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ok so you're using python ffmpeg bindings. i don't know anything about that
Thanks for the help though
What alternative do you usually use
i use ffmpeg the command line utility itself
do you have some code example of using it
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there are a million examples, what is it you're trying to do?
Im trying to use speech to text then sending it into a Chat GPT Prompt
ffmpeg has the asr (automatic speech recognition) filter which uses pocketsphinx, but it's not easy to use and it's not the best at recognizing speech anyway
you probably want to use something other than ffmpeg if you want to convert audio into text
thanmks for the help
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is there any benefit to enabling dither when just resampling s16 to a different sample rate?
because dither is only necessary when truncating bit depth, but the resampler turns s16 into float, then resamples, then turns back into s16
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