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<midfavila> gcc finally finished
<midfavila> ...with an error
<midfavila> following LFS exactly in the vm
<midfavila> :|
<midfavila> "cannot compute suffix of object files: cannot compile"
<midfavila> checked stackoverflow et al, nothing helpful
<midfavila> guh i hate dealing with gcc so much, it's always a massive pain to build
<midfavila> one thing i fucking love to see when doing any sort of research online is "just use your distro package lol" as if that's always an option or even desirable when it is
<midfavila> >.>
<ukky> midfavila: are you building cross-gcc when you have 'suffix' error? Does 'suffix' error happen when you compile libc?
<midfavila> yeah i'm building a stage one cross compiler on a riscv64-linux-gnu host right now and i'm getting that error
<midfavila> i haven't tried building musl yet
<midfavila> i'll give it a shot
<midfavila> no, there's no issues building musl
<midfavila> i'm using the official core repo to guide these builds fwiw and this is basically a stock debian, so there's nothing weird environment wise
<ukky> Do you define 'AS=as' via environment when you build cross-binutils?
<midfavila> no, i didn't bother. i usually follow LFS when building cross tools and i've never had to define AS before
<ukky> Which program do you compile that triggers 'cannot compute suffix of object files'? You should check 'config.log' in build directory.
<midfavila> gcc 14.2.0, specifically during the libgcc stretch. i've checked the config.log previously and didn't find much that was useful but i'll give it another once over after this latest build attempt is done
<ukky> Search for "checking for suffix of object files" config.log, there should be error message below that line and the reason why the test failed.
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<Vova> Hi
<Vova> Is there anybody working on a test suite for kiss ?
<sewn> nop
<Vova> I'm down to do it but I don't even know how and where to start lol
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<sewn> Vova: package
<sewn> manifest
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<riteo> midfavila: sorry for the timeout yesterday, I read your answer though
<sad_plan> couldve sworn ehawk started on some sort of test suit a while back, but maybe I recall incorrectly
<phoebos> kiss.el has some tests
<phoebos> bliss has a few tests ( but I haven't done much with that
<phoebos> but these are implementation-specific
<sad_plan> maybe thats where ive thought about it. it has at the very lest been mentioned a few times
<sad_plan> i see
<sad_plan> also, what do we even want in a testsuite anyway?
<sad_plan> test kiss' functions?
<phoebos> something to catch unexpected changes
<phoebos> but yes, it's difficult to decide whether to test using the interface (sh /bin/kiss ...) or to source the functions and test them individually
<sewn> to allow kiss implementations to be tested
<phoebos> ^ but for this there would need to be a standard interface
<sewn> and there is a draft i believe
<sewn> but not sure about the cli part
<sad_plan> yeah, ehawk made a *standard* a while back.
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<midfavila> this *NEVER* happens!!!
<riteo> uh
<riteo> I have no idea how to interpret this
<midfavila> on the one hand carney is a twat
<riteo> I swear the word "liberal" lost all meaning to me. I'm not even sure they mean the same thing in my language
<midfavila> on the other hand poillievre is a proper shithead
<midfavila> liberal in the actual sense
<midfavila> like small government personal liberties private property
<midfavila> i don't *like* the liberals but considering the tories are running on cutting industrial carbon taxes now and on gutting the CBC and other public institutions I would take the liberals any day
<riteo> I see
<midfavila> not to mention the tories bend over for the americans at the slightest request
<midfavila> but like
<midfavila> ignoring personal politics
<midfavila> this is legitimately insane
<midfavila> just two months ago we were talking about the liberals losing official party status in the house
<midfavila> and potentially an extinction-level event
<riteo> that's good I think
<midfavila> with the tories sleepwalking into an unprecedented supermajority
<riteo> the fact that we got liberals to be the "good guys" is pretty depressing tbh
<midfavila> and now they've somehow flipped everything on its head
<midfavila> yes i agree
<riteo> like, the tories just want to ruin the world apparently
<riteo> openly
<midfavila> well no the difference is that at least here the tories recognise the contradictions in our system and want to lean into them
<midfavila> the liberals have deluded themselves into thinking that just because they don't persecute minorities as hard and sometimes they pass not terrible policies for regular people they're the good guys
<riteo> I mean, liberals at least believe in something with "good" intentions and all the damage they do is somewhat indirect
<midfavila> when in reality they just fuck things up less quickly
<riteo> yeah something along those lines
<midfavila> yeah
<riteo> but the tories are like "fuck everybody"
<midfavila> i think it was malcolm x who said something to the effect of tories at least being honest
<midfavila> whereas liberals act like your friend
<midfavila> and so it's actually preferable to deal with tories because you can actually point at them and just say "fuck these guys"
<midfavila> instead of getting into the weeds dismantling liberalism
<riteo> uh I've never seen it from this PoV
<midfavila> this was in the context of the american civil rights movement but liberals v tories applies in a broader class-based context too
<riteo> that makes a damn lot of sense
<riteo> I always thought that the damage done by liberals was way more indirect
<midfavila> the tories only have the absolute thinnest veneer of pushing for the working class, and even then only when they absolutely have to
<midfavila> it's not
<midfavila> the difference is that liberals, like, dyed in the wool
<midfavila> actually believe they're the good guys
<midfavila> they actually think the current system is helping people
<midfavila> tories know that the current system is fucked but don't care because they think that that's perfectly natural and therefore good
<midfavila> and so double down on it
<riteo> yea
<midfavila> the reality is that they're both enemies of the working class
<riteo> oh yeah obv
<riteo> but that's what is so concerning about conservatives in general to me
<riteo> the fact that they do not believe to be the good guys, not as much as other ideologies at least, is concerning
<midfavila> the thing is that it's not that they don't see themselves as good, it's that they think the contradictions in the system *are* good
<midfavila> and that by upholding them and reinforcing them, they're doing good by enforcing "natural" hierarchies
<midfavila> what liberals consider unfortunate market failures, conservatives consider the natural order
<midfavila> in my opinion that's why they sometimes get into conflict
<riteo> that makes a lot of sense
<riteo> also sounds a crapton like textbook fascism
<riteo> which checks out
<midfavila> for example, when women were allowed into the workforce broadly in the post-ww2 period, it was hailed as a great leap forward for social progress (which it is), but to the liberal, it has the side benefit of being good for business by suddenly doubling the pool of labour, thereby driving down the price of labour because supply and demand
<midfavila> meaning you can get twice the labour for the same price, increasing profit
<midfavila> and if the women want something else, something something, start a business, something something
<midfavila> conservatives meanwhile preferred the traditional role of male breadwinner and the power it gave them over women and children and because it offended their conception of masculinity and what that entails they pushed back on it
<midfavila> in reality, the current situation is just as fucked because it doesn't offer the working class broadly any more freedom
<midfavila> you've not given women *or* men any more choices in the working class because with the depressive effect on wages such changes had in absence of government regulation you force women into the work force
<midfavila> you don't have any option but to have a dual income household any more even if people want to raise kids or whatever
<midfavila> this is part of what's causing the demographic crisis in so called western countries right now
<midfavila> and why there's mass immigration
<midfavila> because if your labouring class isn't reproducing as a result of liberals dismantling the constructed norm of the nuclear family in pursuit of higher profit, you eventually run out of cheap labour to exploit, which cuts down profits
<midfavila> so to both keep the government, which serves capital, and capital itself alive, you have to import labour
<midfavila> which depresses wages even further because immigrant workers don't have as strong of a bargaining position owing to their visas usually being tied to their employer
<midfavila> meaning wages fall even further and prices rise even higher as more demand is introduced
<midfavila> (this is where debt comes into play as a tool for maintaining profit while wages stagnate, while also debt-bonding workers to employers and weakening bargaining power even further, but that's a separate topic)
<midfavila> but yeah because people are too exhausted and tired from busting their asses 24/7 to dig into this shit they just see people coming in from overseas and blame them for the problem
<midfavila> which employers and the government (which again serves capital under a capitalist system) lean into to even further degrade labour's bargaining power
<midfavila> because if you can divide the working class along lines of sex, gender, race, religion, creed, origin, etc etc etc, they can't unite to force their demands on capital
<midfavila> sorry i kind of went off there for a second
* midfavila dies
<midfavila> double sorry to everyone else in #kisslinux who doesn't care about this stuff
<riteo> no worries mid I'm a dumbie dumb anything you say is new to me
<riteo> I'm like, actively learning
<riteo> me like
<riteo> giv moar thx
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