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<TRS-80> former Google Docs sheet now deprecated!
<Armbian-Discord> <k​rachlatte> good morning guys, or good day, for orange pi zero2 the 4.9 and 5.15.18 images are not booting, nothing on console only netwrok led
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<stipa> 5.15 image?
<stipa> that's available only in nightly mode
<stipa> have you tried image from the armbian website?
<stipa> oh, it is 5.15
<stipa> it could be regression
<stipa> it happens
<stipa> krachlatte, i hope you're not reffering to Jammy (autobuild) of 5.15
<Armbian-Discord> <k​rachlatte> no
<Armbian-Discord> <k​rachlatte> the 4.9 and the autobuild is showing the same problem
<Armbian-Discord> <k​rachlatte> no console output
<stipa> have you tried focal 5.15.y ?
<Armbian-Discord> <k​rachlatte> yes this one wokrs
<Armbian-Discord> <k​rachlatte> it is explained allready in my forum post
<Armbian-Discord> <k​rachlatte> i checked all 4 images from the download section
<stipa> yeah, it says stable under focal 5.15.y
<Armbian-Discord> <k​rachlatte> Armbian_21.08.9_Orangepizero2_focal_edge_5.15.11.img this is the only image which is booting fine
<stipa> User space "stable"
<Armbian-Discord> <k​rachlatte> this two are also not booting
<stipa> yeah, it's normal, that's a new board
<stipa> stick to the stable builds
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<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> morning
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<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> we got our m4v2 and it booats and loads but major issues on the desktop it seems the compositor are having issues
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> I tested the cinnamon and the xfce
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> both have same issue . and I tried the Jammie img and it fails with kernel panic
<Armbian-Discord> <W​erner> @NicoD has M4V2 and uses it frequently. Maybe he knows which kernel/DE works best
<TRS-80> Good morning, fellow wizards!
<TRS-80> stipa: Yes, he is trying to fix it. ;)
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<lanefu> hello
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<TRS-80> o/
<lanefu> @k.s make sure `verbosity=7` is set in `/boot/armbianEnv.txt`
<lanefu> and then capture those console logs
<TRS-80> It needs tiny amount of more polish, but still a lot better than what we had:
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<lanefu> yep. glad its there
<lanefu> thank you
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<martinayotte> IgorPec: others: I didn't build any images since 10 months, now I'm trying but I get some problem while downloading packages, I get 502 errors, it seems related to proxy or something like that, what should I do ?
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<TRS-80> lanefu:
<[TheBug]> can you paste error if only 1 line or pastebin what you see
<[TheBug]> ples
<[TheBug]> will help us to hunt down the issue
<TRS-80> is nice (and not proprietary) ;)
<[TheBug]> Also, hope you are well martinayotte
<TRS-80> yes o/ martinayotte :)
<martinayotte> Here is one errors accross tons of them :
<martinayotte> Err:260 buster/main armhf resolvconf all 1.79
<martinayotte> 502 Connection closed [IP: ::1 3142]
<martinayotte> It looks like IP isn't set due to some proxy ...
<TRS-80> this seems like long running problem (not sure if same)
<martinayotte> My last build was in April or May 2021, so maybe something changed since, should I delete the whole thing and start new build folder from scratch ?
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> apt autoclean && apt update
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> some times you have to clean out the apt repo system
<lanefu> martinayotte: try `NO_APT_CACHER=yes`
<archetech> id clean that build env
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<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> Hi Martinayotte, hope all is well!
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<martinayotte> Tonymac32: Thanks !
<martinayotte> lanefu: For my previous issue, I've deleted the whole build tree and cloned it again, it has finally built properly ...
<Armbian-Discord> <l​anefu> never underestimate the power of deletion
<nekomancer[m]> <TRS-80> "" <- still no "ANSI colors" support :(
<lanefu> has syntax highlighting for many popular file extensions :P
<nekomancer[m]> <lanefu> ""; <- but no ANSI terminal colors too
<lanefu> oh you're PASTING color
<nekomancer[m]> <lanefu> "martinayotte: try `NO_APT_CACHER..." <- I found a workaround to use apt-cacher with docker.
<lanefu> try ?
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<nekomancer[m]> on host where apt-cacher-ng lives setup `apt install avahi-daemon`, inside docker container install `libnss-mdns avahi-daemon auto-apt-proxy`
<nekomancer[m]> then — if apt-cache anounce reach container via mdns protocol and when run with ` NO_APT_CACHER=no` it looks like cache used.
* nekomancer[m] not 100% sure, but hopes it is
<Armbian-Discord> <k​rachlatte> hi guys, i am trying to build this image Armbian_21.08.9_Orangepizero2_focal_edge_5.15.11.img, with ./ where to find this [ o.k. ] Checking git sources [ linux-mainline/5.10 origin/linux-5.10.y ] when compileing it goes to 5.10
<Armbian-Discord> <W​erner> Use EXPERT=yes in order to select edge branch which is 5.15
<Armbian-Discord> <I​gorPec> That was fast docs studying 😉
<Armbian-Discord> <k​rachlatte> i did not have that guid /doc yet
<Armbian-Discord> <k​rachlatte> ok doc is not up to date config file names are diffrent now
<Armbian-Discord> <k​rachlatte> there was some reoganization done
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<Armbian-Discord> <k​rachlatte> got it
<TRS-80> nekomancer[m]: Well, they support syntax highlighting on a bewildering number of languages, including Emacs Lisp, which very few (none?) others I have come across do.
<TRS-80> nekomancer[m]: Also I am not sure what you mean by ANSI colors, you just select language, post raw text, then the site uses like Pygments or something to do the syntax coloring?
<nekomancer[m]> TRS-80: I mean colors from terminal. like that:
<TRS-80> I understand what terminal colors are, I mean why do you need them in a text paste which is applying their own colors anyway?
<TRS-80> maybe you mean posting plain text with your own color codes, I guess
<TRS-80> like maybe grep output, etc.
<TRS-80> Do you know any paste services that support that?
<TRS-80> yeah ok
<nekomancer[m]> No one. Look for them long ago.
<TRS-80> I guess I use all other tools which do the coloring, never noticed (nor thought about) it until you brought it up
<nekomancer[m]> s/Look/Looking/
<ArmbianHelper> nekomancer[m] meant to say: No one. Looking for them long ago.
<TRS-80> Well, all else being equal (no one else support it anyway) bpaste is pretty decent, IMHO. :)
<nekomancer[m]> sample ansi-colored terminal text:
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<juri_> ok, one original banna pi acquired.
<juri_> allwinner boards with sata are my pokemon: i've gotta catch three of all of em!
<lanefu> lol
<lanefu> exotic creatures
<buZz> juri_: you got the cubieboard1 yet?
<juri_> buZz: no, got the cubieboard2 tho.
<buZz> juri_: 75 euro
<buZz> :D
<juri_> i'll wait. i'm a cheapskate. :)
<buZz> 70
<buZz> cheapskate and haggle-handicapped :P
<juri_> i try to spend less than 35 on my disposable-geek-toys.
<buZz> 60
<juri_> tho, i'd go to 40 for a bpi m2 berry. :)
<buZz> this board was literally sneezed on by tomcubie pre-corona!
<buZz> :P
<juri_> I keep telling myself i'll revive my old distributed computing project,
<lanefu> not very distributed right now
<juri_> but instead, i think i'll spend the evening doing really hard math.
<lanefu> 503 life
<juri_> ug.
<juri_> bad proxy. no cookie!
<juri_> (thanks)
<juri_> there.
<lanefu> cool stuff
<lanefu> haent heard openmosix in a long time
<juri_> it was. a lifetime ago.
<juri_> died on my watch.
<juri_> i keep the site online in case it inspires someone.
<buZz> cool juri_ :)
<buZz> i hope it does!
* TRS-80 still has a cubietruck running as NAS and XMPP server to this day
<TRS-80> That was first Armbian device, you know (not mine).
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