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<zest> should I vendor my basic libraries like trivia or just succumb and use quickload?
<zest> the use case is having a self-contained library...
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<edgar-rft> zest: if it's self-contained you dont necessarily need quicklisp, but you could go *both* ways to increase the potential user base
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<beach> I think a decision like that depends on many things like the quality of the existing library, and the requirements of the client. To minimize maintenance, it is usually best to reuse existing code. But there are cases where the client can't (or won't) use an existing library in addition to yours.
<beach> And it depends on the size of the existing library. For a small one, you can include similar code in your own library. But if the existing library is large, you may take on a lot of maintenance burden if you duplicate that functionality.
<zest> beach: For something as replicatable as pattern matching, guess I'll roll with using cond for now and I'll sacrifice the eye candy.
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<zest> do you guys think there is a way to see what is a form of a function? I know 'describe describes data in general but is there smth that could make look at the actual definition of a function...
<beach> clhs function-lambda-expression
<beach> I am going to be criticized for this, but here goes: If there were a way to do that for every function, then there would be no commercial Common Lisp vendors.
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<beach> So FUNCTION-LAMBDA-EXPRESSION is allowed to fail. This is also good because you can't get the lambda expression of a closure, nor of a generic function.
<zest> beach: cool, thanks
<beach> Sure.
<zest> beach: so i am guessing it doesn't work on all implementations... ah, well, good enough I just wanna examine some library functions without going to a directory and reading the src file
<beach> That may or may not work.
<zest> beach: it depends on whether the function is compiled or not?
<beach> Also, you may get macroexpanded code which is going to be incomprehensible.
<beach> zest: Especially on the implementation. A valid implementation can return NIL always.
<beach> *A conforming implementation
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<pjb> zest: in addition to function-lambda-expression, there's M-. in your favorite editor.
<pjb> M-. will usually jump to the source of the definition of the symbol at the point.
<beach> pjb: "without going to a directory and reading the src file" is what I picked up on.
<pjb> It came late…
<zest> pjb: i don't use emacs
<zest> pjb: but I used it before, that's one hell of a future
<zest> feature*
<beach> zest: Surely, whatever you do use must have something similar. No?
<zest> beach: acme
<zest> emacs is cool and i understand why people use it
<zest> acme is just an old habit dying hard
<beach> zest: In one of my good talks to industry, I estimate the time saved by using a new tool vs the time it takes to learn it. The results are usually staggering, like a factor of 100 or so in favor of learning the new one.
<beach> zest: Even just using Emacs abbrevs when I write email is a significant time saver, but some people here would dispute that, as usual.
<zest> beach: true, tools are our world as programmers
<beach> Unfortunately, as I explain in one of my essays, our brains are not good with such estimates, so we often make the wrong decisions. But as programmers, I think it is our duty is to set aside our immediate responses and do the math.
<zest> beach: i saw one video named "play emacs as an instrument" and the person who did had such so much internal knowledge of emacs it was ridicolous
<zest> among the things he did was he opened a file server in an SSH connection to his local host through eshell
<beach> And, as I explain in my talk, a project leader that can't convince the programmers to use the right tools, should get rid of those programmers.
<zest> beach: it adds up to overall productivity... i feel that today's tools are much less configurable than the older tools
<zest> like forget about code editors for a second, even stuff like windows managers can just boost productivity
<zest> a bigger optimization would be just having a OS that you hack away at...
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<Guest86> jackdaniel Try to learn to give smart answers yourself before judging other's questions. This is a shame for CLIM maintainer though https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3816#3816 is good enough to judge ....
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<beach> zest: Working on it! :)
<jackdaniel> yay, one more point towards the asshole of the year award, keep fingers crossed for me everybody
<beach> What could possibly have prompted Guest86 to put that initarg in there?
<splittist> Anyone gluing ML chains together with CL? (Not that one glues a chain…)
<jackdaniel> I don't know, but the question does not indicate that either
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<hefner_> tbf I can't figure out where you'd add that keyword either, although the title pane seems obviously wrong
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<jackdaniel> initial-cursor-visibility is a keyword for open-window-stream
<jackdaniel> not that we implement the behavior, but open-window-stream should not error /with/ this keyword
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<jackdaniel> (and it is about the text cursor, not the pointer cursor, so in this sense it is off by default)
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<Guest80> beach you can change :initarg :medium to :initarg :doc-title with no change in code behavior.
<beach> So?
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<beach> The term "visible" is used about a restart in RESTART-BIND and RESTART-CASE and it is related to the return value of the test function. But I can't see a definition of "visible" nor the relation between "visible" and "active" when it comes to restarts. Any hints?
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<jackdaniel> isn't it that visible means "invokable" while active means "present in the dynamic context"? I don't have a quote
<beach> It could be, but it's not obvious to me.
<jackdaniel> in http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/m_rst_ca.htm (:test arg): "... that returns true if the restart is to be considered visible."
<ixelp> CLHS: Macro RESTART-CASE
<jackdaniel> and in the Description: "In this case, the dynamic state is unwound appropriately (so that the restarts established around the restartable-form are no longer active) prior to execution of the clause. "
<jackdaniel> it seems that given the context these words are used in is not ambiguous
<jackdaniel> perhaps an entry in the glossary would be a good thing
<beach> Yeah.
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<beach> Oh, that last phrase is in favor of restart clustering, no?
<jackdaniel> we've discussed that earlier, if it is simply appended to the list then it will be correctly unwound either way
<jackdaniel> by earlier I mean yesterday
<jackdaniel> (I think that the quote brought by scymtym is more in favor of restart clustering)
<beach> I'll give this some more thought. Thanks!
<jackdaniel> btw, compute-restarts uses the term "applicable restarts" (which has a glossary entry) instead of "visible", but the context seem indicate that both term describe the same thing
<jackdaniel> that is "active" and "test returns true"
<jackdaniel> sure
<beach> Yes, I am inclined to make "visible" and "active" mean the same thing.
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<jackdaniel> that would be incorrect given the context the word "visible" is used in
<jackdaniel> "visible" and "applicable" would be more appropriate
<beach> Hmm.
<jackdaniel> I'm a bit tight on time with something, so I'll get going. good luck!
<beach> You too!
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<beach> I think I have made up my mind. It seems "visible" is mentioned only in connection with the TEST-FUNCTION, so I'll define "visible" to mean "the TEST-FUNCTION returns true", and I will consider that a restart can be returned by FIND-RESTART or COMPUTE-RESTARTS only if it is visible.
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<jackdaniel> so "applicable restart" would mean "both active and visible"?
<beach> Almost. If by some secret way you could obtain a reference to an invisible restart, you could invoke it.
<jackdaniel> "applicable restart" is a term defined in the glossary
<jackdaniel> (referenced from compute-restarts n.b)
<beach> Right, but it is not clear what the "associated test" means.
<jackdaniel> do you have any plausible interpretation except for the "test associated with the restart"?
<beach> The test being referred to seems to involve the association between a restart and a condition, and that has nothing to do with the test-function.
<jackdaniel> the test function accepts one argument, that is the condition (see the initarg :test)
<jackdaniel> s/initarg/keyword option/
<beach> Right.
<beach> Yeah, OK, fair enough. So then "visible" and "applicable" is the same thing.
<jackdaniel> that was my initial impression, but you've hinted something above, that "visible" means only that the test function returns T
<beach> But it is not true that COMPUTE-RESTARTS returns all applicable restarts. A restart has to be active as well in order to be returned.
<jackdaniel> in other means, visible does not imply active
<jackdaniel> so applicable restart = (and active visible)
<beach> That's not how you interpreted the glossary entry though, is it?
<jackdaniel> the glossary entry says: "applicable restart n. 1. (for a condition) an active handler for which the associated test returns true when given the condition as an argument. 2. (for no particular condition) an active handler for which the associated test returns true when given nil as an argument. "
<beach> Ah, it has to be active! OK.
<beach> This is starting to make sense.
<jackdaniel> great
<beach> I should write this down in a comment somewhere in Predicament.
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<beach> One quirk though. If we take the "associated test" in the glossary entry for "applicable restart" to mean the TEST-FUNCTION, then it implies that we can call the test function with NIL and it should then return true.
<beach> I think it is safest to assume that we can not call the test function with NIL, and if we have "no particular condition" we should not call the test function at all.
<beach> I'll write this down as well.
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<jackdaniel> that's not very conservative though, I'd rather fix the description of ":test" to explicitly allow nil
<jackdaniel> well, that's not good either
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<beach> I fear that someone who reads the dictionary entry for RESTART-BIND or RESTART-CASE might create a TEST-FUNCTION that does not work if passed NIL as an argument.
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<beach> What standard special forms or macros have a list of "bindings" other than LET, LET*, HANDLER-BIND, and RESTART-BIND?
<beach> I mean syntactically, so that some part of the form can be identified as such a list of bindings.
<_death> would DO or PROGV count?
<beach> So things like PROGV and MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND don't count.
<beach> DO may count. Let me check...
<beach> Yeah, I guess DO and DO* count.
<_death> if you're aiming for completeness you may need to go through the list of CL symbols
<beach> I probably need to do that at some point, yes.
<ogamita> beach: then LOOP WITH and FOR would count too.
<beach> Indeed, specific LOOP clauses would probably count.
<ogamita> Also, binding is something that is established at run-time, so I wouldn't make such a difference between progv and let…
<beach> For context, I am working on Iconoclast, which is a library defining ASTs for standard special forms and macros, and I am trying to identify reasonable mixin classes. That's why I am interested only in operators where the list of bindings is syntactically apparent.
<ogamita> ok.
<White_Flame> FLET and LABELS?
<ogamita> Indeed.
<beach> Definitely.
<beach> MACROLET too.
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<jdz> beach: PROG?
<Bike> the format of the bindings is different for a lot of these, though. like LET is symbol | (symbol [value]), which is not what handler-bind or flet have.
<beach> jdz: Yes, PROG and PROG*!
<beach> Excellent! Thank y'all! Now I can factor some more code.
<splittist> with-hash-table-iterator, for example, has a 'singleton' binding
<beach> Hmm. Maybe not that one.
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<splittist> with-accessors ?
<beach> Sure, why not!
<beach> The idea is to extract certain features to mixin classes to avoid code duplication. Like bindings, declarations, documentation, body, clauses, ...
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<Shinmera> phoe: I am once again asking for your Verbose patch
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<jackdaniel> there is an appropriate meme template for such requests ;)
<Shinmera> That is, indeed, the reference.
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<HamzaShahid> Hello Everyone!
<HamzaShahid> I was solving another projecteuler problem and somehow managed to make it a binary addition problem
<HamzaShahid> All I want now is to have a list of lists containing each digit of a binary number going from 000 to 111
<HamzaShahid> so '((0 0 0) (0 0 1) (0 1 0) (0 1 1) (1 0 0) (1 0 1) (1 1 0) (1 1 1))
<HamzaShahid> but it should be generated dynamically be saying how many digits of binary to calculate from. Any idea on how to add and operate on raw binary in common lisp. Any help would be greatly appreciated
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<HamzaShahid> Im gonna sleep in a few minutes so will probably read answers when I get up
<HamzaShahid> PS. I know there are libraries like cl-binary but I want to do it with raw common lisp for educational purposes
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<pjb> HamzaShahid: (defun all-bit-combinations (n) (if (zerop n) '(()) (let ((rests (all-bit-combinations (- n 1)))) (mapcan (lambda (bit) (mapcar (lambda (rest) (cons bit rest)) rests)) '(0 1))))) (mapcar #'all-bit-combinations '(0 1 2 3)) #| --> ((nil) ((0) (1)) ((0 0) (0 1) (1 0) (1 1)) ((0 0 0) (0 0 1) (0 1 0) (0 1 1) (1 0 0) (1 0 1) (1 1 0) (1 1 1))) |#
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<pjb> HamzaShahid: this is one way. But another is: (defun all-bit-combinations (n) (loop for word from 0 below (expt 2 n) collect (integer-to-list-of-bits word n))) with (defun integer-to-list-of-bits (n width) (loop for i below width collect (if (logbitp i n) 1 0))) (all-bit-combinations 3) #| --> ((0 0 0) (1 0 0) (0 1 0) (1 1 0) (0 0 1) (1 0 1) (0 1 1) (1 1 1)) |#
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<nij-> Is it possible to pass in more parameters into #'call-next-method?
<pjb> nij-: yes, but you're advised not to change the parameters on which the dispatching has been done.
<pjb> if your generic function has &key &rest or &optional, you may add parameters to call-next-method (pass the mandatory ones first).
<nij-> Cool! Thank you :)
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<pjb> HamzaShahid: also, why use list of bits? You could use bit-vectors instead. (defun integer-to-list-of-bits (n width) (loop with result = (make-array width :element-type 'bit :initial-element 0) for i below width when (logbitp i n) do (setf (aref result i) 1) finally (return result))) (all-bit-combinations 3) #| --> (#*000 #*100 #*010 #*110 #*001 #*101 #*011 #*111) |#
<pjb> HamzaShahid: perhaps you could even use 2D arrays of bits? (make-array '(8 3) :element-type 'bit :initial-contents (all-bit-combinations 3)) #| --> #2A(#*000 #*100 #*010 #*110 #*001 #*101 #*011 #*111) |# ?
<HamzaShahid> Ooooh cool thanks everyone, so turns out my solution is the worst but I will still present it :)
<HamzaShahid> (loop :for i :from 0 :to (1- (expt 2 (1- rows)))
<HamzaShahid> :collect (let* ((num (write-to-string i :base 2))
<HamzaShahid> (strnum (format nil "~3,,,v@a" #\0 num)))
<HamzaShahid> (loop :for digitchar :across strnum
<HamzaShahid> :collect (parse-integer (string digitchar)))))
<HamzaShahid> oops
<HamzaShahid> im sorrryyyyy
<HamzaShahid> fforgot to pastebin it
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<HamzaShahid> sorry, that was incorrect
<HamzaShahid> Correct: https://termbin.com/95sr
<HamzaShahid> I mean, is it that bad?
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<HamzaShahid> Used this at the end: (loop :for i :below (expt 2 (1- rows)) :collect (loop :for j :below 3 :collect (if (logbitp j i) 1 0)))
<HamzaShahid> vectors dont' have many functions like apply mapcar etc dont work on them
<HamzaShahid> so its kinda a lot easier with lists
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<pjb> HamzaShahid: if you want to go thru a string you can do (defun integer-to-list-of-bits (n width) (map 'list (lambda (ch) (if (char= #\1 ch) 1 0)) (format nil "~VB" width n))) (integer-to-list-of-bits 9 5) #| --> (0 1 0 0 1) |#
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<pjb> HamzaShahid: you can s/'list/'bit-vector/ or /'vector/ if you prefer.
<pjb> HamzaShahid: or, using functions like you: (map 'bit-vector (compose parse-integer string) (format nil "~V,'0B" 5 9)) #| --> #*01001 |#
<pjb> Note, the pad-char is the second argument, not the fourth.
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<pjb> I've used the macro com.informatimago.common-lisp.cesarum.utility:compose, but you may use the function (alexandria:compose #'parse-integer #'string).
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<nij-> In a function I'd like to check if a statement is true or not, but I don't want to do it always, as it will slow down the system.
<nij-> Can I make the statement to be checked IF AND ONLY IF safety is 3?
<pjb> nothing implementation independent let you do that. You have to make your own flag and test.
<pjb> nij-: in general, the question is whether you want this test to be made at compilation-time or at run-time.
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<pjb> nij-: at compilation-time you may use a feature and #+with-assertions (assert expression) Then you can write: (progn (declaim (optimization (safety 3))) (pushnew :with-assertions *features*)) before compiling.
<pjb> nij-: at run-time: (defvar *with-assertions* nil) (when *with-assertions* (assert expression)) Then at run-time you may (setf *with-assertions* t).
<nij-> There's no CL-compliant way to get the current level of SAFETY?
<pjb> yep.
<Bike> you can use one of the cltl2 libraries to get at it
<Bike> note that safety is a syntactic property, so it'll just be the safety at compile time, not at run time
<pjb> You could do: (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defvar *optimizations* '()) (setf *optimizations* '(optimization (safety 3))) (proclaim *optimizations*))) to save the current optimization. But you'd have to remember doing that everytime, everywhere.
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<nij-> cltl2 is a lib? not a book?
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<Bike> it's an earlier version of common lisp that had some operator for interrogating environments, which some implementations support as an extension
<Bike> https://github.com/Zulu-Inuoe/trivial-cltl2 https://github.com/alex-gutev/cl-environments declaration-information can be used to see what safety is
<ixelp> GitHub - Zulu-Inuoe/trivial-cltl2: Portable CLtL2
<Bike> (it's also a book, namely the book describing the earlier version of common lisp)
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<johnjaye> i didn't know common lisp had antecedents. i mean it clearly did.
<johnjaye> i just don't know what they are. maclisp maybe
<Bike> common lisp is "common" because it was an attempt to unify about a million different lisps, including maclisp.
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