<furq> tm512: there's mp3packer but it usually produces files that are still >300k
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<tm512> furq: that's in the ballpark of what I'm thinking of, as in something that uses awareness of the codec's stream structure to avoid generation loss, but yeah I want something like that but lossy that gives better results than just transcoding to the target bitrate
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<tm512> I'll probably just transcode from 320k MP3 to like 160kbit AAC and not worry too much about it as long as it still sounds good to me
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<tm512> so 320kbit MP3 to fdk_aac -vbr 4 sounds fine to me. good enough for portable use at least
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<BullHorn> hi whats the syntax of vcodec to keep the same codec and only change the extension for * to .mp4?
<sonicrules1234> -c:v copy
<BullHorn> thanks im trying to figure it out (im using it within an mpv .lua plugin so it might require extra tinkering)
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<BullHorn> what actually happens when you copy c:v a video that was .mkv into .mp4? is it equivalent to replacing the extension from .mkv to. mp4 manually?
<CounterPillow> no
<CounterPillow> it remuxes the file into a completely different container
<BullHorn> damn so my solution wasnt actually a solution lol
<CounterPillow> I know this one is hard for Windows users to grasp, but renaming a file by changing its extension does not change anything about its contents
<Marth64> Some media players may still accept it making you think everythings okay
<Marth64> But its not
<BullHorn> ye thats why im asking. when you try to embed .mkv in discord it fails, but it accepts .mp4
<BullHorn> it also accepts .mkv that you manually rename to .mp4 :thinking:
<furq> it probably depends on the platform
<BullHorn> this is just wrong syntax though https://i.imgur.com/mu9hX0B.png
<BullHorn> -c:v mp4 doesnt work
<BullHorn> i need to set an output.mp4 but this isnt possible with this plugin, unless i go into the plugin itself and figure out what to rewrite there
<furq> -c:v copy is correct
<furq> renaming the file is wrong
<BullHorn> -c:v outputs the .mkv as .mkv though
<another|> what's your full cmdline?
<BullHorn> no idea, im using a plugin. i think its what i linked in the imgur screenshot
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<ossifrage> OT: Anyone know of a linux image viewer that is good at dealing with >8 bit grayscale images. My images are 14 bit, from a thermal camera.
<BtbN> high bit depth support on Linux is historically poor iirc
<BtbN> from a system/graphics stack point of view entirely
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<ossifrage> BtbN, I'm hoping to update to a 10 bit oled display soonish, I suspect I'm going to be disappointed with 10 and 12 bit support in Linux
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<eldowan> I'm trying to use machine time (UTC) for filenames, but an overlay of local time on the frames. Is it possible to cast a specific timezone on either the drawtext filter or the output filename? I'm currently changing the local timezone in the shell, but that results in incorrect file times
<Marth64> drawtext has gmtime (UTC) and localtime (local) expansion
<Marth64> if system changed to local time, then can use localtime expansion and gmtime expansion to get both in theory
<Marth64> have not tried it myself just reading off the docs.
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