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<illiliti> TIL sanctions evasion is a criminal activity
<illiliti> i wonder who is going to prosecute me for that
<illiliti> i suppose drew himself
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<Torr> illiliti: He already does that:
<Torr> That's from ''.
<illiliti> holy shit
<illiliti> > In the history of SourceHut, only two users have been banned
<illiliti> i knew this is lie
<Torr> Pretty much.
<illiliti> next thing he will start deleting are zero/one day PoCs of critical RCE vulnerabilities
<illiliti> cuz those can facilitate ransomware and bots/worms that implant crypto miners
<illiliti> this shit will never end
<Torr> Yeah, right?!!
<Torr> Luckily there are plenty of other Git hosting plataforms, just note with emphasis on email.
<Torr> But not like such flow can't be used with them.
<Torr> not* with
<illiliti> just curious, what if i package, say, cgminer for kiss and then mirror repo with it on will i get banned?
<Torr> Who knows, but I wouldn't pay for disservice.
<illiliti> i wouldn't pay too
<illiliti> i'm tempted to create kiss-crypto repo with miners and shit and somehow host it on
<illiliti> i bet i'll receive ban
<Torr> Lol
<Torr> Likely it would.
<testuser[m]> Hi
<illiliti> hi
<Torr> testuser[m]: ahoy
<wael_> Hi
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<Torr> illiliti planning his Sourcehut raid:
<illiliti> xd
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<Torr> See ya folks
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<sad_plan> o/
<sad_plan> lol, drew is relentless. imidiatly banned him for disagreeing
<sad_plan> testuser[m]: the new make release doesnt seem to have configure script set to executable
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<illiliti> no?
<illiliti> i see executable bit
<sad_plan> hm..
<sad_plan> downloaded it 4 times now, and still no
<sad_plan> ah.. its an issue with sbase tar
<illiliti> oh
<illiliti> interesting
<sad_plan> or perhaps mcfs tar
<sad_plan> I reciently switched to it
<sad_plan> or partly, im not all done, but anyway
<illiliti> mcfs tar? that one in his sbase fork?
<sad_plan> correct
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<illiliti> can reproduce
<sad_plan> yeah, it seems to be an issue with sbase in general. the issue persists with upstream sbase aswell.
<illiliti> configure is marked as ... hardlink? what
<illiliti> i'm debugging
<illiliti> > Changing timestamps, modes and ownership of hardlinks makes no sense.
<illiliti> bruh
<sad_plan> why on earth would they do that..?
<illiliti> git revert 3c2f8b0c
<sad_plan> nice. doesnt that commit actually fix that though? seeing as the commit message says dont change modes etc.
<illiliti> don't change modes == don't do chmod()
<illiliti> so that commit only breaks
<sad_plan> ah
<sad_plan> huh.. sbase tar breaks webkit2gtk tarball it seems.
<sad_plan> doesnt give me the same issue with busybox tar
<sad_plan> as does sbase ln. webkit seems to use a ln flag that sbase doesnt have
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<illiliti> gnuism
<illiliti> sbase ln supports only posix flags
<illiliti> will check tar
<sad_plan> I figured as much..
<illiliti> hmm
<illiliti> it seems that sbase tar doesn't support pax format
<illiliti> look at tar -tf output. it looks pretty fucked
<illiliti> some paths are truncated
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<sad_plan> yeah, im just getting: tar: malformed tar archive: not ustar format
<sad_plan> wait, no
<sad_plan> wait, I see what you mean. alot of paths are just cut off at the end
<illiliti> yep
<testuser[m]> o i forgot about that fix
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<phoebos> did codeberg also replace the commit message with the PR name
<phoebos> testuser[m]: what are the disadvantages of fast-forwarding to merge?
<testuser[m]> none? it's just changing HEAD of master to HEAD of that branch so u have to rebase that branch before "merging"
<illiliti> no
<illiliti> rebase is only needed if branch is outdated
<testuser[m]> yeah i mean the history needs to be exact same without any commits from master being missing in the branch to be fast forwarded
<illiliti> yep
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<phoebos> does fast-forwarding preserve the author's signature
<testuser[m]> probabyl
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<phoebos> should be codeberg's default
<testuser[m]> no
<testuser[m]> pr can have multiple spam commits
<testuser[m]> btw u can change default in repo settings
<testuser[m]> i've set it to squash
<phoebos> ah so does squash use the PR for the commit message
<testuser[m]> yea
<sad_plan> so you can make codeberg automatically sqaush commits from a pr into one merge commit?
<testuser[m]> it's automatic on every forge u just have to press a button wdym
<sad_plan> if you merge on github, all the commits from that branch + merge commits gets listed in the master branch. thats what I meant. what I was asking was, did it sqaush all those commits into the merge commit, so all those commits doesnt flood your commit log, if say you have alooot of commits from said branch
<testuser[m]> u have the arrow thing on github pr page that does the same thing
<testuser[m]> squash, rebase or merge commit
<sad_plan> ah, I wasnt aware
<sad_plan> nice
<sad_plan> btw, whats the holdup on using the 5.6.3 release and switching to b3sum? still some things to iron out?
<testuser[m]> 5.6.3 has bugs
<testuser[m]> 5.6.4 is fix
<sad_plan> I see
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<testuser[m]> make seems to have broken some things in latest update, do notify if anyone sees build failures
<testuser[m]> like glibc build is broken due to some race condition with /tmp/XXXX files that aren't even touched in makefiles
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<testuser[m]> make[1]: *** cannot open output sync mutex /tmp/GmLdqZrgr: No such file or directory. Stop.
<testuser[m]> hmm gcc seems to build fine tho which has similarly complex build
<testuser[m]> ioraff: can u update openssl 3.0.7 and bump curl git etc
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<phoebos> wtf i rebuilt musl and getopt is broken
<testuser[m]> phoebos: what
<phoebos> exactly
<phoebos> getopt isn't working for every command that uses libc for it
<testuser[m]> Wat broke in it
<phoebos> doesn't recognise flags
<testuser[m]> example
<testuser[m]> Working fine
<phoebos> hm it seems it doesn't increment optind
<testuser[m]> Send
<testuser[m]> sus
<testuser[m]> Did you use some fancy build flags
<phoebos> only --enable-debug
<phoebos> has worked for months
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<testuser[m]> Send musl.tar.xz
<testuser[m]> curious
<testuser[m]> Try gdb watchpoint also
<phoebos> hm a watchpoint says it is updated to 2
<phoebos> but the program disagrees
<phoebos> ah gcc is messing it up somehow
<phoebos> works with clang
<phoebos> hm but not with tcc
<testuser[m]> Wat
<phoebos> this is weird
<phoebos> statically linking libc gives correct behaviour, dynlinking doesn't
<phoebos> wtf
<testuser[m]> lol
<testuser[m]> Did u just try rebuilding once again
<phoebos> i think the problem came after i rebuilt binutils bison busybox bzip2 curl flex git gmp libmpc m4 mpfr musl pigz xz zlib
<phoebos> so i'm rebuilding them
<phoebos> rebuilt gcc
<phoebos> twice
<testuser[m]> Rebuilt for what purpose
<testuser[m]> U could inspect the disasm
<phoebos> because i have no idea what's going on
<phoebos> oh
<phoebos> maybe fixed
<phoebos> i think it's to do with the gcc unbundling
<phoebos> i accidentally installed gmp libmpc mpfr without rebuilding gcc
<phoebos> yes it's fixed after rebuilding gcc and musl
<phoebos> that was very weird
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<testuser[m]> U mean u had gcc with bundled mp* that was not rebuilt to use system stuff
<phoebos> yes
<phoebos> then i installed system mp*
<phoebos> which apparently broke getopt
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