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<Guest75> Is this active?
<Guest75> Anyone come across this errorr
<Guest75>  RuntimeWarning: Couldn't find ffmpeg or avconv - defaulting to ffmpeg, but may not work
<Guest75>   warn("Couldn't find ffmpeg or avconv - defaulting to ffmpeg, but may not work", RuntimeWarning)
<Guest75>  * Debugger is active!
<aaabbb> what is giving you that error?
<aaabbb> whatever you are using must be ancient. avconv is long dead
<Guest75> I got it now, im using latest of everything but I needed to add PATH env
<Guest75> But now met with new error ffmpeg returned error code: 3199971767
<aaabbb> what is the exact command?
<Guest75> def upload_audio():
<Guest75>     if 'audio' not in request.form:
<Guest75>         return jsonify({'error': 'No audio data provided'}), 400
<Guest75>     try:
<Guest75>         print("Audio received.")
<Guest75>         # Decode base64 audio data
<Guest75>         audio_data = request.form['audio']
<Guest75>         audio_data = audio_data.split(",")[1] # Remove the data URL prefix
<Guest75>         print("Base64 decoded.")
<Guest75>         audio_data = base64.b64decode(audio_data)
<Guest75>         print("Audio data decoded successfully.")
<Guest75>         # Convert the audio to WAV format using pydub
<Guest75>         audio = AudioSegment.from_file(io.BytesIO(audio_data), format="wav")
<Guest75>         print("AudioSegment loaded.")
<Guest75>         audio = audio.set_frame_rate(16000).set_channels(1)
<Guest75>         temp_output_path = "temp.wav"
<Guest75>         audio.export(temp_output_path, format="wav")
<Guest75>         print("Audio exported to temp.wav.")
<aaabbb> don't paste it, put it on a paste site
<aaabbb> ok so you're using python ffmpeg bindings. i don't know anything about that
<Guest75> Thanks for the help though
<Guest75> What alternative do you usually use
<aaabbb> i use ffmpeg the command line utility itself
<Guest75> Gotcha
<Guest75> do you have some code example of using it
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<aaabbb> there are a million examples, what is it you're trying to do?
<Guest75> Im trying to use speech to text then sending it into a Chat GPT Prompt
<aaabbb> ffmpeg has the asr (automatic speech recognition) filter which uses pocketsphinx, but it's not easy to use and it's not the best at recognizing speech anyway
<aaabbb> you probably want to use something other than ffmpeg if you want to convert audio into text
<Guest75> Gotcha
<Guest75> thanmks for the help
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<aaabbb> is there any benefit to enabling dither when just resampling s16 to a different sample rate?
<aaabbb> because dither is only necessary when truncating bit depth, but the resampler turns s16 into float, then resamples, then turns back into s16
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<another|> hmm.. what are "tbr" and "tbn" again exactly? timebase something?
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<justaguy> lol @ me encoding with stock debian 12 ffmpeg(5.1.6) on a epyc 9654 because that ffmpeg has no avx512 support
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