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Trying to compile mpv with vulkan. I got mesa built with it and also libplacebo. mpv build errors "Run-time dependency vulkan found: NO (tried pkgconfig and system)"
Could it be vulkan-icd-loader I'm missing?
phinxy: I think you need to package vulkan-headers
Alpine's vulkan-loader depends on libx11-dev and build errors with 'xcb' missing so I guess this endeavour ends here since I'm on Wayland?
you can build it without xcb i'm pretty sure
lemme check
yup does not require them actually not sure if it autodetects or smth
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if you're interested I got them packaged in my local repo
very old though since I never bother to update them
welp, hope you can read the logs
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welcome back phinxy
dunno if you checked the logs but I was saying
if you need I have some old homemade packages of vulkan-headers and vulkan-loader
IIRC they worked fine in a wayland-only scenario although now I also run XWayland
I took your advice and sure the entire stack compiled.
Only issue is mpv failed to initialize the gpu with --vo=gpu-next
riteo: could take a look at your build files if you dont mind
yea sure
uhhh I guess I can gzip them to you over 0x0.st?