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uwumeowmeownyaa has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<zorz> SiFuh_: remember the 82euro in paypal... they are $302 as of now :)
serpente has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<SiFuh_> zorz: okay
<zorz> SiFuh_:
<zorz> just finish a bot
<zorz> bonjour!
<SiFuh_> To replace our resident bot uwumeowmeownyaa that just left?
<zorz> hahahaha
<zorz> today he is sad....
<zorz> they lost a general
<zorz> my condolences!
<zorz> ses
<SiFuh_> zorz: "remember the 82euro in paypal... they are $302 as of now :)" <-- mine was 3,000 which is now over 4,000
<zorz> SiFuh_: ΕΥΡΗΚΑ as archimedes said once upon a time in sicely. I put my brain to work when no good internet line
<zorz> i only need ticking them.... o man!... we will bullshit a lot in the future :)
<zorz> SiFuh_: i also build my own indicators only using numpy and pythons deque look comparison
<zorz> this logic/method is for selling.
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<SiFuh_> zorz_: remiliascarlet:
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh_: That guy can handle quite a lot of fatal hits.
<remiliascarlet> BitchUte, the site where literally everything and everyone is Jewish.
<SiFuh_> Bitchute and Odysee are too slow
<remiliascarlet> And on Bluesky everyone is racist, sexist, homo/transphobe, and whatever other weird words they can come up with.
<remiliascarlet> Rumble seems to be the most moderate among the centralized alt tech platforms, but a bit too dead.
<remiliascarlet> All alt tech is basically 99% mirrored content from YouTube, and 1% actually original content.
<remiliascarlet> Only feels weird to call it "content", since videos are the only type of media you can upload on YouTube. Odysee also allows for text and audio though.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh_: By the way, if you use Firefox, make sure to switch browsers by August, because Mozilla is making it very clear that they will soon not be developing Firefox and Thunderbird anymore as soon as Google is no longer allowed to pay them.
<remiliascarlet> They're already transitioning from a browser developer company to a global extreme leftist activist group.
<remiliascarlet> The only 2 viable browsers are Brave and Ladybird. Brave because it's the only Chromium reskin that will still keep Manifest v2 (and thus will continue to allow ad blocking), and Ladybird is the new independent browser that will be ready by 2026. Problems are that Brave is still not available for OpenBSD, and Ladybird is switching from C++ to Swift, so until Swift gets ported by any BSD at
<remiliascarlet> all, porting Ladybird will be impossible.
<SiFuh_> All browsers suck
farkuhar has joined #crux-social
<zorz_> remiliascarlet: japan browser
<zorz_> farkuhar: give us access to reykjavik iceland
<SiFuh_> zorz_: Floor Pee?
<zorz_> SiFuh_: hah
SiFuh_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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<zorz> q
zorz has quit [Quit: leaving]