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<gambl0r> @lomotil I run supervised on armbian bullseye minimal, works great
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hello guys, i need some help to install an image to a sd card, which i compiled with docker. its basically this tutorial : . i successfully compiled the package with docker, but i'm not sure how i go on. do i have to install the image to the sd card and then copy the compiled files from docker in the /sd/root directory and the do the las
step # ./ BPI-M2Z-720P 6 ?
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Supposedly Kali Linux DTB makes Armbian work on PBP, but so far I cannot find it in their sources.
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c0rnelius, You are a gentleman and a scholar! But aren't these kernel patches? For give my ignorance, but I gather that the DTB is somehow generated from these?
If so, I guess the easiest way is to download a full Kali image, decompress it somewhere, and then grab the DTB?
<c0rnelius> I would say so, yes.
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OK, I got my hands on both DTB now to compare. However the one from Kali is from kernel 6.1.0 and the one from Armbian from 5.something. So I am guessing this is not going to be as useful?
OK, there is a 6.1.11 on the download page, I'll use that. Unless someone can tell me it hasn't changed?
and breakfast is almost ready, meaning my time will expire to work on this lol
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OK, I uploaded both DTS files. Hopefully someone who actually knoes what they are doing can do me a favor and take a gander. :)
Next, how to examine SPI on PBP and see if there is anything there? I suspect there is not on the new batch.
* TRS-80
has been summoned for breakfast
I posted the diff. It might as well be ancient Greek to me. lol
I am willing to pay someone to help me with this.
<rpardini> TRS-80: I'll take a quick look
OK, rkdeveloptool seems to be the answer to reading (and writing) SPI on PBP.
I will work on that until wife summons me to go shopping for 1 year old baby present for party we are going later, just exactly what I would rather be doing. :/
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<c0rnelius> have you tried using the mainline dts? you know. not all the crazy patching.
<rpardini> exactly.
<c0rnelius> i'm told it works fine.
<rpardini> Armbian's `board-pbp-add-dp-alt-mode` is still doing its year-long crazy
<c0rnelius> and looking at that, it was nothing really specific to the PBP besides the patches for an older kernel.
<rpardini> yeah, it's 3-years old and mostly not PBP-specific
erc at first was a little wonky, but now I am glad to have IRC clien in Emacs as I can fly around buffer in the usual ways. :)
<rpardini> I'd say pure-mainline probably works
<rpardini> eg, drop `board-pbp-add-dp-alt-mode` patch 😄
<rpardini> not anywhere close to pure-mainline, but probably won't get in the way
OK, even if this is true, there is problem with boot loader (I think this actually is the bigger problem). PBP boots weird, eMMC first over SD. And I don't think the switch to turn it off even works. lol So only reports of success I have read involve installing tow-boot.
to SPI
I think SPI came empty on new batch, but trying to confirm that now.
<rpardini> well that SoC goes for eMMC first doesn't it
<rpardini> then `maskrom` and all that stuff.
SPI, eMMc, SD card, yes; the rest I dunno, more Greek lol
<rpardini> usually `SPI` -> `eMMC` -> `SD`
<rpardini> so yeah putting something on SPI will make it boot first-er than eMMC
No usually sd first I thought? Which is why this way is a bit weird.
but thats RK3399 way I guess
<rpardini> oh, a question for RK
<rpardini> fact is SoC goes that order, and boots from there. but once u-boot loaded, it has its own distroboot order
<c0rnelius> it should boot SD then MMC but I think the PBP is tarded in this department.
<rpardini> _that_ we can change
<c0rnelius> Tenkawa would actually know. He has one.
<c0rnelius> I think he might use towboot though.
So there was actually big kerfuffle about this, I read on Martijn Braam's blog where he (and others) really got into it with PINE64 about putting a bootloader on the SPI. In the end they did not and I think that is part of why he stepped away from working with them. So we are left with Manjaro only broken bootloader situation on eMMC only. I am pretty sure.
They did not on new batch I mean.
OK, reading this again, it's about PinePHONE Pro. But it makes me wonder what they did with PineBOOK Pro, especially after a lot of stuff I read trying to get this to work.
> But the Pinebook Pro has a similar boot configuration, and thus a similar problem. Some time after the PinePhone Pro was shipped, it was time for a new Pinebook Pro batch, and this discussion started again. The same arguments were re-iterated by all sides all over again, and the discussion went nowhere. PINE64 representatives went so far as to say, quote, "people who want [an SPI chip] can just solder one on". This batch of Pinebook
Pros has ended up shipping without Tow-Boot flashed.
<rpardini> have you tried "To temporarily disable the eMMC booting you can open up the back cover and disable the eMMC switch on the main board or remove the eMMC chip from the socket." ?
<rpardini> then just burn Armbian to SD and boot from it?
I don't think it works. The switch I mean. Or else I had non-working Armbian image.
<Tenkawa> I do use TowBoot on my PBP yes (just got online...)
I read at least one other person saying the switch doesn't work though. It's in slightly different place on new revision I noticed.
<rpardini> I gotta go -- social event
<rpardini> 🫡 and good luck
@Tenkawa new or original batch of PBP?
Thakns @rpardini
<Tenkawa> Newish (last 2 years or so)
<Tenkawa> possibly 3
<Tenkawa> but it runs great
Yeah that's new batch, me too. OK my wife is now summoning me, I will have to ocme back to this later.
I wish I could get mine to run (with anything but Manjaro). LOL!
<Tenkawa> I'm running completely custom
Like LFS kind of custom?
<Tenkawa> No.. one of @c0rnelius and my builds
<Tenkawa> of Debian
I would be ecstatic with any Debian that I could get to run on there. And then eventually figure out differences between that and Armbian and get those changes into Armbian until it works.
But I will have to circle back to this she is pinging me now for third time lol.
<Tenkawa> We can give you an image to try to test from microsd and see if that runs.. ok I'll ttyl
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<lomotil> Oh? I have jammy, I saw the hass tutorial it says doesn't support armbian
<lomotil> Well not supported :p I assume it means it doesn't work but I guess it also means it's not documented
<Jason123> I got armbian to boot from usb on pbp with towboot on spi
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<gambl0r> @lomotil it supports debian bullseye, my system says it's fully supported
<gambl0r> Even though it's armbian bullseye
<lomotil> Ohhhh
<lomotil> Hrm man so many distros it's super confusing
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<lomotil> What I'm seeing is with Ubuntu it'll give error messages?
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<gambl0r> It might say it's an unsupported system but will probably still work
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<lomotil> I'd try it but I still don't know how to undo stuff if I eff up my systems