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<videomouse> hoonestly i fuound it hard to find clear documentation to set all these things and i'm not a programmer to read source
<videomouse> like hevc_vaapi vs hevc_qsv, commands seems to change
<videomouse> and examples on the internet span years so i get conflicting answers
<BtbN> Just refer to ffmpegs own help output
<videomouse> there's nothing in hevc_qsv help that says how to set various bit control rate modes The words qvbr or global_quality don't appear anywhere on unfortunately this is what i struggle with. i had to google to even find how to set a "CRF equivalent" mode for the quicksync encdoder and that's when i learned about "global_quality" as a parameter =\
<BtbN> global_quality is a global option
<BtbN> annoyingly, there really is no way to know which encoder uses which global option
<furq> i'm not saying it's particularly clear in there but it is in there
<furq> because of that
<videomouse> i think ffmpeg is an amazing tool, i just find trying to understand it and research all the documentation and look for help on google is a lot of work i've struggled with
<BtbN> Well, and instead you pick something even more fiddly?
<BtbN> So for QVBR mode, you want to actually NOT set -b, but must set -maxrate, and -global_quality
<BtbN> That's how I read that if/else chain
<BtbN> and also not enable look_ahead
<BtbN> oh wait, I read that wrong
<BtbN> it goes into QVBR mode if -b, -maxrate AND -global_quality are set, and neither of look-ahead, qscale or vcm mode are enabled
<videomouse> forgive me, i appreciate the help. i just wanted to ensure my filter structure was correct for piping putput
<BtbN> Apprently Intel thought not to exposed the lower level rate control modes to users
<BtbN> Cause iirc this code is from Intel-Devs themselves
<BtbN> You are just supposed to set the desired bitrate, and it'll figure out the right mode
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<jpsollie> hello everyone, does anybody know a similarity index for audio? I'm trying to sort out my audio files, but in case of not-binary-exact, it would be nice to have something like ssim (for video) to decide whether it's the same song or not. is there something like that?
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