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<Armbian-Discord> <p​anmearbig> yep, it's hosed
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> well I know they are focusing on getting things on jammy . also like I said I have seen from reading debian issues
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> and they they are focusing on ubuntu more as it has desktop and other support
<Armbian-Discord> <p​anmearbig> which of the two images you linked do you recommend I try first?
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> try th 5.15.11
<Armbian-Discord> <p​anmearbig> ok it's flashing. does this sort of thing happen often?
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> well armbian is evolving
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> they seem to be working on alot
<Armbian-Discord> <p​anmearbig> this makes me a bit gun-shy to apply updates.
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> well the issue is lack of board devs/supporters to help support the boards
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> and make everything work
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> and most the board companies put out out dated imgaes with older kernels because they dont take time to learn the new device tree layouts
<Armbian-Discord> <p​anmearbig> yeah, I get it. it's unfortunate
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> and soon the old 4.x kernels will loose all support
<Armbian-Discord> <p​anmearbig> so this image doesn't appear to boot. typically the red light turns off then a green one turns on. the red light is on solid. I could hook up to the serial port if you think it would be useful
<Armbian-Discord> <p​anmearbig> (and it is not accessible via SSH)
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> it has to resize the os and then it reboots and then it loads u[
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> yes it will
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> as you can watch the boot and report where it fails
<Armbian-Discord> <p​anmearbig> the red light seemed to be meaningless. it fails to bring up SSH server but I am logged in via serial
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> ok then do a update
<stipa> his board probably doesn't boot the os
<stipa> he can't shell into it
<Armbian-Discord> <p​anmearbig> I logged in and went through the account creation then rebooted. ps shows sshd running so maybe it's ok
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> ok
<stipa> do it from the serial console
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> they may have not mapped the green light for heartbeat
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> ok I am out for the night back tomorrow
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> glad the img is working
<Armbian-Discord> <p​anmearbig> thanks for your help
<Armbian-Discord> <p​anmearbig> I'll let ya know if it survives the update
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> ok
<Armbian-Discord> <p​anmearbig> @k.s.bedford.jr Looks like the update worked. what exactly do I have installed here? should I avoid updates or should it be about as stable as I can hope for? Thanks again for your help
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<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> that is one of the nightly . you shoul dbe fine. that is ubuntu not debian ...
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> that has the 5.15.11 kernel until u update not shure what kernel it takes you up to but that should be a working stable img
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> brings you out of the 4.xx kernel
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> nd closer to whats now current
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<Armbian-Discord> <S​irRFI> I have ASUS Tinkerboard. On forum there is pinned guide how to get specific apps (chromium, mpv) to be hardware powered: - it says to download "Buster Legacy Desktop" Here's what I did: 1. Install latest not-desktop image (Armbian_21.08.1_Tinkerboard_buster_current_5.10.60.img.xz), update it, install xorg, i3 and mpv (was already
<Armbian-Discord> installed, unless command from the topic installed it) and ran a video. It worked fine and all, including reboots. It borked the next day. 2. Install Armbian_21.05.4_Tinkerboard_buster_legacy_4.4.213.img.xz and follow same steps as previously. xorg/i3 does not work for some reason. 3. Install Armbian_21.05.4_Tinkerboard_buster_legacy_4.4.213_xfce_desktop.img.xz as the guide says. Rebooted after updating and using provided command
<Armbian-Discord> (sudo apt install media-buster-legacy-tinkerboard --install-recommends) - now it boots to terminal, and xorg/i3 doesn't work again. Did I do something "obviously" wrong? Is the forum thread even up to date? I wanted to test if the test video (Big Bucks Bunny 1080p 30fps and 60fps) works better any better between the versions.
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<archetech_n2> so wheres the dragonbox review
<lanefu> comin... still in a box on my bench.. I had to stay in the zone with a different project i was working on
* archetech_n2 punts lanefu asks tonym ;p
<[TheBug]> pull out, pull out!
<lanefu> tonight hopefully
<archetech_n2> prolly runs like a rk3399
<[TheBug]> I can't tell if that is an insult or a compliment
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<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> Hahaha I only had a couple hours. The hardware looks clean internally, the fans are too noisy 😉
<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> Boots up with a still somewhat obviously WIP "BIOS" and then loads a UEFI image. Nice and responsive, more later as I have time.
* archetech tosses tony some fanmates
<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> They're built into the heatsinks, so I might have to examine a different heatsink assuming no one glued them on (casts sideways glance at [TheBug] )
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<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> SirFri
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> did you try the latest imgs
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<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> I tested one a couple weeks ago.
<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> New developments?
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* [TheBug] stares at Tonymac32
<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> Sirrfi this is a question best posed on the forum
<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> [TheBug] O_o
<[TheBug]> shhh that was supposed to be our secret
<[TheBug]> lol
<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> I don't know what you're talking about.
<[TheBug]> LOL
<[TheBug]> I am starting to become convinced dev work rots your brain.
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> I was just asking him if he had tested a newer img then what he had
<[TheBug]> Ended my day with a headache
<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> The guide obviously dates back a bit, I don't know if JMCC is still keeping up with that stuff or not
<[TheBug]> is dev work supposed to give you headaches?
<[TheBug]> lol
<[TheBug]> though many would argue with a head like mine, it is bound to hurt..
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<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> I have to try a new m4v2 img tomorrow and see where it is at
<Armbian-Discord> <k​.s.bedford.jr> and the neo3 I could not get jammy to boot but did get a imoish img
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