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<Armbian-Discord> <W​erner> From what I've read in forums it is not uncommon that boards may need some additional tweaks regarding audio. No idea what in particular though.
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<kreyren> the pain
<kreyren> who sh%^& in my MR
<kreyren> rpardini sh$%^ in my MR with force pushing
<kreyren> smh
<stipa> audio in some cases get's realized by the kodi team
<stipa> if they support the board it could be realized
<kreyren> good, throw my Merge request at them :p
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<stipa> yeah, consider being a maintainer for that laptop
<kreyren> the github doesn't even want to merge that conflict resolution sigh
<kreyren> stipa, that's the plan
<kreyren> but then jira
<kreyren> so i will probably just throw a deb package in merge request and annoy someone to put it in jira
<stipa> stick around
<stipa> be patient
<stipa> it's not active this time of a day
<stipa> some sleep and some work rn
* kreyren was complaining about jira being proprietary software to not want to use it
<stipa> run it in a VM
<kreyren> i run that on the notebook now xD
<kreyren> excluding the audio it works fine
<stipa> i mean, the jira
<stipa> just delete if you don't like it completely
<stipa> that's browser thing
<kreyren> ehww
<stipa> there's a bunch of blobs rn
<stipa> ppl are trying to earn some
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<stipa> but, i agree, it's just turning FOSS into crap it was maid to not be in first place
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<kreyren> the heresy of telling the guy who uses free and open-source hardware and software to use jira sigh
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<stipa> yeah
<stipa> it all costs money in the end
<stipa> writing a code even if it's FOSS needs resources
<stipa> servers, hardware...
<stipa> money is also good for activating ppl to actually do something
<stipa> but blobs, that's another level
<kreyren> can i pay money to not use jira
* kreyren grins
<stipa> i guess you can participate using just the github?
<stipa> jira is more for management in this case i guess
<stipa> which github lacks
<stipa> for organisation of time
<kreyren> e.g. wakan's popular alternative to jira
<stipa> jira is maybe more realiable
<stipa> things go well when money is involved
<Armbian-Discord> <W​erner> Who sponsors hosting? Who setup and maintains for several years? We don't have resources to do that and barely any time to keep our current infra maintained. No need for additional bloat.
<kreyren> or alternative sponsors alike :p
<kreyren> oh fosshost is down
<kreyren> hmm
<Armbian-Discord> <W​erner> They don't sponsor personal. Only hw
<kreyren> personal meaning?
<Armbian-Discord> <W​erner> Yes, they are in the process of "migrating" to radix project
<Armbian-Discord> <W​erner> human resources
<kreyren> you know like any other open source project that is popular and ppl use
<stipa> there's such a thing integrated into forum
<stipa> ppl can support and it's all over the forum and webpage
<stipa> all interested in armbian are aware of it
<kreyren> what
<stipa> everyone interested into armbia is aware of donations
<kreyren> forum :p
<kreyren> also the point of opencollective is that your financing is transparent for people to make subscribtions
<kreyren> and like know how the money is being utilized in more sensible manner like voting on how the dedicate the resources etc.
<stipa> that's a democratic system
<kreyren> not really bcs bigger donors could have more influence to how the resources get utilized
<kreyren> e.g. microsoft donating to godot to implement C# bindings
<stipa> paying for features is also what armbian does, actually it outsources coders for that
<kreyren> fair i guess the transparency is important to me though
<stipa> it's visible, usually yo ucan find about internals through debates with devs
<kreyren> no independent auditor that i can see
<stipa> nope, just some kind of an incentive like money or huge interest into a chip
<stipa> some do it out of love some want a working userland
<kreyren> thus the point for transparency :p but fair
<kreyren> i just hate using proprietary software
<stipa> i don't care, i just want a working one
* kreyren rolls eyes
<stipa> there's soem blobs that just work
<stipa> closed and money involved and just works, from the POV of an user that's ok
<kreyren> often those blobs are malware that are used as a backdoor to your system :p
<stipa> if an user would want to change something or fix than it's a problem
<stipa> yeah, call home crap too
<stipa> like other oses that do it constantly
<kreyren> :p
<stipa> calling home, installing stuff without asking, blasting banners all over the screen when not asking for it...
<stipa> yeah, there's some fine open source code
<stipa> also crappy one
<stipa> it depends
<kreyren> i can fix crappy open-source, but i can't fix proprietary
<stipa> on the politics of a team
<kreyren> like LTE modems in phones
<stipa> yeah, you could disassemble a firmware
<kreyren> not legally in many cases
<stipa> and reconstruct it in C
<kreyren> even me milling PCBs i get lot of angry "copyright" holders complaining~
<stipa> lol
<stipa> it' hard to earn some
<stipa> it's lke you're working for copyright holders in the end
<stipa> it all goes to them
<stipa> no wonder big corps don't use patents of some random investors but have their own
<kreyren> you are the copyright holder on open-source
<stipa> inventors*
<kreyren> i don't mind paying people royalties for a good invention e.g. why i pay subscribtion to nixos
<stipa> yeah, there's some videos of devs complaining how big corps use their stuff and make billions
<stipa> without donating a dime
<kreyren> idc in general.. make bilions out of my code :p
<kreyren> use it in a war and i will probably send a kamikatze drone to your house though~
<stipa> it's tough
<stipa> also users suffer because of that
<stipa> that won't ever earn a dime with their machine
<stipa> since people that can make things working don't
<stipa> because of big corp pricks
<kreyren> thus why people like me complain about using shitware like jira and hope for change to better option
<stipa> it's what it is really
<kreyren> not good enough :p
<stipa> everything is allowed
<stipa> it's a choice
<stipa> everyone sane would choose a better choice
<stipa> or THE BEST choice
<stipa> that resonates with their nterests
<kreyren> meh
* stipa meh meh
<stipa> i think i've seen the price of rk3399 rising
<kreyren> meh proprietary shitware with meltdown and spectre
<stipa> before it was useless there was no big corps around
<kreyren> ping me when they release docs and reference board for rk3580 things
<kreyren> or ideally snapdragon mobile 845
<stipa> i don't see anything about rk3580 on google search
<kreyren> oh rk3588
<kreyren> i want smd845 though
<kreyren> join my cult of annoying shiftphone devs until they give me the pining of the chip
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<stipa> yeah, bunch of phones supported by postmaketOS and a dew half working ones
<stipa> few*
<stipa> ubuntu touch hacked google pixel 6
<stipa> completely
<kreyren> meh google
<stipa> i like the build quality of google hardware
<kreyren> i don't like the malware
* kreyren goes afk for 1.5h
<stipa> ah, no 6, pixel 31/3a XL
<stipa> 3a/3a XL
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<montjoie> hello I have a rpi4b, I have put a cli armbian image but got nothing on serial. I have uncommented enable_uart in config.txt
<montjoie> does there are more step to do ?
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<stipa> montjoie: have you saw this thread?
<montjoie> stipa: my serial console is correclty setuped
<montjoie> but it seems I miss the cmdline.txt par
<montjoie> nochange..
<stipa> what about enabling it in armbianEnv.txt ?
<montjoie> there are no console variable in armbianEnv.txt
<montjoie> nor any boot.cmd
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<montjoie> I got serial finaly, only cmdline.txt is necessary
<stipa> fancy
<montjoie> thanks for your help
<stipa> np
<stipa> i tried my best
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<nekomancer[m]> keygen?
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<kreyren> he sH$%^& in my MR AGAIN AAAAaaaAAAaa
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