except for some of the really wonky ones
like maybe don't play metal gear solid ghost babel
or uh
the deckbuilding games
but the main series (MG1, MG2, MGS1, MGS2, MGS3, MGS4, MGS5: GZ, MGS5: TPP, MGS: PW) are all really solid
if you're going to play in chronological order i would suggest MGS3, MGS: PW, MGS5: GZ, MGS5: TPP, MG1, MG2, MGS1, MGS2, MGS4
and then revengeance
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the only mgs game I would avoid is the latest one. the metal gear survive. it recieved awefull reviews, and I didnt like it. Ive played several of the other games, but dont belive Ive played all of them
I enjoyed them. so im with midfavila here
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Hello! I'm a new package maintainer :)
phoebos told me to join here, it seems a pretty different kind of application
old style forums
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looks normal to me
afaik, irc has been the same for years
i used to use discord and reddit, so it's pretty new for me
im 19yo
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I'm having some trouble running bunx and npx on KISS because it seems they run the next parameter as commands and the next param I gotta give it to create a SvelteKit project is 'sv', which conflicts with the runit cli
as npx also does that issuing bunx is probably not an option.
but I can't think about a way to solve it
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I'm back! Once again!
hi mid!
sorry I missed the message
going... going.
"personal stuff" is stuck, can't say further, but that definitely got my motivation to study down to zero
still not have done a single exam and I really should. I mean, I could definitely ace the basic informatics one but I'd have to at least do either calculus I or physics fundamentals I
but at least I have funny wayland experiment giving me some purpose
it seems nobody has ever done what I'm doing in regards to process embedding on wayland and that means exciting new stuff which again, makes me forget about reality for a bit
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yeah i feel that
it's tough to focus on abstract stuff when you have more pressing things happening
sorry if somebody explained about the bunx issue, for some reason I was offline here
EliSoli: https://kisslinux.github.io/wiki/service-management if youre unsure about how services are treated. sv will simply run the script for you, so if you need any variables, flags whatever, just put them in the script, and it should work
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I just discoverd that c89 doesnt complain if main's return type is specified. I didnt know that. Im reading the k&r book again, to get back up on C, and I cant say ive seen that earlier
sad_plan that's not the case. The issue is that `bunx/npx sv create my-app` instead of giving me a prompt to crate a sveltekit project executes sv (runit)
i really should run through knr again
there's a lot of things i should do bwah
midfavila: ditto
i gotta restart studying PDP11 ugh
EliSoli: bunx/npx have their own /usr/bin/sv?
can't focus
sewn: yes, the C programming book
midfavola: write thek down :3p
when u have the list written you will do tjem
ah, so when you run sv, which is currently owned by busybox, you get an unexpected resault. assuming youve built with kiss?
sewn lol no
i used to have an entire study plan
I just wanted to suggest :(
ok fine hmph you can just NOT do them
the reality is that working full time and running a household by yourself is a lot of work as is.
ya ik that why I suggested write it down
you dknr ayve to do it on the spot
but it acts as a reminder
sad_plan yes. bunx/npx shouldn't be running /usr/bin/sv, they should be running the install npm module called sv
i have maybe a couple dozen hours a week to split between professional development and making sure i'm taking care of myself
* midfavila
sad_plan I've issued oven-sh/bun, but no responses so far
i've been having way many issues on KISS. Not even ALGOL 68 Genie compiles correctly...
EliSoli: change ownership temporarly? kiss a npx /usr/bin/sv. youd need to change this back though, else services wont run on boot. you could also change the name for npx's sv here
I'll try renaming /usr/bin/sv at first
npx's sv isn't a binary, idk how it manages to locate it bth
if you run `kiss a` you can list alternatives. if its there, you can change it. just remember to change it back afterwards
yeah renaming /usr/bin/sv give me access to the prompt.
but I still have some undefined issue when running the project
but I already issued that on over-sh/bun
looks like fun.
not fun. The file exists and is accessible... there's no reason for an error
i was sarcastic, but ok. the program cant find the file then. its looking in the wrong place. maybe a variable or flag can be used?
;-; i have issues to understand sarcasm sorry
well, as it's showing it's looking for the file at `/home/eli/my-app/vite.config.ts` and that's an absolute path, and that's the right path, I don't see what could be done
it doesnt always come across so good in text, so no worries :p
are you sure the file exists? maybe its looking for some kind of property in the file? like executable flags. Im not using npm at all, and I dont belive a lot of people here do either. its usually C, or posix sh
I dont, sorry. im in the middle of something else :p
probably not file flags as it works just fine on Gentoo :)
ofc, not tryna be a help vampire
thinking about rewriting the whole project in asm
why not C?
C optimizations create issues
just kidding, this is a web application, recreating it in asm or c would be a pain in the as
not trying to be unhelpfull, I have finally gotten some traction on C, so to avoid steering too much away from that.
what about go? go is supposedly somewhat easy to use
I just want to keep the codebase as simple as possible and going not only to another framework but another language is kind of a mess for the moment
I'll just keep trying to contact bun or npx for the moment while i keep developing this on my laptop (Gentoo)
but that's a good idea tho. Maybe in the future
while we hate on all other langauges besides C and posix sh, languages are just tools. choose the right tool for the job. the right tool is also half the job C:
btw, how do you remove orphan dependencies on KISS?
just `kiss r` passing the ones you don't use from `kiss orphans`?
`kiss o` to list as, then `kiss r foo`. thats it
`kiss r` is the way to remove packages generally. if you wanna force remove a package, which isnt an orphan, you gotta use KISS_FORCE
this also affects building. means you can build a package even though dependencies is missing
theres more docs on this on offical site, aswell as kisscommunity.org