<Marth64> Maybe try a different audio codec or use streamcopy for the audio first? I don't think how you encoded the video should impact it
<zumba_addict> one sec, i am trying libx264
<zumba_addict> it worked, no audio issues
<zumba_addict> `ffmpeg -i fpv-freestyle-juicy-sbang-LITH.mp4 -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:00:05 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac testx264.mp4`
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<Marth64> strange
<zumba_addict> oh wow, when I press "I" on the libx264 encoded video, it shows Audio information overlay on the video. But I do it the hardware encoded video, the Audio is not present. Maybe an mpv bug?
<zumba_addict> it because mp4client can play the sound, chrome can play it fine too
<zumba_addict> vlc can play it too, no audio issues
<zumba_addict> maybe you can tell from these 2 outputs why mpv can't play audio - https://bpa.st/G6SQ
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<zumba_addict> `Audio: aac (mp4a / 0x6134706D)` vs ` Audio: aac (LC) (mp4a / 0x6134706D)`
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<zumba_addict> when playing the hardware encoded file using mpv, it is reporting issues, unlike when playing the x264 encoded. No issues on the logs
<zumba_addict> `[lavf] Too many packets in the demuxer packet queues:`
<zumba_addict> I didn't see that in the x264 generated mp4 file
<zumba_addict> `[lavf] video/0: 434 packets, 157354768 bytes` and 3rd line `[lavf] audio/1: 0 packets, 0 bytes`
<Marth64> guess how nvenc is encoding in your particular setup is crushing mpv's av buffer
<zumba_addict> yep
<Marth64> out of curiosity does it work with mkv container
<zumba_addict> do I just change the extension?
<Marth64> ya
<Marth64> ffmpeg will understand
<zumba_addict> k, one sec
<zumba_addict> yep it worked!
<Marth64> nice
<Marth64> i would check ffmpeg -h muxer=mp4
<zumba_addict> k
<Marth64> see if theres any switches there to help
<Marth64> i dont use mp4 unless really needed so i don't know off memory sorry
<zumba_addict> no worries
<Marth64> maybe -movflags +faststart or whatever its called
<zumba_addict> that's for the mov atom
<Marth64> ahh
<zumba_addict> it works now after changing p7 to p3
<Marth64> cool
<zumba_addict> will test it one by one :)
<Marth64> maybe just pushed it to its limits then unknowingly
<Traneptora> <zumba_addict> but it's my first time creating an mp4 using hardware
<zumba_addict> yep
<Traneptora> you aren't creating an mp4 using hardware
<zumba_addict> what is it?
<Traneptora> ffmpeg downloads the packets from the hardware encoder and muxes it in software
<Traneptora> the mp4 file is being created in software by libavformat
<Traneptora> you're using a hardware encoder, but that's not what is created the mp4 file, it's just created an h264 stream
<zumba_addict> ah
<zumba_addict> so it's like extracting the frame using gpu and sending it to the software for encoding
<zumba_addict> I found the max limit, it only works upto p5
<zumba_addict> and I don't see the buffering issues anymore when playing it
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<zumba_addict> that means, if I upgrade to a better cpu and using the same nvidia card, it will still be faster
<Marth64> new cpu might be competitive to that generation nvidia
<zumba_addict> I am really happy now because all of my 4K video encoding using x264, even just like a 4 mins drone flight, it is taking about 25 mins to encode
<Marth64> libx264 is fast
<zumba_addict> i'm impressed because this machine is from 2009
<zumba_addict> but i need to back up my data, hahaha
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<zumba_addict> are SSDs tough? durable?
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<Marth64> pros/cons. depends on mfg
<zumba_addict> k
<Marth64> all SSDs can only stand so much write wear but it takes a gigantic lot
<zumba_addict> gotcha
<zumba_addict> i'm reencoding a 4k mp4 file to see how long it will take using hardware. I prepended `time` command
<zumba_addict> normally using the same machine, x264, a 4 mins 4k would take around 25mins
<zumba_addict> I'll paste the results soon
<Marth64> there might be an option to have ffmpeg time it for you
<Marth64> idk theres a lot of options guessing that might be one
<zumba_addict> that would be cool
<zumba_addict> 3mins and 33 second to encode 5mins 49 second video :D woohoo!
<zumba_addict> frame=10480 fps= 50 q=11.0 Lsize= 3530902kB time=00:05:49.69 bitrate=82715.1kbits/s speed=1.66x
<zumba_addict> 1239.13s user 16.01s system 587% cpu 3:33.63 total
<zumba_addict> that's freaking fast!
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<zumba_addict> got to go now, I need to put salt on the driveway. We're getting 10 inches of snow tomorrow
<zumba_addict> fun fun fun :D hehehe
<zumba_addict> Thank you so much! I'll see you soon
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<Marth64> i can't wait for it after too long without snow lol
<zumba_addict> hahaha
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<aaabbb> i have a lossless rgb h264 video. it doesn't correctly decode with hardware acceleration, but the yuv444p version does. i know that i can't do lossless rgb -> yuv, but this video only has 8 colors (it comes from a linux framebuffer). is there any way i can losslessly convert it to yuv then since it only uses 8 colors?
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<tm512> aaabbb: iirc you need more bits per sample with YUV to losslessly convert from RGB. someone else would probably know better though
<aaabbb> but in this case, there are only 8 colors total
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<tm512> I don't think the number of colors in the image matters at all? the issue is that 8 bits per component RGB is not bijective with 8 bits per component YUV
<tm512> at least to my understanding
<aaabbb> yeah that's why it's not a lossless conversion
<tm512> I'm not entirely sure how many actual bits you need for a lossless conversion. I think with YCoCg (another luma/chroma color space) lossless conversion just needs 9 bits for some of the components
<tm512> but H.264 uses YCbCr
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<aaabbb> it can but there's also rgb h.264 (with -c:v libx264rgb)
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<Traneptora> aaabbb: why do you want to losslessly convert it to yuv444p?
<Traneptora> that's generally not possible, but H.264 isn't particularly complex so you're better off decoding it in software
<tm512> iirc x264rgb is a bit of a hack, not really standards-compliant
<tm512> like the color space for H.264 is just YCbCr
<Traneptora> in either case you might as well use something like ffv1 for lossless rgb video
<aaabbb> Traneptora: the reason is that it has to play in a browser, and hardware decoding does not decode it correctly, software decoding does. there's no way for the video file to tell the browser not to use hardware decoding
<Traneptora> You shouldn't be distributing lossless video to a browser
<Traneptora> the bitrate for lossless video is absolutely massive
<aaabbb> it's actually much smaller when it's lossless
<aaabbb> the bitrate is about 30kbps for 1920x1200, and that explodes to more than 10 times that if i make it lossy
<Traneptora> 30 kbps? not 30 Mbps?
<aaabbb> kbps
<Traneptora> well okay then, it sounds like it's mostly a static image
<aaabbb> it's a recording from a console framebuffer
<Traneptora> In either case, you're just showing it in a browser, why does it have to be bitexact lossless?
<Traneptora> just convert it to bt709 or something
<Traneptora> it won't be bitexact lossless, but it also won't be quantized
<Traneptora> just store the original somewhere
<aaabbb> actually, maybe last time i tested, i used tv color space
<aaabbb> i'll check again with the full yuv color space and see if it looks as washed out, that might have been the probem
<Traneptora> ideally you'll convert it properly, i.e. -vf libplacebo
<Traneptora> bt709 H.264 video is usually in the tv space btw
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<aaabbb> yeah still looks very washed out. doesn't matter what colorspace i use, whether i use bt709 or not, the colors are just greatly washed out as yuv444p. i'll keep working on it
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<tm512> so out of curiosity, since I've got this aresample filter going for these lossy encodes, I decided to set it to 32KHz. with libfdk_aac at -vbr 4, it actually results in smaller files, albeit marginally
<tm512> I wonder if it's worth doing or if there are some unintended consequences. it doesn't sound like it really negatively affects the audio quality
<antto> aaabbb, got any pics of how it looks and how it should look?
<tm512> and FDK already applies a 15.5KHz low-pass with -vbr 4
<tm512> not even sure if this iPod supports 32KHz AAC though. it balks at the 96KHz AACs I inadvertently produced, just boots me to the main menu
<tm512> and if it does support them I'm worried that going from 44.1 -> 32 -> 44.1/48 (whatever the iPod's DAC uses, dunno) will have some kind of effect on the audio quality, dunno if resampling to a higher sample rate could ever produce artifacts below the original nyquist frequency
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<microchip_> most DAC chips upsample to a much higher frequency before processing the audio
<tm512> I think the iPod I have has some DAC from Wolfson, allegedly really good DACs, but the amp in my iPod kinda ruins any supposed hifi-ness of the DAC
<tm512> that noise floor :/
<microchip_> I got a DAC from Wolfson, by Cambridge Audio. It's kinda archaic design since last Wolfson designs are from before they got bough by Cirrus Logic
<microchip_> now I'm using an ESS Sabre and Asahi Kasei
<tm512> I might just have to ABX whether I hear a difference between a 32KHz and 44.1KHz AAC, though that would be difficult on the iPod which is where these files are going to be played back (since on PC, I have the original lossless)
<microchip_> maybe it's time you upgrade to something better/more current? :)
<tm512> I've had this iPod for less than a month, its retro-ness is part of the reason I got it and am using it
<tm512> as far as DACs go, it seems for my desktop headphone setup, the Schiit Modi 2 I have uses a DAC from AKM
<tm512> the AK4490EQ
<tm512> oh that's Asahi Kasei
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<tm512> seems like a more than serviceable DAC
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<microchip_> got the same AK DAC in my Chinese portable player :)
<tm512> is that one of FiiO's players?
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<microchip_> no, an unknown Schmai
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<aleeku_> CounterPillow: this, thanks!
<CounterPillow> aleeku_: ?
<aleeku_> u pointed me yesteray to libavradio :)
<aleeku_> yesterday*
<CounterPillow> Ah :)
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<AlexandrKirilov> Hello all!
<AlexandrKirilov> Is there any functionality of reconnecting to RTSP camera?
<AlexandrKirilov> Some of cameras sending EOF without any reasons, after getting it FFMPEG stopping demuxing. How to reconnect it automatically?
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<AlexandrKirilov> But how to solve this trouble from command line shell?
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<zumba_addict> I'm following an example command from this page, https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/AV1 and it stalls always at 00:00:01.36 on any file. The command I ran was `ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libaom-av1 -minrate 500k -b:v 2000k -maxrate 2500k output.mp4` Any ideas?
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<zumba_addict> The input file is only 5 seconds long
<zumba_addict> While ffmpeg is running, this was the last line but it hasn't quitted yet. It's been like this for like 3 mins. `frame= 34 fps=2.4 q=0.0 size= 0kB time=00:00:01.36 bitrate= 0.3kbits/s speed=0.0969x`
<zumba_addict> I just tried this command `ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libaom-av1 -crf 30 -b:v 2000k output.mkv` and it stalled at 00:00:01.33
<zumba_addict> oh wow, ffmpeg cpu is showing 396% using top
<zumba_addict> now it's 449, LOL
<zumba_addict> why?
<zumba_addict> I added -s 640x480, it didn't help, cpu is extremely super dooper high
<zumba_addict> it's moving but .3 seconds or 200-300ms every 3 mins
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<PapaChub> Stupid question, but Google wasn't very helpful... Recently, "ffmpeg -protocol_whitelist pipe,file,fd,http,crypto,https,tcp,tls -i pipe: ..." started complaining about "Not detecting m3u8/hls with non standard extension and non standard mime type". Is there a way to specify the content-type / extension of STDIN?
<PapaChub> There you go... Rubber Duck Debugging... As soon as I ask, I realize I can put `-f hls` *BEFORE* the `-i` flag. Duh
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<zumba_addict> ffmpeg -encoders shows I don't have av1_nvenc. Maybe because my gtx 1080 is not included
<zumba_addict> why does av1 require so much power while other codecs can do very nice quality with less cpu requirements?
<zumba_addict> is av1 movie grade?
<sonicrules1234> I think av1 was made with the expectancy that there would be hardware encoders and decoders
<sonicrules1234> It acheives really good compression while losing very little quality
<zumba_addict> gotcha
<sonicrules1234> For nvidia cards, the 4000 series are the ones with av1 encoders
<zumba_addict> I only have 1080 :(
<zumba_addict> is av1 new?
<sonicrules1234> Yes
<zumba_addict> but avi extension has been out for so many years
<sonicrules1234> av1, not avi
<zumba_addict> gotcha
<sonicrules1234> And it's a codec, not a file type :P
<zumba_addict> i see :)
<sonicrules1234> The new intel gpu's have av1 encoding btw
<sonicrules1234> Those are pretty cheap
<zumba_addict> is that a video card?
<sonicrules1234> Yeah
<zumba_addict> which card would it be?
<zumba_addict> i want to see their prices
<sonicrules1234> The intel arc series
<zumba_addict> I didn't realize Intel now also makes video cards
<zumba_addict> it's my first time hearing about Arc, interesting!
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<zumba_addict> wow, almost $500
<zumba_addict> checking that link now
<sonicrules1234> They're not great for gaming, but they are cheap and do av1 encoding
<zumba_addict> I see, thanks for mentioning that
<sonicrules1234> They can do some AI stuff too
<zumba_addict> ai = artificial intelligence? I've never done it yet
<sonicrules1234> Have you heard of stable diffusion?
<zumba_addict> like making crazy videos?
<zumba_addict> no, never yeard
<zumba_addict> heard
<zumba_addict> googled
<zumba_addict> watching it now on youtube
<sonicrules1234> AI stuff like, making pictures from text descriptions, transcribing and translating speach automatically, and lots more
<zumba_addict> oh it's the same thing I saw at AWS ReInvent, in one of the booths there
<zumba_addict> looks like Stable Diffusion is a software
<sonicrules1234> Yeah
<zumba_addict> we don't need an external service to build those crazy images
<zumba_addict> correct?
<sonicrules1234> Exactly
<zumba_addict> wow!
<zumba_addict> I've been wanting to do this :D thank you so much!
<zumba_addict> I hope it works on linux
<sonicrules1234> It's not limited to intel gpu's btw
<zumba_addict> oh nice!
<sonicrules1234> Most newer gpu's can do this kind of stuff, as long as they have enough vram
<zumba_addict> i'll try this later :)
<zumba_addict> i think mine is at 8gb
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<sonicrules1234> I think 1080 is too old of a card
<zumba_addict> oh wow
<sonicrules1234> For nvidia, you'll want 3000 series or later
<zumba_addict> it's still good for gaming. I am able to play Elden Ring well
<zumba_addict> sure, I'll look for 3000
<sonicrules1234> Try to get something with at least 12gb of vram
<zumba_addict> cool, will do
<zumba_addict> btw, av1 is not in my priorities. I was just curious about it since I was trying to figure out an issue in Davinci Resolve
<sonicrules1234> Ah
<zumba_addict> I'm happy with .mov .mxf and .mp4
<sonicrules1234> Btw, it is possible to do stable diffusion with cpu, it's just A LOT slower
<zumba_addict> sweet! :)
<sonicrules1234> Think 5 to 10 minutes per image
<zumba_addict> not really bad
<zumba_addict> i wait hours encoding 4k videos, lol
<sonicrules1234> xD
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<zumba_addict> until last night, someone on this channel taught me encoding using my nvidia card. OMG, it's extremely fast. Like a 5min video which takes 25 mins encoding, only took 3mins using nvenc :D
<sonicrules1234> Yeah
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<sonicrules1234> I've got hardware for av1 encoding
<zumba_addict> what card?
<sonicrules1234> I have an intel one, plus my mini-pc has a really new amd apu, who's integrated graphics can do it
<zumba_addict> nice!
<zumba_addict> my machine is very old, I really need to upgrade. It's from 2009, lol
<sonicrules1234> Heh
<zumba_addict> the one I am using right now
<zumba_addict> i7 with 8 cores
<zumba_addict> what about those crazy videos I've seen where it modifies the video that it changes it look line an alien world, what tool is it?
<sonicrules1234> No idea, I haven't been able to figure out how to do video
<zumba_addict> k
<sonicrules1234> Well, other than upscaling anime
<zumba_addict> i saw a video before and they used a paid service
<zumba_addict> I think $5 for a single video
<zumba_addict> Kaiber is the online service
<zumba_addict> would be nice if someone can build a tool like Stable Diffusion
<zumba_addict> but for video
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<sonicrules1234> Oh, I didn't see before, but yes, this stuff works on linux
<zumba_addict> cool
<zumba_addict> i'm trying to find the instructions now
<zumba_addict> I'm on their website
<zumba_addict> https://stability.ai/
<zumba_addict> k
<sonicrules1234> There's also some forks for some specific hardware
<zumba_addict> i see
<sonicrules1234> https://civitai.com/ is good for models and other stuff
<zumba_addict> thank you :)
<zumba_addict> I am innstalling it using your link
<sonicrules1234> No problem
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<zumba_addict> i started webui and it's download a big file
<sonicrules1234> Yeah, the model files are big
<zumba_addict> ah
<sonicrules1234> Usually several gigs
<sonicrules1234> They're the reason for the vram requirement
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<zumba_addict> gotcha
<zumba_addict> my machine is slow, it's still not done installing it, haha
<sonicrules1234> :P
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<sonicrules1234> How much ram do you have?
<zumba_addict> 16
<sonicrules1234> Ok, that should be enough
<zumba_addict> maybe my network is just saturated today
<sonicrules1234> Well, the ram would be for when it's generating the image
<zumba_addict> yep
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<zumba_addict> it's weird, it hasn't complete installing it
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<zumba_addict> the last line I am seeing is "Installing requirements" right after "Installing requirements for CodeFormer"
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<zumba_addict> finally it moved
<zumba_addict> now it's saying Launching WebUI with arguments: :)
<zumba_addict> downloading hugging face, 96%
<zumba_addict> yay, I see it on my web browser
<sonicrules1234> :D
<zumba_addict> what should I try?
<zumba_addict> i typed cat with a hat, haha
<zumba_addict> oh wow, lol, it's there
<zumba_addict> hahaha
<sonicrules1234> It's up to you, but the better description, the better the image
<zumba_addict> wow
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<sonicrules1234> If it's that fast, it's probably using your gpu
<zumba_addict> nice
<zumba_addict> it's getting image generated wrong
<zumba_addict> I wrote this `cat with a hat and red polka dots everywhere his body but not on hat`
<zumba_addict> i had to write "but not on" since it put the dots on the hat
<zumba_addict> it's my first time doing this
<sonicrules1234> :P
<sonicrules1234> It's very fiddly
<zumba_addict> nice
<zumba_addict> maybe I can use a picture of me then I'll tell it to convert it to cartoon. is that possible?
<sonicrules1234> There might be an extension for something like that
<zumba_addict> k
<zumba_addict> i wrote, convert to anime and it did
<zumba_addict> haha
<zumba_addict> how do we tell to generate few more choices?
<zumba_addict> ah, clicking generate does it
<sonicrules1234> There's an advanced menu drop down with more options
<zumba_addict> k
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<AlexandrKirilov> Hello all!
<AlexandrKirilov> Receiving "No frame" with h264 codec from RTSP camera and FFMPEG stopping receiving after it?
<AlexandrKirilov> How to solve this trouble from command line?
<AlexandrKirilov> Is there special parameter for reconnection?
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<AlexandrKirilov> Need to keep receiving RTSP constantly
<AlexandrKirilov> Trying to find any info
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<CounterPillow> stop using extremely shitty network cameras
<AlexandrKirilov> Useless advise
<AlexandrKirilov> It is what it is
<AlexandrKirilov> Almost every camera "shitty" … handling +1000 cameras
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<vincejv_> CounterPillow can confirm that multithreading is working by recompiling the kernel with CONFIG_NUMA=y thanks, took me a while to figure out tho
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<antto> is there anything that can tell me what's wrong with a .mp4 file?
<furq> yeah but probably not as succinctly as you'd like
* antto is listening
<furq> boxdumper/atomicparsley/mp4box will all let you look at the structure of the file
<furq> but that's pretty indepth
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<antto> x_x
<antto> something's definately wrong, SMPlayer plays the frames at what seems the expected rate, the progress bar and video length also seem right, however, the sound is broken, but even besides that, when the frames reach the end - the broken audio keeps playing for a lot after that
<antto> Parole Media Player on the other hand plays the video and i can tell it makes periodic jumps in the audio and eventually when the video ends - the audio ends too
<antto> i put the .mp4 on a flash stick and rammed it into my TV - it didn't want to play it
<antto> okay, loaded it into VLC, vlc also makes the audio "jump" but slightly differently than Parole Media Player
<antto> i see in the VLC Messages that it thinks it's terribly desync'ed
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<antto> when i toss the "10s" video into audacity, it loads it as slightly above 20s long (that small extra is maybe a delay from the AAC encoding)
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<monaco> Hi can someone tell me is it possible and how I can restream my url stream video directly to my localmachine as /home/sav/out.mp4
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<antto> what does the "planar" mean in the context of a format?
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<CounterPillow> The wiki article focuses too much on retro computers, in video pixel format parlance it usually means that your luma and chroma isn't stored interleaved for each pixel but on separate planes
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<antto> okay, that was the problem.. AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT is the right format
<CounterPillow> from a rockchip TRM: https://0x0.st/s/u3-wacLjOdwVhTB25nkoUg/HIaY.png
<CounterPillow> There's also semi-planar, where the two chrominance values are stored interleaved, but luma is its own plane
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<Marth64> monaco: If it's in a standard format ffmpeg accepts and not encrypted, you should be able to just do something like `ffmpeg -i URL -c copy OUTPUT.mp4`
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