cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
<andlabs> ugggggggggh my IDE to USB adapter has that unused pin filled in
<andlabs> so that 40 pin male to male thingy won't go in
<andlabs> should I just push it open with a pen tip or something
<NiGHTS> Open Source CRT Monitor (VCF West 2021) on Vimeo
<alexisvl> yooo
<alexisvl> that's awesome
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<andlabs> I tried anyway, the tip of a pen is too big
<andlabs> oh even bette rmy brother tried popping it with a pin and it's a solid piece of plastic
<andlabs> excellent -_-
<andlabs> (there is no hole
<andlabs> )
<sauce> just pull the pin out
<alexisvl> yeah or cut it off lol
<andlabs> well it does spin up and seek tests but it
<andlabs> s not being recognized by my laptop
<andlabs> argh
<andlabs> am I actually going to have to boot the machine lol
<andlabs> it makes that noise of the head mechanism spinning around doing it scalibration
<andlabs> I was hoping to image the drive before I did anything with the machine that looks like its not hpapening now
<andlabs> or at least not in the way I would have preferred with ddrescue
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<qu1j0t3> sauce: thx
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<TD-Linux> sauce, this is arguably the first iteration
<TD-Linux> certainly the first pcb
<TD-Linux> cr1901, in fact there is a current sense transformer for software feedback, it's just not implemented yet
<qu1j0t3> TD-Linux: looks great. (video)
<sauce> ah neat
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<andlabs> oh late but also I'm just going to assume an AT->PS/2 adapter will suffice as one of the few youtube videos of my 286 model shows the guy using a "CTX" keyboard with it
<andlabs> pretty sure that one is just generic
<andlabs> unless CTX is weirder than we thought
<andlabs> which is to say, significant in any respect
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<cr1901> andlabs: AT and PS/2 are compatible protocols
<cr1901> so yes an adapter should work
<andlabs> yes but that doesn't guarantee a computer is pure AT
<andlabs> Compaqs are a good example
<andlabs> Leading Edge adds an extra pin to do the reset button on the keyboard for no reason (and their keyboards used the most sought after Alps switches so they're expensive and they also futzed around with some other parts of the protocol so a simple adapter *still* doesn't exist)
<andlabs> at least adapters exist for Tandy keyboards but Tandy skipped from 8086 right to 80486
<andlabs> and again, the *only* thing people seem to care about documenting are the DIP swithc settings, because nothing else matters apparently
<NiGHTS> Pietro Gagliardi sur Twitter : "vivid resistor colors (via… "
<NiGHTS> minicomputer e-girl sur Twitter : "Serial Experiments Express Lane"
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<andlabs> Pietro Gagliardi, [18.09.21 18:36]
<andlabs> [Forwarded from Pietro Gagliardi]
<andlabs> Pietro Gagliardi, [18.09.21 18:36]
<andlabs> [Forwarded from Pietro Gagliardi]
<andlabs> Pietro Gagliardi, [18.09.21 18:36]
<andlabs> [Forwarded from Pietro Gagliardi]
<andlabs> JESUS CHRIST
<andlabs> should never have tried to do this repair myself
<andlabs> should never have tried to do this repair myself because now I can't get it done via apple either 🙃
<andlabs> I'm not switching to a newer model of Mac so I guess I'm either getting another one of this model or I'm going back to hackintoshing
<andlabs> you know what I'm just angry now because I was just getting back into my normal routine before all this happened but no time to go back on edge, and alos my escape key is not working reliably anymore