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<asimov> hi guys
<asimov> someone have a solution for mouting mtp devices in alpine?
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<kris_> asimov gvfs-mtp ?
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<asimov> is that for gnome?
<asimov> i read about it and i think it is
<kris_> it's not really "for" anything, it's for gvfs based file managers primarily
<kris_> so things like thunar, nemo, nautilus, basically everything that isnt dolphin
<asimov> i just need something simple and that works in cli
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<asimov> hi guys
<asimov> riteo: are you using mdev or udev?
<asimov> i still trying to figure out why my pipewire don't work on kiss for screencasting but works on alpine
<asimov> and the unique big difference is the device manager
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<sewn> lol
<kris_> is lol a person with their hands up
<kris_> asimov portals are working right?
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<asimov> kris_: kinda
<asimov> the problem is in pipewire core
<asimov> portal-wlr says that
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<asimov> kris_: can you test this repo by sewn
<asimov> if it works for you
<sewn> hey what no
<asimov> community is outdated
<sewn> oh nvm my
<sewn> my pr to update portals isnt even merged
<sewn> and hasnt been for 3 months
<sewn> and testuser isnt here
<sewn> ffs
<sewn> my PR is also probably out of date fyi
<sewn> also kris_, asimov just has a bunch of unsolvable and seemingly undebuggable issues
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<sewn> it works for everyone else but kiss doesnt like asimov for some reason:(
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<asimov> yeah kinda
<asimov> i just dont know how this shit works in every other distro but not in kiss
<asimov> but maybe i getting something wrong or forgetting something
<kris_> hey, i mean, that is part of the fun
<kris_> probably just some build flag set and/or not set somewhere
<asimov> nah
<asimov> i think is more deeper
<midfavila> nah it's definitely not part of the fun lol
<asimov> or people here just are building too much things other than repo or community
<midfavila> one of the things i don't miss about kiss is staying up until 0400 trying to troubleshoot obscure errors nobody else has ever had
<kris_> yeah that's why i'm still running void
<kris_> it's fun until you need to get something done
<asimov> i think its fun
<midfavila> i keep meaning to work on my distro more but things keep popping up and giving me an excuse to not
<asimov> but not in this case lol
<midfavila> well it's not that it's not good to do actually stuff
<midfavila> i used kiss all throughout college
<midfavila> it's just setting it up in the first place that sucks
<asimov> i think setting up just the best part
<midfavila> once you have a stable system that runs just the way you like, there's not much else that compares
<asimov> the problem is these errors
<midfavila> but actually getting to that point is a pain
<midfavila> idk maybe i care too much about stuff lol
<asimov> alpine for me is good but this dev packages shit are not good
<kris_> >care too much
<midfavila> i get super stressed out if i even have like, harfbuzz on my machine
<kris_> we all do, thats why we're here
<asimov> need thousand of dev dependencies just to build dwl and customize
<kris_> i get stressed out by some things as well
<kris_> my last OCD episode was pretty bad and that was most of it though
<kris_> all is well now
<midfavila> yeah kiss is the ocd distro i think
<midfavila> for better or worse
<midfavila> semi-related
<asimov> well
<midfavila> i'm thinking i might get back into programming again and one of the projects on the table is patching links2 to use libtls
<asimov> i think i will wait for glaucus get better
<midfavila> would any of you care to help review possible patches?
<kris_> honestly the main thing that trips me out now is using glibc, i fucking hate glibc
<asimov> or make my on distro in the time
<midfavila> use musl
<midfavila> :3
<kris_> but i'm fine on desktop for that now because i just compiled newer musl on void
<midfavila> with musl-compat
<kris_> since they're still on 1.1.24
<asimov> maybe work in my own distro than kiss will give me better results
<midfavila> the only thing i want to use that can't work with musl is cde
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<kris_> asimov i dont think the two concepts are different
<midfavila> but like, it's cde, so go fucking figure. needs more work
<asimov> midfavila patchs of what?
<kris_> the only thing kiss gives you really is the package manager
<kris_> and some reference build scripts
<midfavila> asimov i'm going to try and patch the links2 web browser to use libtls
<midfavila> so that you can build it without libre/openssl
<kris_> i reference primarily alpine build scripts when trying to get shit working on kiss
<kris_> right now the main issue for me is elogind
<midfavila> afaik links is the only software i use that demands libressl
<midfavila> so if i can just patch it then i can replace libre with bearssl
<midfavila> but man could you imagine cde on kiss
<midfavila> that would be hot
<midfavila> nscde is good but it's not the same
<asimov> kris_: why need elogind?
<kris_> some things i use just need it
<kris_> i'm not happy about it but that's how it is
<asimov> yeah
<kris_> i use a handful of things from the systemd project, most notably their efistub and ukify
<asimov> i just need portals to work too
<kris_> until i write a replacement for ukify
* midfavila puts a watergun to kris_'s head
<asimov> the rest i can deal later with packaging or flatpak
<midfavila> do you feel lucky punk
<kris_> :3
<midfavila> must, comin' in here with your loginds
<midfavila> i bet you use pulse audio or pipewire too
<kris_> i use the shit out of pipewire because i use the shit out of wayland
<kris_> pulse is ass though
<asimov> i just need pipewire for bluetooth things
<midfavila> i maintain that alsa is perfectly fine
<asimov> and portals
* midfavila sips
<asimov> but just one works lol
<midfavila> alsa's docs suck though
<kris_> midfavila pipewire also handles video on wayland
<midfavila> >pipewire
<kris_> you need it for screen capture
<midfavila> >handles video
<midfavila> what
<midfavila> the fuck
<kris_> yeah its wild
<midfavila> why
<kris_> but thats how it is
<midfavila> that's why i'm sticking with X
<kris_> i need muh monitors to work
<asimov> kris_ are you in kiss or void right now?
<kris_> void, i don't have kiss on anything atm
<kris_> void is basically my debian
<kris_> ol' reliable
<kris_> except i hate that comparison because it's not nearly as unstable or bloated or full of shit packaging
<midfavila> yeah idk why debian is considered "old reliable"
<midfavila> every time i've used it, it's been a pain in my ass
<midfavila> *consistently*
<kris_> more accurately it's my slackware
<kris_> yeah debian is a massive pita
<midfavila> i mean maybe debian was great back when its main competition was like
<midfavila> yggdrasil gnu/x/linux
<midfavila> or like
<midfavila> those linux distros that sat on top of dos
<midfavila> but now?
<midfavila> ehh
<kris_> for what it's worth i'm not using gnome at the moment
<asimov> and you midfavila?
<kris_> which is an incredibly rare thing for me
<asimov> what distro are you using?
<midfavila> slackware because i'm lazy
<midfavila> :3
<kris_> slackware just doesnt make much sense to me
<midfavila> slackware is gomfy
<kris_> it's only minimal in the package manager department
<kris_> to the point of being annoying to use
<midfavila> well yeah that's why i'm working on my own distro
<midfavila> bc it does include a crapload of stuff
<midfavila> but fundamentally slackware is comfy
<midfavila> if you're super picky you can always install a subset of the standard packages
<kris_> void is just a really good base for me to kind of turn into something else
<kris_> i don't use any of their "defaults" really
<asimov> slack is hard dependent of something? like core utils or libc
<kris_> they only ship glibc
<kris_> and im pretty sure only gnu coreutils but coreutils are usually easy to swap
<midfavila> yeah they use glibc and gnu utils
* kris_ kinda likes gnu utils
<kris_> dont get me wrong they're complete shit but everything else kinda is too
<kris_> im curious about chimeras port of freebsd utils
<midfavila> fair
<midfavila> suckless utils are great except for when they completely break lol
<thomas_adam> What about some of these language-specific rewrites of gnu-utils like the Rust one?
<kris_> id be fine with that situationally
<kris_> gnu coreutils are fine usage wise the code just sucks
<midfavila> idk rust entryism still bothers me personally...
<midfavila> but i haven't kept up with that in recent years
<kris_> nothing has changed
<kris_> but i'm a golang shill as opposed to a C shill so
<thomas_adam> Right... slap a coroutine around something and call it done.
<thomas_adam> ;)
<thomas_adam> libmill is good for that in C.
<kris_> i just rarely have an excuse to use something that isn't shell honestly
<kris_> rarely == basically never
<kris_> my day is going abundantly well so far, i woke up and immediately fell down the stairs
<thomas_adam> Good Heavens. Are you OK?
<kris_> yeah this is like a weekly thing for me
<thomas_adam> Oh, that doesn't sound pleasant at all.
<kris_> efficiency, it takes longer to walk down compared to fall down
<thomas_adam> Sure, joking aside, I presume there's a reason for this though.
<kris_> yeah the stairs are a hazard
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<sewn> midfavila: pipewire isnt sound only
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