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<Traneptora> is there a better way to downsample 5.1 to stereo than "-ac 2"
<Traneptora> or is that the best way atm
<furq> that is a perfectly good way
<furq> there are ways to have more control over it if you have a reason to want that
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<aaabbb> Traneptora: that will drop the lfe channel
<aaabbb> -af "pan=stereo|c0=0.5*c2+0.707*c0+0.707*c4+0.5*c3|c1=0.5*c2+0.707*c1+0.707*c5+0.5*c3,volume=1.6"
<aaabbb> that is what i usually do
<furq> it's usually recommended to drop lfe
<aaabbb> why?
<furq> it's recommended that lfe doesn't contain anything unique
<furq> but that's not always how people master things
<aaabbb> movies these days have very bad mastering for audio
<aaabbb> in my experience dropping lfe is often not great
<furq> the default coefficients are from atsc i think via dolby
<furq> idk if it was ever mandatory anywhere but it's certainly not always followed now
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<Traneptora> does -ac 2 tag it as "stereo" or just "2 channels"
<Traneptora> and I don't have a reason to want to do that. I have a 5.1 bluray rip and I don't have 5.1 hardware, so I want to save some space
<aaabbb> stereo
<aaabbb> you said downsample above, did you mean downmix or do you also want to change the sample rate?
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<Traneptora> aaabbb: downmix.
<Traneptora> not downsample. 48 kHz for both is fine
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<JEEB> Traneptora: `-channel_layout stereo` is preferred to `-ac 2` since the latter does not define a channel layout but only channel count. of course the default layout for 2 channels is stereo, but it's always better to be explicit than to hope that the implicit logic does what you want. downmix itself is completely correct, but generally people like not having a very large dynamic range of the original surround
<JEEB> mix in their downmix (this is what people feel when effects that are in multiple channels are very loud while single channel sound sources that are not that loud to begin with are much quieter.
<JEEB> for handling the latter stuff generally you after downmix use one of the loudnorm-like filters to do dynamic range compression
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<bwe> Hi, how do I change the frame rate for a generated webp animation? `ffmpeg -pattern_type glob -i '*.jpg' -c:v libwebp_anim -vf "fps=100" out.webp` # changing it from 33 to 100 did not change the fps for me
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<BtbN> It most likely will have, bwe. But it'll duplicate frames to reach the target framerate. Do you mean you want to speed up the video?
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<Traneptora> bwe: use -framerate before -i
<Traneptora> so like, ffmpeg -pattern_type glob -framerate 100 -i "*.jpg" .....
<Traneptora> this sets the framerate of the input video stream (cause that data doesn't exist for a list of jpegs). then the output will have the same framerate as the input unless you tell it otherwise
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