just checked out this little notes application, `nb`, on github
has lots of neat features bu
it's fuckn
a ~27k sloc bash script
absolutely wild
unix-notes is ~600 in posix
27k sloc of bash is 10/10
it's great
i'm going through my list of software to check out, finally, and there are some real gems
but also some real stinkers
i love it when my "minimalist" software is written in three different languages, demands ten separate libraries, and only compiles with gcc
and has like 50k lines of code
great stuff
now i'm looking for some tools for plaintext accounting and exact same situation
i'll probably just go back to doing it all in a spreadsheet
nb has web functionality?
with like three different browsers at least
i was honestly more wondering why it has web func
i'll have to look into what this is, a bash notes app would be nice since i'm mostly cli now
i had planned on just making one though
honestly hooking in a simple web browser like w3m or links2 is a good idea imho
because it lets you piggyback off basic html
so you can essentially have a personal wiki
ahhh i see, this is 27k sloc because it's a site generator
among other things
check out unix-notes
but yeah my eventual goal is to have all of my software chosen and tweaked and set up just right, *once*, and then just dump an exact copy of my system on all my devices
sync all my docs and stuff under /home across everything
nixos/gnu guix:
yeah but those are cringe
i know they're cringe
i have to be a contrarian
also i doubt either of them would fit on my reform
it's running off of like an 8gb emmc chip
even debian is kind of phat for it
debian is bloated af
nobody can change my mind
i'm glad ubuntu is jumping ship to uutils from gnu coreutils
regardless of what your take on rust may be, it's better
>rust rewrite
into the trash it goes
yes but some of the utils are like 6x faster lol
not to mention it's less dogshit quality code
by far
i literally could not give less of a shit if my `find` implementation is 20x faster
higher quality though :/
* midfavila
good enough for google
>look inside
yeah some of it is dogshit
i'm mostly poking at you
i really don't like that they use libXft
for some of their stuff
i'll take uutils over gnu coreutils but i don't really feel pressed to switch coreutil impls
you can pry my barely functional sbase and ubase forks from my cold dead hands
i mean i *could* just swap to busybox right now if i felt like it but i really don't like having to have two coreutil impls
i really should get back to work on my custom userland toh
but a i have so much other stuff i need to work on first
like figuring out how to get wiringpi or similar to work on my uconsole since upstream doesn't fucking provide source code
and that's the only way i can get the 4g modem to run
idk i'm pretty cool with the setup ive been using
void + my build of musl + tinyramfs to replace dracut because ick + uki to boot so i can properly secure my boot chain
so still just gnu coreutils
hey sorry unrelated but do you (or anyone else) know of like, a networking equivalet to `pass`
i swear to god i came across something like that a while ago
like, a password manager like pass but networked?
gopass comes to mind
nah like a network manager with the same philosophy
i guess
i just use dhcpcd
plus iproute commands
and wpa_cli if i need to deal with wifi networks
normally i do something similar but punching in like five commands to connect to a wireless network on my uconsole isn't something i'm huge on
if wpa_supplicant isnt too bloated for you, wpa_cli should be part of it
as much as i prefer a physical keeb i'd still like to avoid typing on a thumb board
yeah i do use it
it's less of a pain than iwd
it should stick
if you save the fig
i could just be misremembering something
* midfavila
unless you're connecting to multiple networks in which case im not sure
networkmanager + nmtui is unironically probably the route id take in that case lol
networkmanager stinks ik but it's pretty simple usage wise
if i have to i'll write a little TUI using smenu or similar on top of ifconfig wpa etc
do it
hell i'd use it, i'm about to pick up a thinkpad t480
* midfavila
i want to learn more about curses programming in the future
still the best laptop ever made imo
* midfavila
coughs in mnt reform
i just use dialog
dialog is a pain in the ass
but it's powerful and not too bloaty
i would rather it be less of a PITA
that's what i use for my void installer, i experimented with whiptail for a little bit and hated it
yeah whiptail is meh
dialog isnt that complex once you figure out what you can and cant do
and how to solve certain stupid ass issues
honestly if i sit down and experiment with dialog and i can get some functions to wrap it i'll probably enjoy it more
like for one of my menus i'm piping in a zero width unicode char to fill in gaps
i intend to fiddle with text stuff a lot more since the r01 doesn't have graphical acceleration and so it gets dumped onto the uh
1ghz riscv processor
with everything els
god i need to replace the switches on this keyboard
i'll check that out though
i guess i should tell you about what i've been meaning to check out for curses more broadly
i have a copy of goodheart's "unix curses explained" and from what little i've peeked at thus far it seems phenomenal
you can check out a digital copy on the internet archive for free but it's not hard to find second hand
really straight-forward. same sort of feeling as TUPE or K&R
also it only covers standard curses afaik so no need to worry about picking up bad habits from ncurse
holy shit
i swear once i get a pinecil and some spare kalih switches these browns are gone
i havent found an excuse to use my pinecil yet
i use my pinetime all the time though, mostly so i don't miss texts
honestly i would love to fiddle with tech stuff more but hardware at least is really expensive to get into
sure you can get those dumb little practice boards but i've never liked those
same with "recreational" programming
i like solving real problems
i'm lame like that ig
...the real problem of getting suckless ii to talk to discord, but still
im surprised you're at all interested in interacting with discord
my SO uses discord
that's the only reason i have an account
i'm working on getting them to move to XMPP
at that point i'll be deleting it
it's the same with telegram. one of my best friends uses it and i only talk to him on it and once we set something else up that's going to go too
then it'll be just xmpp/irc/email and maybe icb
and i guess usenet
XMPP kinda stinks
it doe
matrix also kinda stinks
so here i am
i'm not convinced matrix isnt a honeypot to be 100% blunt
but that's probably just me
irc is nice but it's hard to into for non computer nerds
i guess
idk it depends
i could just make soju accounts on my vps for whoever i want
and not having persistence is a deal breaker for some people
at that point they just log in
oh hrm
maybe i'll look at that then
soju blows ass i don't recommend it
znc is probably more your style
same thing applies though they just log in
to be clear, soju only "blows ass" because it limits the clients you can use
goguma for mobile, i'm using weechat on desktop but it isnt well integrated
i also might just get a bot that has notes or something idk
but xmpp is okay for 1-1
i'm going to fiddle with ii+bitblbee+libpurple+purple-plugins-prpl
because miminalism :DDD
xmpp is ok
i used it for a bit, hosted a server for my discord friends
they hated it, especially because there are no decent clients for ios
and that's like 70% of them so
honestly it's their fault for being apple babis
yeah but it's whatever because i want to talk to them
hey btw speaking of software do you know of a decent cli audio player that doesn't depend on ffpmeg and doesn't have a bajillion options?
i've been looking for ages and i'm having a hell of a time
the best option thus far seems to be mus
why no ffmpeg
because hueg
i use cmus personally but on void the packages are super fucking split up
so i don't install the ffmpeg stuff with it
i just install the flac stuff and leave it there
one of my main goals is getting rid of libre/openssl
good luck lol
so curl is out of the question
it's honestly not hard for me
the only software i regularly use that depends on it is links2
and i want to patch it to use libtls
so it can link against bearssl
i've been tinkering on and off for a while now with my own simple http client that does the same too
so no need for wget/curl/axel/aria/etc
my impulsive thoughts: write a music player in bash
* kris_
loves bash
use bourne or rc
* midfavila
turn his nose up at you
meh right now my main project is unfortunately adding btrfs support to my void installer against my better judgement
scheme and forth are also acceptable
people have successfully annoyed me enough to do it
why btrfs?
shit you tell me
i haven't used it in years
i only really use xfs and nilfs
i don't want it, i think it's unstable, slow, and bloated
and if i did want a fs like that id use zfs
honestly i don't get the appeal of zfs
at all
but i just use xfs everywhere and add lvm if i'm raiding and stuff
*always* with luks
i get that it's Enterprise:tm: and Scalable:tm: but why not just use hammer2
i dont think hammer2 is well supported on linux
if at all
i'm pretty sure dropbox uses hammer2
i mean it's not
but i would be fine with more people using bsd
nobody is going to use dragonfly
like that's just unrealistic
i dailied it for a while
i'm a somebody
at least to my friends
idk i tried to daily freebsd for a while and couldn't stand it
openbsd would work out for me pretty well if it had an actual hypervisor and wayland support
good luck with the latter
ah they're not that far off
people are using sway on openbsd now but it's far from in a good state
i can't see them switching away from xenocara officially
even now i can't go five minutes without one of my friends bitching at me about wayland lol
maybe in another ten years
if wayland never becomes a first class thing on openbsd i'm not going to take openbsd seriously on desktop
i still maintain that mgr would be really nice
i dunno
* kris_
is a sway shill
although wlroots kinda sucks
mgr is only like 300k lines of code or something
and it runs in about as many kb of memory
idk sway is pretty on point for me with how many features and otherwise i want it to have
the only thing it's missing is single window capture via its portal
which should be sorted sooner than later
* midfavila
i don't think i'll ever touch wayland on my own machines
zero reason for me to care about it
at all
i mean, depending on what kind of hardware you end up with in the future
i was semi okay with x11 until i got displays that vary in refresh rate
i'm not upgrading any more
i used to have four displays all with separate aspect ratios and resolutions and refresh rates
given my side monitor is 60hz and my main is 240hz id like them to both work as expected
it was fine
kris_: I never had these issues on X
I have a similar setup and it worked nicely
if you don't run vsync then it's not a problem generally
like i keep hearing about these things and it really just screams edge case to me
it's situational
like on gnome i used to force both displays to run at the framerate matching my highest refresh rate monitor
which causes screen tearing
like one of my apple baby frens always goes off about fractional scaling but
i just use bitmap fonts
they're nicer anyway
on mate i used to just use picom with no vsync on one display
which causes screen tearing
scalable fonts are always super blurry and blehhh
i couldnt tell you what my fonts are tbh
i used to use clearsans
but now i unironically just use x11 fixed
font-family: monospace;
font-size: 13px;
kris_: fc-match monospace
DejaVuSansMono.ttf: "DejaVu Sans Mono" "Book"
TIL about that command
btw you might like btpd
it's very much in the vein of all this
I honestly thought that was a mental disorder
i mean
but no it's a suckless bittorrent client
it's pretty nice
oh a past contributor of kiss made it
but its dead
it's still usable
I guess its fine bittorrent doesn't change anyway
midfavila: I'd call it simple, not suckless
the main challenge is that some torrent seeds want tls and it doesn't have tls but that's something i'd like to take a crack at
bittorrent protocol daemon im guessing
or something
sewn: suckless endorses it
* midfavila
I dont really care
it is still a simple program
i just use rtorrent
which honestly isnt the most stable thing in the world but it's better than qbit overall
i'm not gonna argue with you about whether something that suckless endorses is sufficiently suckless lmao
it's too late for me to do that
i'm getting old sewn
I'm not saying its not suckless
I'm saying its not worth being labeled it, suckless is shit
I might start using this
suckless is mostly fine
some of their stuff is garbo tho
I dont torrent anymore, what do you guys use it for - also no suckless is just a bunch of asshat hypocrites
i agree by and large
ive just never found anything by them that i thought was particularly useful
i know a lot of people swear by dwm but i can't stand it for a multitude of reasons
i don't like dwm either
i mostly use like
st isnt the worst thing but foot is far better
their coreutils and sdhcp and stuff
i don't touch their gui stuff
i am curious about sinit tho
i'll be fiddling with sinit in my custom distro
likely just adapt kiss' baseinit to it at first
go from there
runit is honestly the absolute peak of init to me
but since I moved to chimera I found dinit quite nice, its like a modern day supervision suite that doesn't sacrifice on convenience
*ahem* s6 *ahem*
i just don't want something like dinit because in the end i'm going to be using it to "bootstrap" shell scripts anyway because that's just how i wanna use my computer
you would probably like sinit
also kris_ as ive contributed to great st patches and used it for 3 years, moving to foot was singlehandedly the best decision ive made
afaik that's all it really does
but i do usually suggest that to systemd users who want to try something else but don't want to deal with running their system "manual mode"
yeah foot is literally *the* shit
its so much more modern and actually innovates
best terminal ive ever used by far
mfw i just use xterm
it makes up terminal sequences for tui applications and participates in their standardization
works with other terminal emulators too to ensure stuff works
it doesn't even use Cairo!!! and its literally the fastest terminal emulator!!
its just the best balance of featured / fast to me
no bully but i tried out ghostty for a little bit
(couldn't fucking stand it)
i wouldn't even say its balanced I would say the author knows how to add shit without weighing the program down too much
yeah fuck ghostty
would rather use xterm
i like gnome-console, hot take
far better than gnomes old term
but i dont have gnome on any machines atm
only full DE i'm a fan of
wait how do you like that but not ghostty
it just seemed not necessary to me
i just didn't really love configuring it
what about cde tho
it's comfy
im also interested in their weird like imgui-esque debug menu
hell it might *be* imgui
takes me back to my days of working on cs:go cheats
i havent actually looked at the source to find that out though
midfavila is there a way I can try cde without suffering
midfavila nah gnome is the only DE that isn't unstable as hell and has wayland support
plus the workflow is peak as far as DEs go for me
sewn netbsd packages it, could spin it up in qemu
pretty sure freebsd has good support for it as well
freebsd is a frankenstein
i havent tried netbsd before, might need to
netbsd is fine
it just werks
also I will try netbsd for that
the contributors are cute and aren't middle aged balding men
i just use void for everything i possibly can
albeit, openbsd for networking uses
void is old chimera is the good stuff :3c
i should probably fiddle with bsd for networking stuff but i just use openwrt
ive been following chimeras development for a while
can't say i'm really all that into it
it's definitely interesting but not really my style
q66 is cool though, not sure about the rest of the community
once you try it you'll understand !!
i imagine given she's in charge it's pretty chill
the rest of the community are cute
sewn i have tried it
when I tried chimera initially I didnt like it
i don't like dinit and i feel weird about the whole microsofting my malloc shit
I gave it a second chance and tried to study the components
i get that it's objectively superior to mallocng but that just hits me the wrong way
yeah well what can you do about mimalloc lol
one thing i am closely following though is turnstile
not like there's a better option
i just run mallocng on my musl build
yes turnstile is an important component
kris_: you can switch out mimalloc for mallocng
in chimera
actually "my musl build" isnt anything special at all, it's just vanilla musl
because void is still on 1.1.24 i just updated it myself for my systems
sewn imagine a world where chimera uses runit
I actually can't imagine
runit is simple but it isn't for the modern desktop
you can make it work but it will lack certain handy features
honestly i haven't found anything it's missing for me personally
which is kinda the thing with that, i don't want an init system to do more than this
but for most people runit is good
its enough
i could definitely make just stringing together some shell scripts work
for people who want refined service control with dependency management they use runit
kiss and void have some service files that just not start if a dependency isn't met
essentially a hack
yeah, it just retries on a loop until it succeeds
that's the one "issue" with it but i don't really think it's a real problem
you should give a look at the dinit man page
just for ffun
i may
i looked through the github page
I might look into making an xbps from-source (ironic I know) distro
apk is great but xbps has features apk doesn't have lol
nah i dont think that's ironic
xbps-src is fucking peak
I said xbps
xbps-src is not that notable to me
its just a collection of bash scripts and more bash that make xbps packages
oh i misread what you said
my b it's 2am
that or I make a rewrite of kiss in either zig or go or hare
but I'm just dreaming for now
* kris_
loves golang
I recently fixed my baby computer and I might get back into it
I love go too but I would not use it for an important system component
I feel like it doesn't fit
kiss is completely valid for me as it already is, i just need to finish packaging some stuff
elogind kicked my ass, i still dont have it working
use turnstile :3
albeit i intend on forking the package manager to have it build in isolation
sewn honestly weirdest thing but i couldnt get my xbox one controller working when i was using only seatd
idk how this part of the system works like at all though so
its because no permissions for that controller kris
you don't have udev setup properly
...nah, i did
or udevd or mdev or whatever
false information
i just swapped over to elogind and it kicked alive though :c
(on void)
no way I call cap
it worked fine for me on kiss
see what i mean by weird
bluez and wired
it was probably just a brain moment to be fair this has been like 4 years
4 years bruh
yeah i havent explored it since
that's longer than ive used kiss I think
which is why i mentioned watching turnstile closely
(ive been on chimera ever since my PC broke and was on chimera anyway because PC PSU was a bomb)
ive been pretty much void only for 3 years now
you should probabbtl go to sleep
they're the only people i trust to not do something stupid that prompts me to bail
every time i try another distro i just get burnt so it's either void or do it myself
imo anyway
i had a brief few month long stint with alpine and hated my life
no way
alpine is great
what wenr weong
mostly i just can't tolerate openrc
and bluntly it doesn't really seem that well tested, i came across quite a few broken packages, and no i can't name any specifically other than when 3.21 shipped with a broken gummiboot-efistub
which isnt really their fault but it was never tested
had i updated my machines would have stopped booting right then
it took weeks for them to fix this unfortunately
yeah I wouldn't use gummiboot
also yeah some packages just stop working but they put out blogs and I guess thats cool
also goodnight midfavila and kris i
nah gummiboot-efistub is specifically the stub you roll into UKIs
i don't use bootloaders
replaced by systemds efistub, which i did successfully package for kiss
but gn
see you sewn
:'3 !!!!!!
bruh it's 0115 and my neighbour decided now of all times is great to break out the drill
im just kind of awake because family were yelling at eachother so
i guess im just not going to go to bed
midfavila are you a speaker, headphone, or earbud type
earbuds are shit in terms of audio quality and mucho uncomfy
speakers would get me evicted
oh earbuds are absolutely not shit if you get some like 25 usd IEMs
just gotta get specifically chifi IEMs
earbuds are absolutely shit
nuh uh
they never stay in my ears
they're uncomfortable
yeah me neither except for a few very specific ones
most of them now require bluetooth
ofc everyones ears are different so i cant recommend you anything though
nah fuck bluetooth
top 10 worst ideas
a good pair of headphones will always beat out earbuds
rn i'm using the 7hz x crinacle zero:2
i have some old mdr 7506 headphones around here somewhere
and *imo* they SHIT on my sennheiser hd598sr, sennheiser hd58x, beyerdynamic amiron home / dt 770 / dt 1770 pro
i need to get a dremel and drill and stuff and do surgery to fix the cable
for >25 usd
they're just more detailed
less soundstage though
for what it's worth i also don't super care about maximum audio quality
like i don't bother with flac or external audio setps
neither do i,
* kris_
likes big slapping bass
which is also why i looove IEMs
i just use mp3s and my xonar stx
they're fine
speakers make me tweak out though
i can't handle it, it's too stimulating
it's like a toned down version of me hiding and covering my ears on the 4th of july because people start shooting off fireworks like crazy
can't explain why it's just too much
and yeah i only store flacs because they're small and theres no point in archiving lower quality music
most of what i have i just rip from youtube using invidious so
flacs aren't really an option
there are services out there with practically no drm like deezer and qobuz
i doubt what i want would be on there and i'm too poor to pay for that shit lmao
i don't have 1-2$ for every song i want to listen to
oh i don't uh
i haven't paid for media of any kind in a very long time
also why would i use those
legitimate question
genuinely just if you want flacs
i can abx test flac vs 320kbps mp3 on $25 IEMs
and it is something i actively notice
but that doesn't apply to the majority of music, most of it is too poorly made to matter bluntly
i only have 218GiB of music right now though
i used to have like 3x this amount of all flac but i deleted all of it during my last OCD episode
sorry i'm focusing on getting some stuff for my distro done
oh totally fine dw about it
i probably should do the same
* midfavila
i have such a cute name for my package manager that it's somehow a driving force behind wanting to finish it
at this point i've given up on getting a full port of kiss on the uconsole so
i'm just working on my own setup
yeah im probably going to do a from scratch type of deal
heavily inspired by kiss but rather different
i've spent literaly months on just trying to get gcc to build and i'm not gonna bang my head against the wall any more lol
getting it to build natively on riscv is a nightmare
yeah i bet
okay it's 0200 and i have to get up at 0730 for work
time for beb
zlg has joined #kisslinux
kris_: I can't hear a diff between mp3 and flac on all of my iems
welcome back sewn
and yeah, it just depends on the specific music in my exp
oh no i was always here I just assumed you two were sleeping
pink floyds dsotm is an obvious example for me
rumors by fleetwood mac too
ive tried on 40$ iems
and two 30$ ones
the ones i abx tested on were the tangzu wan'er
yeah I had that as well
it's shockingly less blatant on my truthear novas but still audible
before it broke
my 7hz x crinacle zero:2 just brokie :c
oh what
ok well how is it
and how did it break
usually these cheapo iems dont last very long for me
driver came loose in the shell, ill try to fix it later
I had that with my waner :0
my wan'er still work they're just irritating to me sound wise
ive tried the cadenza, waner, hola, ew200, and now the vivace I got yesterday
not enough :b:ass
and they don't respond well to eq
albeit nothing does really
for me the waner was good but the ew200 is just fatiguing
my truthear novas just hurt my ears
which thankfully helps me rule out ALOT of iems
i have smol ears
almost all iems hurt
oh wow the nova is expensive
they're usable for like 3 hours max before i have to swap to something else
for me most iems are too small
yeah its the closest harman iem you can buy if you use the foam tips
I'd rather pay less
i do not though because doesnt fit
I might return my vicace
tbh havent heard of those
its good but its not that much of a difference over my previous truthear holas
if i were to buy a set of iems rn itd be the new crinacle blue:2
big bass with that impedance adapter
you just said you got it
nah i have the zero:2
oh yeah no those are bad
the vivace fits SO GOOS
the zero:2 sound perfect to me outside of like slightly lacking subbass
but the sound isn't all that difference
I might return it for a kefine klean
the midbass is flawless to me and the midrange/treble should be exactly how it is on the zero:2 imo
or spend more to get a zero:red or a zero:2
reds are cool, i have a few friends who own those and like them
crinacle recently said the 7hz g1 is basically best budget option rn but its actually close to ew200 in sound but still has more bass
i've considered picking up a pair
not sure about it
his most recent release is the most appealing to me
before that was the vivace by tripowin and 0xdb (korean ytber)