jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<char[m]> nij-: checkout generic-cl and static-dispatch-cl
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<beach> What would be the point of making + and * generic?
<jackdaniel> I can imagine someone wishing to multiply elements in an array or matrice
<beach> But you can't specialize any parameter, because there are no required parameters.
<jackdaniel> good point
<jackdaniel> then I'm not sure why
<beach> Yeah, hence my question.
<beach> The usual "solution" is to have + and * call something like BINARY-+ and BINARY-* and to make those generic.
<beach> That's what Dylan does, I believe.
<hayley> Prefix Dylan did, infix Dylan only has binary functions for such mathematical operators.
<beach> Oh, I see. I stopped looking at Dylan when it went infix.
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<ogamita> To extend arithmetic to currency amount, I shadowed and redefined those functions as normal functions (since &rest args), and processed the argument types: https://github.com/informatimago/lisp/blob/782607d960853d3269be963ded246ae2875a4139/common-lisp/invoice/invoice.lisp#L392
<ixelp> lisp/invoice.lisp at 782607d960853d3269be963ded246ae2875a4139 · informatimago/lisp · GitHub
<ogamita> Using normal generic function dispatch may not work, because there may be more sophisticated rules. We may use associativity and commutativity, and coerce the values.
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<jackdaniel> float16 is all we need \o/
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<mi6x3m> hey, are CL string literals multiline?
<jackdaniel> "try
<jackdaniel> it"
<mi6x3m> :D
<yitzi> mi6x3m: CL double quote reads until it sees another double quote so pretty much anything can be in there.
<yitzi> clhs 2.4.5
<ixelp> CLHS: Section 2.4.5
<mi6x3m> that's so cool
<yitzi> mi6x3m: see the clhs ref above
<mi6x3m> I am checking it out yeah
<mi6x3m> tnx
<yitzi> yw
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<seok> hm.. quickload is not loading a project correctly
<seok> It outputs an error saying it cannot find the reference to a function defined in the same file
<seok> But the file works if I compile line by line
<Bike> is the function used in a macro?
<seok> no
<jackdaniel> seok: could you show the file?
<ixelp> (in-package #:uwu)(defclass node () ((properties :accessor properties :in - Pastebin.com
<seok> says create-node does not exist
<jackdaniel> defconstant is a macro
<seok> oh..
<seok> it works after changing those to defvar
<jackdaniel> it is somewhat underspecified
<jackdaniel> but defconstant may (doesn't have to) evaluate the value at the compile time
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<cpli> after compiling a LAMBDA, how does e.g. sbcl actually execute that assembled code?
<Bike> not sure what exactly you mean. the implementation goes through it's usual calling convention.
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