cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
<andlabs> also late but I finally contacted buyee btw
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<andlabs> good morning; would you like 500 copies of FIFA 18 for the Vita
<NiGHTS> 500 X FIFA 17 PS4 Brand New French Packaging bulk wholesale (English In Game) | eBay
<andlabs> *17
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<KitsuWhooa> 300 euros is still more than I'd pay for this many fifa games
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<KitsuWhooa> this amused me "EFIGS (English, french, Italian, German and Spanish)"
<qu1j0t3> *Portugal has left the chat*
<Jenetrix> i like this a lot
<Jenetrix> its not a full SB but... its nice...
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<tunixman> Spanish and Portuguese are basically the same language aside from the 85% that isn't.
<qu1j0t3> :)
<andlabs> Jenetrix: fox o.o
<andlabs> KitsuWhooa, qu1j0t3 well in that case "FEPIGS (French, English, Portugese, Italian, German and Spanish)"
<qu1j0t3> lol
<qu1j0t3> we can play this all day, how dare you forget about Greece
<qu1j0t3> proud and noble country with wonderful food!
<KitsuWhooa> very few games have greek subtitles in them :p
<qu1j0t3> :(
<KitsuWhooa> And I think even fewer than that might have dubs
<KitsuWhooa> but that's okay, I can't stand greek in games anyway :p
<andlabs> now if only greece would stop accidentally banning all video games
<KitsuWhooa> wut :p
<KitsuWhooa> I mean, they did a stupid like 20 years ago
<KitsuWhooa> but it didn't last long :p
<andlabs> yes and last time I checked (whichg rantly was 10 years ago) they never actually reversed that?
<andlabs> they kinda just ignored it?
<KitsuWhooa> I thought it was completely undone, shrug
<KitsuWhooa> I can't be arsed looking for it :p
<andlabs> neither can I
<andlabs> I have work to do and old ebay tabs to close
<KitsuWhooa> lol
<qu1j0t3> andlabs: hahahaha same
<cr1901> Jenetrix: Ty for telling me about this :D
<NiGHTS> RetroWave OPL3 Sound Card from SudoMaker on Tindie
<cr1901> >Each chip is tested using the Sine Wave method and wiped with acetone on surface
<cr1901> Sine Wave method?
<cr1901> That's a good test for "making sure you're programming the chip correctly", but is it good for "making sure your chip isn't counterfeit"?
<cr1901> (General q for the room)
<andlabs> I would hope your FM synthesizer wasn't based on other wave types
<andlabs> unless it supports those
<andlabs> (TX-81Z)
<cr1901> I meant "is programming a sine wave output sufficient to prove your chip isn't defective, rather than a more complex waveform"?
<andlabs> oh that's what that means ok
<andlabs> and the answer is no
<andlabs> but at the same time I have yet to hear of a Yamaha chip that has a defect in a different part of the chip where some random parameter fails but not he rest of it
<andlabs> so maybe there is some sufficiency to that
* cr1901 nods
<andlabs> the problem with thoroughly testing a chip like even the simplest OPL chip is that there are too many variables to test
<andlabs> and then you have people like LGR who apparently have hyper-memorized the way specific games sounded and can notice things that you'd think wouldn't be edge cases
<Jenetrix> well, it worked with my very weird edge-case perfectly
<cr1901> Awesome :D
<andlabs> I say that because quite frankly I'm not fully buying those things *as* edge cases
<andlabs> like I'm still not entirely convinced western-made OPL PC games used anything beyond the 10 most basic FM voices
<tunixman> "edge cases" are just cases.
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<NiGHTS> Daniel Bogdanoff sur Twitter : "Found this one in the wild. I absolutely love electronics stock photos.… "
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