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<tykling> o/
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<tykling> I have a webcam where I get "Input #0, matroska,webm" over https and I am restreaming it to an RTSP server, this part works well. I would like to make ffmpeg exit when the webcam stops working for some reason (right now I am testing by rebooting the webcam and ffmpeg just keeps running and doesn't exit and doesn't resume once the webcam is back up)
<JEEB> -rw_timeout XYZ before input for TCP-based things should work; the default I think is eternal?
<tykling> oh, that sounds promising, will try right away, thanks!
<JEEB> see `ffmpeg -h full |grep rw_timeout` which documents on which time level that timestamp is
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<Scorpi> Hi. Is it possible to define a style when generating .ass subtitles, e.g. when converting from SRT to ASS? Like with ffmpeg -i foo.srt -o foo.ass
<Scorpi> sorry, without the -o
<tykling> JEEB: it seems like with -rw_timeout 1000000 it does detect it when I reboot the camera, but ffmpeg doesn't exit, it outputs some errors like "[tls @ 0x55f1eb225c40] Error in the pull function." and "[matroska,webm @ 0x55f1eb020700] Read error at pos. 1159717 (0x11b225)" and then the webcam url followed by "Input/output error". But it still keeps running.
<tykling> sorry I have to run to a stupid meeting but I will be back later, thanks!
<tykling> wait! no it does work, I was piping to ffplay to see if/when it froze, and it was ffplay that kept running. thanks a bunch JEEB ! :)
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<Scorpi> Too bad. If I read the source correctly, the subtile text style seems to be hardcoded in ass.h and can not be changed at runtime.
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<gnucode> hello you smart people!
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<gnucode> I've got a awesome ffmpeg project, that I could use some guidance on...So daily drive the Hurd on a T43. ffmpeg runs on it, and I can record my screen with it.
<gnucode> I would like to record cool videos of my using the Hurd, to show others that it is actually a pretty viable OS.
<gnucode> I would love these videos to have audio, but the Hurd currently lacks an audio stack.
<gnucode> Is there a way that I can have the Hurd send screenshots (say 2 or 5 a second) to my linux machine, which will be simultaneously recording my voice. That way I can record cool Hurd videos and have audio in them.
<gnucode> Any ideas where I should start?
<vlt> gnucode: You could record audio on the linux box, video on hurd and later (use ffmpeg to) join both tracks. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<kepstin> honestly? you'd probably be best off getting a video capture card and recording off the laptop's vga output (usb hdmi capture cards and vga→hdmi converters are both fairly easy to come by). Then use OBS to do your recording.
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<kepstin> as far as doing it all with ffmpeg cli… a tricky bit is that the ffmpeg cli tool is _not_ intended as a realtime video mixer (although the multithreading work being done recently in git makes it less bad), so you _will_ run into issues if you have ffmpeg on one system listening to a network source from another system if there's any interruptions or delays in the video delivery.
<kepstin> if you do decide to go the screenshot route, easiest way is if you have a shared network filesystem, then you can use ffmpeg screen capture with the image2 muxer with the '-update' and '-atomic_writing' options, then on the image side the input can use the image2 demuxer with the '-loop' option (don't forget to also set '-framerate'), and it'll keep re-reading the image with the same filename.
<gnucode> vlt: I actually tried that. But somehow the video got out of sync with the audio. :(
<gnucode> I'm guessing the video had a really slow framerate. and I couldn't figure out how to tell ffmpeg how to combine them, but preserve the video framerate.
<kepstin> yeah, mixing audio and video captured separately is a pain because different systems will never have clocks running at the exact same speed.
<kepstin> ffmpeg preserves video framerate and timing by default, you don't need to do anything.
<gnucode> kepstin: I can show you the resulting video. The audio and video are out of sync. :(
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<kepstin> the issue is that here you need to _not_ preserve timing, but instead adjust the speed to compensate for the different clocks.
<gnucode> kepstin: My T43 does have a VGA slot. and my T410 Linux laptop has a VGA slot too...
<gnucode> do I still need that video card?
<kepstin> video output and video input are completely different things that require different devices
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<gnucode> ahh.
<gnucode> How much do you suppose a video input device might cost? The T43 is has a VGA. The T410 (linux machine) does not have an HDMI port.
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<kepstin> usb capture devices that can do hdmi input are pretty cheap now. capture devices that support vga are a bit more rare, but converters that turn vga into hdmi aren't hard to find, and a cheap one will work fine as long as you don't need to capture vga text mode.
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<gnucode> kepstin: can you send me a link to something that might work?
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<BtbN> the most simple one would be an elgato camlink
<BtbN> it just pretends to be a webcam, and takes HDMI input
<BtbN> There's also ultra-cheap clone devices on the usual sites, but the quality varies greatly
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<FlorianBad> So if I was to pick a single pair of video + audio codecs + container today in 2024 that best quality/bitrate for web browsers, what should I pick if I'm ok with supporting ~99% of users?
<FlorianBad> that HAS*
<furq> h264+aac in mp4
<furq> that's the entire list
<sonicrules1234> ^
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<furq> same as it has been for the last decade
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<furq> and probably for the next one as well
<sonicrules1234> av1 might make it there eventually
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<FlorianBad> hmm, ok so not vp8/9 then? (which would be the only other to consider?)
<furq> i think it will but it'll be a good few years before you can recommend it
<furq> the only other option is vp9+opus in webm which is less well supported on mobile and on apple in general
<sonicrules1234> Yeah
<furq> it is slightly better but not so much that it's worth offering it as an alternative
<furq> unless you're at youtube's scale
<furq> and also you are youtube and you've invested a lot of money in vp9
<FlorianBad> ok I see, and I'm assuming the quality difference between H264 and VP9 is not noticeable in a blind test?
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<FlorianBad> ah, already just answer my question
<furq> depends on a lot of things but x264 still performs well
<FlorianBad> Hmm, is it truly still not totally supported? https://caniuse.com/webm
<furq> only supported on ios safari in webrtc
<FlorianBad> Because on one of my website it will be for music videos, so I'm trying to get best quality possible
<furq> but also a lot of phones won't decode it in hardware
<furq> whereas basically anything will hardware decode h264 now
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<FlorianBad> Ok, now what if I decide to make 2 formats then? (because after all the only extra work for me will be few extra lines of script for encoding what I upload) Would a good logic be: VP9+OPUS in WEBM for everything, except for all mobile devices, in which case H264+AAC in MP4?
<furq> webm with fallback to mp4 makes sense
<furq> but you should probably test x264 against libvpx first to see what the bitrate/quality tradeoff is like for your source material
<furq> if you want archival quality 1080p then that's where x264 does best
<furq> libvpx is pretty slow so if it only shaves off 100kbps or whatever then it's a bad deal
<FlorianBad> But I will have to detect that with user-agent though, because I feed the video object manually via the MediaSource API
<FlorianBad> ah! OK I See
<FlorianBad> well then no I'll stick with mp4 only then
<FlorianBad> Also I always wondered who will see the difference with a blind test... Many times there's a hype but in reality it's super hard to tell. I remember this blind test with stradivarius violins vs "good" today's violins, and none of the experts could tell :D