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<rpardini> schwar3kat: thanks for the recommendation. I don't mind much which "distro" -- I wanted a book on kernel only. The one you mentioned seems the closest so far to what I need, even though it is Yocto specific... thanks!
<rpardini> Herc: someone recently determined that our current build for the c2 only boots if written to eMMC (for example with an USB-to-eMMC adapter). I've yet to find the c2 "maintainer" to discuss this, and I've no c2 to actually test...
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<Tonymac32> wut
<Tonymac32> >:/
<Tonymac32> I just built a C2 image and it boots
gm igor, that one boots again, BUT still "no reboot" :(
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(boots from SD that is)
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<Lyric> hi everyone! Can some one help me? I have armbian 20.05 kernel version 5.4.45, and i connect usb wifi module, and i dont have wifi (on new versios its works) I need only this version
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<Lyric> i use MERCUSUS MW300UM
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<krachlatte> p: error writing '/mnt/nand-sata-install.9eZydC/bootfs/boot/vmlinuz-5.15.93-sunxi64': No space left on device
<krachlatte> cp: error writing '/mnt/nand-sata-install.9eZydC/bootfs/boot/uInitrd-5.15.93-sunxi64': No space left on device
<krachlatte> sed: couldn't flush /mnt/nand-sata-install.9eZydC/bootfs/boot/sedIQLnkD: No space left on device
<krachlatte> sed: couldn't flush /mnt/nand-sata-install.9eZydC/bootfs/boot/sed5Ep6Qk: No space left on device
<krachlatte> receiving this error from nand-sata-isntall fresh opi3 isntallation
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krachlatte: it means there not enough free space on target device
<krachlatte> mm it wants to copy 4gb and spac i 8gb, it formats the deive
<krachlatte> ok it also copies ,mounted devices in the home folder
<krachlatte> but show only 4000mb to copy
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<Tenkawa> Can you pastebin the "full" log somewhere of nand-sata-install? that small section really isn't enough to work with.
<krachlatte> it is solved, it tired to copy mounted folders in the home folder,, log was not written due to no space left..
<Tenkawa> oops.. yeah I was wondering if you had nfs/gvfs folders
<krachlatte> would it be possible to have a routing checking for mounted folder´s ?
<Tenkawa> hmm thats a good question.... I'll pass that along
<Tenkawa> The devs will probably see your q in here too but I will ask it directly because I'm curious in another scenario
<krachlatte> i do not have the logs anymore, i am sorry
<Tenkawa> Nah not needed... I pasted it over in the dev channel
<Tenkawa> so its here and there
<Tenkawa> Because I wanted to elaborate on a curiosity I had as well with the scenario
Herz: thanks for testing. Reboot problem is more hours/days of work. that i can't afford to do now. when possible
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<MicroLinux (Salva)> Christopher did it again
<MicroLinux (Salva)> He reviewed 4 rpi competitors
<MicroLinux (Salva)> All of them running on software
<MicroLinux (Salva)> Even if they have excellent mesa drivers or blobs
<MicroLinux (Salva)> How he do that?? Amazing..
<MicroLinux (Salva)> I really try to be cool with youtubers
<MicroLinux (Salva)> But they always try to make me mad
<Tenkawa> @MicroLinux (Salva) what review?
<Tenkawa> A VIM1s??? don't get me wrong.. I like my Edge2 but a VIM1 ....
<Tenkawa> This whole board is like a RPI2
<IgorPec> vim1s
<MicroLinux (Salva)> Yeah, but ,check, every runs stable, isn't it?? Llvmpipe, on both m5 and c4
<MicroLinux (Salva)> Mention the obvious christopher, you are running on software
<Tenkawa> His board choices don't seem like "RPI4" competitors
<MicroLinux (Salva)> That's not a fair comparison
<IgorPec> i lost hope for this guy
<MicroLinux (Salva)> It's not fair to compare a board running on software with one that has hw accelerated. It's worse bc that hw has hw mesa acceleration since an year ago
<Tenkawa> Yeah
<MicroLinux (Salva)> Of he wants to inform, he should reasearch, just a quick google search
<IgorPec> to access as much people as possible one has to be stupid
<IgorPec> now i can't say he is really stupid, mean or just calculated
<Tenkawa> appeal to the masses.. even if its with mis/simplified information
<IgorPec> keep people stupid = have control 😉
<Tenkawa> Yep
<IgorPec> but that he is that smart i also doubt 😉
<MicroLinux (Salva)> I will get a Christopher wig and make some stand up videos like on his reviews
<Tenkawa> good comment here:
<Tenkawa> ODRIOD-M1 looks way better because of native m.2 and sata3 storage options and also RTC battery and 0.8 tops neural unit. For $16 more? That's fine.
<Tenkawa> that was one I thought was good
<Tenkawa> they had a good point
<Tenkawa> and it has a decently fine gpu
<Tenkawa> ouch:
<Tenkawa> More useless toys for people to waste money. But i guess you have to make a video about something. These devices are for industrial applications, not for tinkering, i mean, you can, but what real life application can you give to these? outside of a technical/industrial environment
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Desktop: KDE Plasma v: 5.27.1 Distro: Ubuntu 22.10 (Kinetic Kudu) Machine: Type: ARM System: Radxa ROCK 5B
OS: Armbian (23.02.2) aarch64
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<IgorPec> @luna two weeks for testing is nothing, but more we can't afford.
<IgorPec> you can switch to daily updates at any time
<IgorPec> seems we will need to touch file date to today 🙂
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<IgorPec> dates adjusted
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ah thanks
got it
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<Jason123> what is the difference between that script and the original that it was forked from?
<Jason123> i have that dongle and it works fine on amd64 linux with the dkms driver
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lo :wave: Just ordered an Orange Pi for use for fiddling with installation and configuration ft that PiHole I've been hearing so much about and reckoned I'd install Armbian to it
It's my very first of any fruit-flavoured Pi device and I am quite excited
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<Tonymac32> which model did you get?
heh, and yes, this is a 64-bit device :tongue:
Oops, damn it, I missed TonyMac32's message.
It's an Orange Pi Zero Two
this time, I wanted to be absolutely certain it included an onboard wifi adapter :grin:
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<Jason123> I have the orange pi zero h3 and it works great on armbian