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Would converting an mkv to mp4 h.264then to mp4 H.265 result in the same qulity or would it be lower?
I jut don't wanna have to reimport all my dvd's again
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it would absolutely be worse quality
i also don't know if it's really worth it for dvdrips
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I think it's worth it since the file size is way less
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i'm currently using the pullup filter to manipulate 1080i50 to 1080i60 but the output turns out a bit jittery, i'd appreciate if anyone can advice on how to smoothe the output
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The pullup filter was never really designed to go from i50 to i60. It is meant for telecined content. You would probably be best to deinterlace, use the fps filter, than interlace.
(or you could use the minterpolate filter rather than fps, which *might* produce smoother results depending on your content)
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thank you for your reply devinheitmueller
i've played a bit with tblend which rendered results pretty much in realtime
minterpolate was *very* slow
less than 1fps
Yeah, tblend works too. minterpolate has lots of dials you can play with, but not sure how well it keeps up with realtime.
i'll run a few more tests the way you suggested. deinterlace then change framerate then interlace again
thank you for your time
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Yeah, blending/interpolation on interlaced content is going to produce pretty crummy results.
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