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<kris_> finally back on musl
<kris_> still on void, but i ended up just updating from 1.1.24 to 1.2.5 myself
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<sad_plan> kris_: get your shit together and just install kiss already on all your hardware
<sad_plan> and/or oasis C:
<kris_> what oasis
<kris_> and yeah installing kiss on my desktop is the plan *eventually* but it's a lot of effort obviously
<sad_plan> the greatest ever
<kris_> this is potentially the strangest thing ive ever seen
<sad_plan> no its not. just fetch the tarball, build the neccessary software, configure the kernel, build all other software you want, only to realize noone packagaed it :p
<kris_> that isn't a negative comment
<sad_plan> really? :P
<kris_> >velox instead of xorg
<kris_> wtf is velox
<sad_plan> its really fast. I can build the entier OS in ~5 minutes. minus the compiler and kernel that is
<sad_plan> velox is a wayland compisotr
<sad_plan> its mostly like dwm
<kris_> (derogatory)
<sad_plan> its based on swc instead of wlroots. much simpler
<kris_> ill have to look into that
<kris_> it would be nice if wlrs portal supported single window capture
<kris_> btw interesting observation that has been reproducible for me for years, a lot of my games run *substantially* better on musl
<kris_> the thing is, this makes no sense
<kris_> obviously i'm using flatpak steam, which means these games are still using glibc
<riteo> kris_: IIRC single window capture is planned
<kris_> for wlr? it's been "planned" for years
<kris_> i believe there are plans to just do it with pipewire instead to compensate for things like wlr
<sad_plan> not sure if that works in velox though. velox is pretty simple. even firefox doesnt work, because of some shit firefox needs. dont recall what it was.
<kris_> velox hasnt been updated in years seemingly, as with swc
<sad_plan> also velox isnt the fastest, so for gaming, unless its some retro stuff, velox is probably going to throttle the performance. so youd need to fetch xorg, or a wlroots compositor
<sad_plan> velox is feature complete afaik in mcfs eyes.
<kris_> i'm satisfied enough with sway, the single window capture is the only issue i really have with it
<sad_plan> its only one guy though aswell
<kris_> the other issue would be the fact that i can't change border sizes for title bars/tabs
<kris_> so it looks a little odd
<sad_plan> sway should work. nothing stopping you from not building the graphical stack on oasis in any case.
<sad_plan> wierd
<sad_plan> hoh, and also, oasis has a goal to be buildable with cproc. a much simpler C compiler, written in C99
<sad_plan> s/hoh/oh/
<sad_plan> its less than 10kloc
<kris_> see what i mean by weird
<kris_> like my borders are kinda thick
<kris_> sad_plan yeah oasis seems neat but honestly the same issue exists there as does with kiss
<kris_> i'm slowly working on it, right now i'm getting filtered by getting a functional build of elogind
<sad_plan> I see. I would rather have no bar or titlebar though :p
<sad_plan> I get that
<kris_> titlebar for windows only exists when i have tabbed windows
<kris_> the bar is useless though you're right
<kris_> i just think it's pretty
<riteo> kris_: re planned: well things are definitely moving
<riteo> the latest milestone was image capture source
<riteo> I think not much is left really
<kris_> patiently waiting
<kris_> sway is absolutely my jam though, perfectly fits what i want
<riteo> yes indeed
<sad_plan> can you make them invisible regardless though? like you can if you patch tabbed
<kris_> i have no idea, i just discovered tabs like 2 days ago despite using sway for years
<kris_> i figure i might just do a build of sway that adds what i want, i3 turned down that feature
<kris_> i do find it kinda odd that sway is only really willing to follow what i3 does
<sad_plan> isnt sway=i3? isnt that the idea? that they should be a dropin replacement
<kris_> yeah
<kris_> which is also why a lot of people view sway as a reference implementation as opposed to a legitimate daily driver
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<sad_plan> right
<kris_> a lot of people mostly meaning ricers given on i3 you could do a *lot* with something like picom that you can't do with just a wayland comp
<kris_> ofc swayfx does exist but i prefer to keep with upstream with this as opposed to run outdated sway + some eyecandy patches
<sad_plan> itll probably get there eventually. theres stuf to work around, because of the way wayland is built
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<sad_plan> I look forward to more simple compositors like we have on X though
<kris_> i do wish X wasnt so.... bad
<kris_> i'd probably be running xmonad
<sewn> kris_: arcan :3
<sewn> X isn't inherently bad its just really old
<kris_> it just depends on what hardware you have, since i'm mixing refresh rates and want things like hdr and freesync with more than 1 monitor it's a nightmare
<riteo> yeah X just got a crapton of layers built on top
<kris_> there are some shitty workarounds for mixed refresh rates but all of them cause screen tearing
<riteo> it's really just built for a wildly different way of computing
<riteo> in fact most of wayland's developers come from X11
<kris_> yeah, different meaning when terminals were actual terminals
<sad_plan> sewn: can you even get things working on arcan? iirc, they got some X layer for compability
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<kris_> yeah, i'm genuinely confused- my gpu is now consuming its full TDP in counterstrike 2 as opposed to ~15w shy of that and my fps is up a lot
<kris_> genuinely the only difference is glibc -> musl, i don't understand what's going on with that given the game is still using glibc
<kris_> at some point i'm going to have to collect some actual numbers on this
<sad_plan> maybe its native vs non-native? having a translation layer inbetween might thwart performance to a certain degree
<sad_plan> nvidia should also run faster on X, but I havent tested that myself
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<kris_> it's still native
<kris_> theoretically the environment the game is running in is identical since i'm comparing flatpak steam to flatpak steam
<kris_> the legitimate only difference is the libc the host is using
<sad_plan> maybe theres a difference in how things are built? whats included/not included, aswell as compiler flags. is the difference huge?
<riteo> the host is running musl yeah, but the flatpak is running glibc