Hm, I got in trouble with that guy once. What sort of database storage do you want? (Suspecting you won't find much but it's useful to know what one would want.)
anything efficient & fast will do
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hayley: what was your fight with that guy about? (just for interest)...
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The fastest approach might be to keep data in memory, then write out a list of facts somehow. (But beware <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2F-DItXtZs>, and perhaps the strong language in that, but a good warning in database design.)
prokhor_: Not a fight at all; just very mixed response to an article I co-authored.
The moral of the video, I figure, is that we still need to be careful about what semantics transactions have. Do you want all ACID?
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consistency for sure...
atomicity might enable me to partially do queries in parallel
or in short: I would not have to mess around with specific query strategies that much..
wait!!! it would be better if it wouldnt force consistency though...
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Consistency means that after you commit to the database, you will always observe the last written values, I think.
I'd be careful playing around with those things; the equivalent for shared memory would be using weaker memory models, which makes it harder to reason about the more ways a program could possibly run.
could you elaborate on that pls? (i am a noob in that field)... i've got my hands on a version of rcyc, so my ontology (probably) will be inconsistent... do you have experience with knowledgeworks? i am able to lay my hands too, if it only would help...
I don't. But what I imagine is that, suppose we have a program that just adds 1 to some number in the database. One transaction could read a 1, then write a 2. If the database is consistent, the next transaction has to read the 2, and then write 3. If not, the next transaction could read a 1, and not actually increment.
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In the latter case, to understand what the program does, we have to consider what would happen if we don't read the value that was written last.
consistency with all previous transactions, i see...
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Hi! I was wondering if anyone "enriches" their default repl with utilities that should always be available (by loading them in the implementations init file)? Or do you prefer to just keep a bare cl-user and only load things depending on the task at hand?
I find it a bit difficult to pick up this kind of knowledge by reading blogs or manuals.. the kind that probably is best learned by physically standing behind someone and observing them using the repl, emacs and all that
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* Nilby
runs a very very enriched repl
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pve: you're a programmer, you can customize your REPL as you wish.
pjb: heh, indeed
let's use trivial-bitcoin to enrich our REPLs
I've been meaning to modify my SLIME REPL prompt to show the current time, but I couldn't find any information about it.
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contrapunctus: modifying slime will be an emacs lisp job.
contrapunctus: there's a slime-repl-insert-prompt function.
contrapunctus: it doesn't offer much hooks, it just calls: (slime-lisp-package-prompt-string), so the best is to just patch that function.
You could use a mode-line -like format instead of (format "%s> " (slime-lisp-package-prompt-string)) to configure it easily.
using (format-mode-line slime-prompt-format) with a new custom-variable named slime-prompt-format.
contrapunctus: then, you may try to post a PR to github, but they don't seem to be very receiptive to such "niche" patches, so perhaps we should consider switching to sly.
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datalog queries can be executed much more efficientlly by datalog engines than by prolog engines, and there is a good match between datalog and sql, whereas there is not between prolog and sql
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When is PROCLAIM preferable to DECLAIM?
when you programmatically construct the declaration
Good point. Thanks!
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So it follows that PROCLAIM should not be used with a literal type specifier, right?
do you mean declaration specifier?
Oops, sorry. I was thinking of type proclamations only, but yes, you are right.
if so, style-wise I'd say that's correct.. declaim is preferable.. there's also the note in the proclaim entry
Oh, I'll check that out. Thanks.
That note is pretty clear. Thanks again.
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