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One very stupid question: are there monads in Common Lisp?
asarch: no, but i remember recently seeing some monad (or at least monadic i/o) library for lisp
Thank you
keep in mind that common lisp is dynamically typed and very much not functionally pure
I was learning Rust because it is the new hype from WebAssembly and all that stuff and then I went to LLVM and somehow I ended with Haskell
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And you know, monads and functors
A precursory reading of monads online makes me think generic functions are a better approach
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haskell’s type system looks quite interesting however
monads don't have much to do with generic functions, except that in haskell Monad is a typeclass (which is not unlike an abstract interface)
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monads are neat but the problem is that they don't compose well, so you end up with "monad transformers" and it's not that elegant
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i am pretty excited for "algebraic effects" making its way out of programming language research. as far as i can tell, it's the lisp condition system but with full delimited continuations instead of lisp restarts, and the compiler will yell at you if you leave effects un-handled
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Wish I could decide something to work on
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no problem, you can do my work instead
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why would I want to decide to do that? :)
See - already the options are narrowing!
Shinmera: because I say so
edgar-rft: not very convincing.
you don't need to be convinced, just do it
I think you'll find otherwise
bah, people like you are the reason why my work never gets done
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For some reason I started working on Portacle again.
Now that's a project I really wish anybody else did literally any work on.
Good to hear it's being worked on again - Portacle is awesome 🙂️
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packaging emacs with other contemporary tooling for lisp is probably a bother; and it is not clear whether windows or osx is more bothersome to make something working
windows is fine.
I'm not even gonna try with mac.
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Shinmera jackdaniel I plan, once done with a project front end for it in a month or so, to deliver CLOG Builder as a standalone point and click CL environment for Windows and Mac for beginners (I see no point on Linux). It already has a REPL, decent editor with autocomplete, etc.
Once someone gains a little interest it is very simple to setup a windows or mac environment today.
Linux and Mac both have easy package managers, and for Windows well... at least it is just a few packaged to run.
I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm afraid such an environment doesn't hold up to Emacs.
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many people abhor emacs while they could use with a bit of nudge common lisp, so it is all good :) that said, common lisp works with other editors too so it is not that this problem has not been addressed - just most learning material recommends emacs (because it has the best integration for good or bad)
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(learning material and irc recommendations)*
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dbotton: even if it's not part of Portacle, perhaps you could try making a similar portable package for your editor. There's room in the world for more than one 😀
It runs even now from portacle
Idea is just something to start with
Most see emacs and run
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Sorry reread you contrapunctus the idea is a separate package for builder for beginners, meaning people that likely don’t have even a CL book or taking a class
Something to gain interest in cl. Maybe package some learning materials also
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Someone in a classroom or more serious a proper environment more worth it.
I don’t think packaging it with portacle good idea as better to quickload always
I mentioned my doing it because I know Shinmera loath to work on portacle
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Since it is fairly easy to setup Windows (once you have the right packages) and Linux and Mac a simple install
there is a future alternative to doing portacle if desired for one click users
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and then can offer simple instructions, I think portacle important to exist, but also Shinmera should work on what he enjoy :)
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on Windows, sbcl is using 30% cpu from a repl I started yesterday. Is there a way to see what it is doing?
(swank:list-threads) maybe helpful
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Well, I think I got it working on Linux and MacOS. Windows seems to have drifted away, with some weird gpg problem. Don't even know where to start.
I found sly-list-threads, but it just lists the thread names and their status. Is there a more general way of finding help at the repl? I'm just getting started with Practical Common Lisp.
Shinmera: we have #clschool if you want a dedicated channel for beginner questions
i htought you said "need"
i missed the "don't" - my apologies. i thought i recognized your name from here anyway
guess my name isn't infamous enough yet.
it is, but i can never remember which channel is associated with which infamy
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sbcl doesn't seem to emit fatal errors when it's also busy emitting a lot of compiler notes/warnings... is that normal? it's making debugging quite a headache
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it says that compilation aborted with a fatal error, but doesn't tell me what the fatal error was!
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for example, this huge wall of notes when attempting to use the Qi package manager http://ix.io/45QM
what's the output look like?
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this is with v2.2.5 and 2.2.6 via roswell
oh, right. it's a "fatal" error, meaning the compiler itself hit some problem and died
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so there's no detailed error message attached to that sort of thing?
i guess not. if i'm interpreting this correctly it's an unexpected kind of thing that sbcl can't deal with gracefully. let me look around a bit
hmmmmm. some kinds of fatal errors it displays. like if you try to compile a file with just ) in it
yeah i don't know why it's not displaying the error. it looks like it ought to
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i think it might be a situation where it won't display the fatal error if it has a lot of notes also? i had this with my program today, where the error was invisible when i ran the whole program, but popped up when i ran something smaller in the repl
i guess you'd get something like this if you unwind out of a compilation unit through some means other than a condition
having 1400 notes probably doesn't help, no
that makes sense. it's hard to reproduce in a controlled way
(block nil (with-compilation-unit () (return))) also complains about a "fatal ERROR condition". so that might be it. kind of misleading on sbcl's part. there might not actually be a condition.
that said, anything that unwinds out of the compiler like that is probably fairly exotic. something like a macro function throwing could do it
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i seemed to triggering it somewhat reliably today
i was getting notes that big sections of my code were unreachable and being removed, and it once referred to something as "a hairy form"
but the errors would all turn out to be something like a form in a macro call being wrapped in an extra ()
that can trip up the compiler pretty bad
is this just from Qi, or from your own code
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Bike: It means that you can have either ambient restarters (ones that are dynamically bound) or restarters stored in data structures such as condition objects
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i see
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Shinmera is there a way to retrieve all the available package with you :definitions system?
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does that make conceptual sense? the definitions system doesn't keep a list of all documented packages, does it? it consults cl:documentation for example
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I realized after cl has list-all-packages, if did not, yes would include in api designed for discovery.
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I really hate that COMPILE/COMPILE-FILE don't have a switch to make the compiler actually signal the appropriate errors during compilation.
mm, i've gone back and forth on that... having it signal errors is certainly useful to me, since i have to debug the compiler, but seems less useful (but still sometimes useful) to the user
some errors it makes sense to suppress, like if a compiler macro function signals an error that can just be suppressed
does break-on-signals help? i use that a lot when i have some problem with a macro
not really.
Bike: my own code was the one with the "hairy form" messages
It's really annoying to me because it means ASDF just gives me a "oh duh your build failed" and then I have to manually crawl god darn logs to find out what went wrong
instead of getting the actual error in my debugger.
oh yeah, asdf's suppression is really annoying
and it kills me that there's no better way to do this
it kinds of replaces them with its own, very unhelpful error
especially that #+sbcl line is just aaaaaaAAAA
for clasp the policy i've decided on so far is that the compiler generally suppresses errors, but it will signal them first, so you can handler-bind invoke-debugger
but ofc not every implementation does the same thing, so
Right. It's a pain.
I understand that it's useful to have the summary behaviour of compile/compile-file's return value
but I really wish there was a switch so I can decide. Cause usually I'd like it to enter the debugger.
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trivial-catch-compilation-errors when?
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ah, the #+sbcl is because you'll get an encapsulated condition right. yeah that's kinda nasty.
i have thought about (not to the point of writing anything down) an extension for compiler diagnostics stuff. more generally, it could have a lot of what mostly exists now in somewhat messy swank code, like getting the source location for a condition, or this kind of interception/wrapping
I think Swank in general is something that could be torn apart into more general libraries.
I have done some work for that like dissect, trivial-arguments, definitions. But there's still a lot more stuck in there.
that's been my general impression from working on a backend, yeah
i mean it's got thread mailbox stuff for chrissake
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If someone were to do an investigation of what was already torn out and what wasn't, I'd be open to doing some of the legwork to separate another part out into a library (with all that entails like docs, etc.)
i'll see if i can do that
I think luis was also open to the idea of somehow rejiggering swank to use such libraries instead of being this ball of portability.
I can't say I know how that would work, but it would be neat to reduce duplication for once.
One idea would be to do a sorta monolithic-source-op kinda deal where we bundle the libraries with swank. But that's... annoying with ASDF and global package namespaces.
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Shinmera: so with the compilation errors, did you find that you have to use break-on-signals? i thought sbcl's compiler also signals errors before continuing - is this for other implementations or am i misunderstanding something
i mean plus there's obviously this simple-condition-format-arguments thing
sbcl does not signal.
so yeah. I had to.
huh, ok
again, swank does something to make C-c C-c work, but it does not if you just COMPILE/COMPILE-FILE.
wow, it totally doesn't. okay, yeah, that's annoying
call-with-compilation-hooks doesn't seem to have anything special, is why i'm wondering. lemme just dig into this a little more
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hi, i've heard conflicting opinions about a particular behavior of loop. the following returns 32 at least on CCL, SBCL and Clisp: (loop for x from 1 to 31 finally (return x))
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to is inclusive. that's specified.
i've heard people claim that, according to the standard, it should evaluate to 31 instead. i can't find where the standard would say that, though...
below is exclusive.
cosimone: it's better not to do that.
it's true that "to" is inclusive, but the "finally" clause takes place after the loop proper has ended
pjb: what?
(loop with top = 31 for x from 1 to top finally (return (1+ top)))
or (loop with top = 31 for x from 1 to top finally (return top)) ; depending on what you want.
thank you, but i'm not trying to solve any problem in particular right now. i'm specifically asking about how loop should behave in this particular instance
i'd probably just use dotimes for something so simple
cosimone: (loop for i of-type (unsigned-byte 8) from 230 to 255 finally (return i)) #| ERROR: The value 256 is not of the expected type (unsigned-byte 8). |#
ok, but what i'm asking is: is this behavior actually correct according to the standard?
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"In an iteration control clause, the for or as construct causes termination when the supplied limit is reached" seems to imply it should not step beyond, but iirc it's a bit iffy.
Shinmera: that's what i thought too
"to" is inclusive, but that doesn't mean that the variable should actually be assigned a value above that inclusive limit
huh, even swank-compile-file isn't enough to get sbcl to signal conditions. what the hell?
Shinmera: Bike: SBCL's compiler technically does signal errors during compilation but the signaled condition, SC-C::COMPILER-ERROR, is neither an error nor a warning
sorry, typed into the wrong window. Brucio-61 is the CLIM chat client
from what i could gather, this particular behavior seems unspecified, but i might be wrong
huh, i see
and then swank does handle that condition, so there you go
cosimone: I'd wait for beach to chime in when he wakes up. He's investigated Loop thoroughly for SICL.
and there's a long comment explaining why compiler-error is not an error in compiler-error.lisp
i see. this is a problem i handled in cleavir in a different way, i think
scymtym: In that case, though, why does (*break-on-signals* 'error) actually trip? Is the error caught and converted to another signal somewhere else?
or... what am I missing here?
the original signaled error is still an error, maybe?
it would be for the test case i've been staring at, (defmacro foo () (error "test")) (defun bar () (foo))
Ohh, right, I see.
So that might actually not catch other types of compiler errors then
* Shinmera
i think it will. it's good enough for swank, at least
the original error is signaled via SIGNAL, yeah what Bike said
or well it will be with sb-c:compiler-error too
bleh. i'm going to go read this page long comment now
I'm gonna check out since it's late.
note that conditions "go through", though. and even more subtle, muffling conditions may change the values returned by COMPILE (in SBCL)
Shinmera: alright
cosimone: Also, in Iteration Control, it's also repeated that: "For these clauses, iteration terminates when a local variable reaches some supplied value …"
i am struggling to understand sbcl's example here. they say (ignore-errors (defgeneric if (x))) "will catch and claim to handle the COMPILER-ERROR" that arises from the eval-when :compile-toplevel etc in defgeneric's macroexpansion. but surely that ignore-errors won't apply while compiling this form? am i missing something here?
i'm also kind of dubious about what it says earlier about continuing to compile after an eval-when :compile-toplevel signals an error
pjb: iteration certainly does terminate, but is the assignment to a value outside of the specified range permitted, as it happens in the example i posted?
the "finally" clause is technically evaluated after the iteration proper has ended
*will catch and claim bla bla, if compiler-error was a subtype of error, which it isn't
i realize that these are nitpicks, but i want to be absolutely sure how it's supposed to work
fwiw this same question has come up before here, so you're not alone :)
I just don't remember the conclusion of the ensuing discussions.
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even if the answer ends up being "whatever happens to the iteration variables after the loop has ended is implementation defined" it's fine, but it's something that has to be known
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Hi, so I am working my way through gigamonkeys practical lisp. My day job is a web developer so i was hoping to combine my persuit to learn CL with web development. Are there some frameworks that are accepted as a good choice for lisp in this area? for example PHP -> Symfony, Java -> Dropwizard or spring etc etc. what are some good options in common lisp?
I know of this one: https://8arrow.org/caveman/ Maybe someone else can confirm it is a good option.
I think I have seen that. but it isnt opinionated at all. am I right?
What does that mean
I don't know how one can write a library of any kind without having opinions on how things ought to be done.
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Shinmera: well, a major thing I get from a framework is a set structure of files, where to put them, organising. you basically get a boiler plate right? am I right in thinking that radiance you just do a quicklisp to install it then you need to think about all of that stuff?
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Colleen: tell Kingsy look up radiance create-module