really liked that game, but I found it to be a bit too short.
<kris_> i have a handful of ps3s but it's not safe to play cod online on the ps3 anymore unfortunately
<kris_> all of the RCEs got patched on the 360
<sad_plan> you can just emulate it now really. I struggle to find a usecase for a 360 now really
<kris_> can you play online via an emu??
<sad_plan> didnt they close psn for ps3 a while back?
<kris_> nah the servers are still fairly active
<sad_plan> not sure. maybe via himachi or something?
<sad_plan> I see
<kris_> if you're cool with the risk of RCEs you can play cod on ps3
<kris_> i always get games in like 10 seconds, full lobbies
<kris_> the older games are also unfortunately unsafe on pc as well
<kris_> and activision shut down iw4x which was the only safe way to play the old mw2
<sad_plan> could just use private servers though. himachi is a great tool if youre just playing with friends anyway
<kris_> what i'm really curious about is if there's a way to make this less of a problem via custom firmware
<kris_> i kinda asked about this in a ps3 homebrew discord and had a bad experience, everyone there is just cheating on multiplayer games and playing with RCEs like it's normal
<kris_> generic skid community
<sad_plan> on ps3, its either cfw or online. cant do both. atleast last time I checked. they patched it
<kris_> nah you can cfw and online
<sad_plan> really<? thought they patched it a few years ago
<kris_> you just need a cfw compatible ps3, so a fat model or a few slim models and you're good to go with like, evilnat firmware
<sad_plan> I see
<ilt> speaking of good games, i can suggest jax & daxter trilogy
<ilt> since the game's engine was reversed engineered you can play them all on linux
<sad_plan> ilt: classic. havent really played them much myself though
<sad_plan> dope
<kris_> evilnat will also give you the ability to boot into linux if you want, there's official gentoo support for ps3s
<kris_> i kinda forgot about jax & daxter
<sad_plan> ilt did you also see that EA opensourced the c&c games aswell?
<ilt> hi all btw
<kris_> helo
<ilt> yep i've seen that
<ilt> good move
<ilt> unexpected
<sad_plan> indeed
<kris_> another game i forgot about is ratchet and clank
<kris_> those are such good games
<ilt> i remember playing daxter on psp when i was a kid
<ilt> i remember it was hard as hell, especially last levels
<sad_plan> ratchet and clank is actually continuing to make games. but I remember playing some of them when I was younger too. good games really
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<ilt> sadly naughty dog don't make great games anymore imho
<kris_> tbh i can't remember the last thing they made
<ilt> they did the last of us remaster or something
<kris_> oh right
<kris_> the remaster did not turn out well
<kris_> honestly i'm looking forward to the silent hill 2 remaster at some point but i really need a gpu upgrade before i can run that
<sad_plan> ive only played the remaster, and really enjoyd it. was going to replay it actualoly. maybe on my pc instead though.
<sad_plan> maybe theres some cool mods for me to try
<ilt> i wish they'd make a jak 1 remake
<kris_> the silent hill 2 remake is kinda goofy because you kinda need a mod to make it playable
<kris_> rather than streaming things in, they render the entire map always despite the fact that the game is heavily coated in fog and you can't see like anything
<kris_> said mod fixes this and gives like a +35% performance improvement and changes literally nothing from your POV
<ilt> who needs intergalactic the heretic crap if there are better games that just need a proper remake
<sad_plan> lol. Im always curious about their decisionmaking when thers an obvious designflaw somewhere. either in games, or vw making some engines be hardcoded to a cars VIN#
<kris_> idk how most of this stuff even gets released
<kris_> i'm definitely not paying for silent hill 2 though, being practically unable to get 60fps with a 6700xt is ridiculous
<kris_> @ 1440p in all fairness but still
<sad_plan> I have no clue. i would be mad as hell if I had one of those vw's, and my engine gets wrecked, and i have to guy a new from factory
<sad_plan> everything over 30fps is fine
<sad_plan> for me anyway
<kris_> i don't know where i place the line for playable
<kris_> depends on the game, the dead space remake is fine at like 120fps
<kris_> with motion blur to help with the fact that it's underperforming
<sad_plan> how is 120fps underperforing?
<kris_> i am *very* framerate sensitive, and have a 240hz monitor
<kris_> as long as it's consistent i can adjust to it but even 10fps fluctuations feel like hitting a brick wall to me
<sad_plan> ah, ive been running mine a 60hz for years now. untill recently, when I built my new desktop, i switched to 120hz. cant even tell the difference
<kris_> yeah it's interesting that some can't tell a difference
<sad_plan> old one couldnt even run 60hz.I could only get 59 or something. lol
<sad_plan> yep
<kris_> i'm nearing my limit personally
<kris_> my old monitor was 170hz, and moving to 240hz, the difference is very obvious but it's so small that i just don't really care
<sad_plan> I keep seeing people almost cry when games run on less than 60fps, even call them almost unplayable, whereas im here enjoying the fuck out of games on ~30fps
<kris_> what i'm really glad about personally is to finally have a glossy monitor, i hate matte coatings
<kris_> ruins clarity
<sad_plan> really. I always find those glossy ones to have too much reflections
<kris_> at the same time, qd-oled kinda sucks at 27" 1440p
<kris_> just a bad pixel layout for something that is so low density
<sad_plan> in more ideal conditions, perhaps i would agree, but I dont have ideal considions
<kris_> and yeah reflections can be an issue but i just have curtains
<kris_> and my light is positioned in a way that it isnt really an issue
<sad_plan> then i would be fine with a glossy one. I dont think I would specifically choose one though. im quite botherd by my tv being glossy, because of sunlight shining through the window. keep seeing my neighbours house on the tv
<kris_> i just hate blurriness
<kris_> anti aliasing blanket statement sucks and a lot of modern games force it
<kris_> matte coatings make this even worse
<kris_> i don't really get it, if i wanted to smear vaseline on my monitor i'd just do it and not have the performance penalty of AA
<sad_plan> lol
<kris_> i'm just too picky i think but yeah
<sad_plan> im quite unbotherd by a lot of things really. which might be a bit of a blessing
<sad_plan> seeing as how picky you are in comparission :p
<kris_> it's definitely a blessing, i have a bad habit of getting way too into everything i interact with
<kris_> previously audio, then monitors, and now keyboards
<kris_> audio is ezpz though, like 25 usd IEMs and a really cheap DAC and you're endgame
<sad_plan> I used to run some terribliy cheap earplugs instead. untill I got some decent speakers for my birthday last year iirc
<kris_> i don't think i've ever really tried out speakers for music
<kris_> somewhat objectively they should be the "best" medium though
<sad_plan> if you ever built or spent time listening to some really good ones. you cant really go back and still be content
* kris_ doesn't like a lot of sound stage
<sad_plan> I had some cerwin vega xsl215 a few years ago, and they blaster your ears of
<sad_plan> I see
<kris_> right now my daily drivers are the 7hz x crinacle zero:2
<sad_plan> right. and youre content with those?
<kris_> not really but i'm trying to just leave it be
<kris_> they're nearly perfect, i just wish they had more subbass
<kris_> and they don't respond well to EQ
<sad_plan> i see
<midfavila> re: dark souls ngl i kind of find it boring
<midfavila> especially 2
<midfavila> everyone bitches about how it's hard but it's literally just a normal video game
<midfavila> like go play ninja gaiden man
<midfavila> smdh
<midfavila> and 2 especially everything is just slow and clunky
<midfavila> admittedly when i first played i started as the deprived so that could be it
<sad_plan> its hard because its unforgiving. aswell as with lots of traps. once you get the hang of the controls, its not that hard really
<midfavila> it's not even unforgiving
<midfavila> maybe this is going to sound boomer but like
<sad_plan> I tried demon souls, and in comparisson to the other souls games, and lords of the fallen, it was super slow
<midfavila> if you're fighting a boss and you die you just get sent back to your spawn point
<midfavila> and get to try again
<midfavila> if you get a game over in older games you get sent all the way back to the start of the game
<sad_plan> well, yes, but you loose all your money
<midfavila> you can just grind lol
<sad_plan> well, yeah, older games were a pain like that
<midfavila> and yes i know eventually enemies stop spawning
<sad_plan> yeah, but it gets nerfed over time
<midfavila> but mnmhmnmhm
<midfavila> actually i found that out because i ended up wandering by accident into uhhh
<midfavila> whatever that area with the enormous statue dudes in DS2 is
<midfavila> as the deprived with just a dagger
<midfavila> ended up farming my way through said area until the first boss
<midfavila> then i gave up and went to the other areas lol
<midfavila> the forested area i think
<midfavila> with the skeletons
<sad_plan> I dont recall the names anymore. its beeen years since I playd ds2 now. been meaning to replay all of them though
<kris_> yeah i don't think dark souls 2 counts as a "hard game"
<midfavila> i've also heard ds2 is the worst one
<midfavila> i might try 3 or elden ring
<kris_> 3 is my least fav personally
<kris_> and yeah for some reason everyone shits on ds2
<kris_> imo no other games match its vibe
<midfavila> probably because ds2 is bad
<sad_plan> those kinds of games are only hard if you dont have the correct gear/cant handle the controls properly. when i was playing lords of the fallen last, I had a really Op weapon, and I just brew through the entire game
<midfavila> lol
<sad_plan> I liked ds2. atleast I think I did
<kris_> i dont think ds2 is bad at all
<midfavila> one thing that irked me is the invisible walls
<midfavila> there were a few areas in the forested section where you have to platform and i ended up trying to skip it bc it looked like i could clear a hill and instead i slammed into an invisible wall and fell to my death
<midfavila> it absolutely looked like i could have made the jump but no
<sad_plan> classic. youve been bamboozled
<midfavila> yeah ig that's why it's hard
<midfavila> smdh
<sad_plan> lol
<midfavila> reminds me that i want to do another run in ToME4
<sad_plan> theres several of these kinds of jumps, where you can *almost* got it, but you really cant, even how good of a timing you do. youre like 2 pixels away
<kris_> i hate how literally useless gamescope is
<kris_> i have to just launch over and over until it doesnt crash
<midfavila> gamescope?
<midfavila> is that some sort of memory monitor? sounds like it
<kris_> nested environment specifically for games
<midfavila> aah
<kris_> i use it to 4:3 stretch cs2
<sad_plan> yeah, ive been trying to use gamescope too, but each time lutris doesnt exit properly afterwards
<kris_> its literally just launch over and over until it actually launches
<sad_plan> or just doesnt work at all
<midfavila> tfw loonix
<kris_> its just average valveware
<kris_> i would love to play some dark souls 2 now though that we're talking about it
<kris_> one of my favorite games ever, the vibe cannot be matched
<kris_> i like the base game more than scholar of the first sin though
<midfavila> SotFS is the version i have
<kris_> scholar fucked up the mob placement really badly
<kris_> like i really just dont like it
* midfavila bigshrugs
<midfavila> man you know what now i want to play metal gear solid five of all games
<midfavila> it's been ages since i last played it
<kris_> ive never tried a mgs game
<kris_> ive heard good things though