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<aaabbb> with avc it's useful to use 10 bit even if you have an 8 bit source, but what about hevc? it probably matters for scaling, but what about transcoding an 8 bit source to 10 bit hevc without scaling? is there any benefit to doing that like there is with avc?
<aaabbb> i see a very slight but consistent benefit with ssim (i compared by doing 2pass with the same presets) but the difference was too slight to be clear and i don't exactly have a giant variety of samples to test
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<furq> it's very dependent on source
<aaabbb> does it often decrease quality?
<furq> i don't think it should ever
<aaabbb> is transcoding from an 8-bit yuv420p source to yuv420p10le hevc useful in general? assuming the time increase isn't an issue, and the deocder supports it
<aaabbb> ofc better not to transcode at all i know but if the alternative is yuv420p hevc
<furq> if you know the decoder will support it then i don't think it ever hurts
<furq> but it's often a pretty marginal gain
<aaabbb> i know avc benefits a lot from it, just wondered about hevc
<aaabbb> something to do with hevc having higher precision motion vectors
<aaabbb> thx
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