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i don't mean for this to sound nitpicky, but why does .ass/.ssa format require a decimal point in lieu of a hundreths digit?
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i.e. instead of 1:22:333:444 you can type 1:22:333.444 and it parses fine?
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I donwloaded a specification document but the exact timecode format is only described as the former. but the libass option in ffmpeg apparently allows either
I only noticed because ffmpeg spits out a bad spec error if you write 1:22:33 in a .ass file
hmm. the libass github page doesn't have any specs. but it does have a rough guide that describes this format
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BtbN: I am still debugging the pulse cut issue. The culprit seems to be --enable-libx264 in Debian (it's not enabled by default), that's so odd! Do you have any clue why it may be so?
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libx264 got absolutely nothing to do with pulse
no idea how you would come to that conclusion
well I ran configure with the extra Debian flags - the issue appeared with adding this one
I know - that's unrealted to pulse...
That's virtually impossible to be the cause
those two don't even get linked into the same library
sounds to me like whatever test you are using just switched from some random other encoder to libx264, and that triggers the delay to show up
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In layman terms, what exactly triggers the delay?
omg, -v:c libx265 introduces 1 second shorter audio, libx264 2 and a half, and mpeg4 does not cut anything!!!!!!!!
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the video codec expects several frames before it starts the encoding process and that blocks the second input from being started?
But it does not explain why the audio is cut from the END, and not beginning (it's perfectly in sync)?
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I'm trying to segment a wav file to 5 parts
4 parts
if I use absolute timestamps it works but if I use relative timestamps, the third part duration is wrong
but then the third output is only one second long
so maybe an off by one error somewhere
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that's with a build from today as well
furq: reported. thanks
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maybe i'm being forgetful again.
but why is -map "[0:a]" not allowed at the end of the ffmpeg command?
i guess it has to be "defined" in the filtergraph?
[] refers to an output label
labels can't contain :
i was told to use -map "0:a" instead
you don't need the quotes unless you have a very unusual shell
ok. but for input labels [0:a] is fine
i guess the syntax is still a bit subtle for me
input labels are just stream specifiers in brackets
it would maybe be clearer if link/output labels couldn't be valid stream specifiers
i see
but 0, 1 etc are valid which isn't great
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This time I come not to ask for help, but to say that I have already managed to save an mp4 with video and audio, and everything works perfectly.
I give thanks for the help received here.
I only have one question left regarding RTMP transmissions, is the data sent raw data that is stored in the AVFrame buffer?
mmmmm, ok, seem not all are fine... Something is wrong where i use it for twitch...
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rtmp is not uncompressed video/audio, if you mean that
it's typically h264+aac
BtbN: but what have in the data of RTMP? Because until now their protocol is a damn mystery, and I don't know what goes there.
What do you mean?
It just streams h264 video and aac audio to a remote server
BtbN: That its documentation does not explain anything about what data to transmit.
lol, but what?
Whatever you send it?
I really don't understand what you mean
the content of AVFrame? i guessing.
h264 and aac data
again, it's not uncompressed
BtbN: you're saying that av_interleaved_write_frame compress the raw data from AVFrame to a compressed data using the codec of h264 and aac?
av_interleaved_write_frame, despite it names, takes packets.
*its name
takes packets and send to mp4 or stream of rtmp. But what happen with rtmp? what are inside of datas of video/audio in a rtmp?
If you want to know how flv and rtmp are muxed, you'll need to read the spec
but normally you don't need to care about that from a user level
BtbN: i already read, and don't say nothing, that's i'm ask here.
Well, I don't get what you're asking then
It sends whatever data you give it
but what data? i don't believe that i can put in the data any garbage for RTMP.
Well, a codec it supports.
technically, rtmp only supports flv, and then flv a couple codecs
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well, nothing is useful. So far I have not found any documentation that says, for the data section you have to store the raw data of 1000 audio samples in 2-channel planar style float, and for the videos also raw data of a size WxH with 32 bits per pixel RGBX, transparency is not supported. This does explain to you exactly what is in the data.
It doesn't even explain if the raw data is involved or if there is some type of compression involved.
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When recording video and audio, is there some flag that can ensure that both streams are of equal length before exiting? So that when pressing "q" ffmpeg will wait for more audio if video is bit longer and vice versa?
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everybody, this channel is not acknowledging huge bug i found in ffmpeg
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they left
the bug is only huge enough to be worth 71 seconds
21:28:33 ( fairway) i found a huge bug with ffmpeg
21:29:04 ( fairway) when i do ffprobe.exe video.wmv with v4.2.1 it showed 29.97 fps but with latest version it's showingg 59.94
oh no!
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another|: When I said about flv? I'm talking about RTMP.