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<andlabs> how can I tell if a hard drive or ISA controller card is IDE or MFM
<ZrX-NoMs> From the connector
<cr1901> MFM has a 34-pin cable
<cr1901> IDE has a 40-pin cable
<andlabs> the only marking on this card is a sticker SL 01 on the bracket, the code UIC 8951 on the card, and some Seagate sticker on a tiny IC
<andlabs> hm
<cr1901> picture?
<andlabs> would be nice if I could somehow upload pictures to IRC from my phone
<andlabs> without going through gdrive or something else
<andlabs> anyway this appears to be IDE
<andlabs> the drive itself is a ST-157A
<ZrX-NoMs> IDE
<andlabs> I don't know what year this came out
<andlabs> this card
<andlabs> unless 8951 is a date code
<andlabs> by 1989 they had already reduced IDE hard disk contorllers to a single super tiny IC which I do not believe for a second
<andlabs> I also do not believe that IDE even existed then
<NiGHTS> Hard Drive: SEAGATE: ST157A-1 45MB 3.5"/HH IDE / AT
<andlabs> no I'm talking about the controller card now
<andlabs> it has a silkscreen marking UIC 8951
<andlabs> a sticker on the bracket SL 01
<andlabs> and a single square seagate IC that says ST07A/08A CONTROLLER
<andlabs> some surface mount logic chips
<andlabs> and a TON of unpopulated solder joints and silkscreen markings
<andlabs> for chips
<andlabs> meh
<andlabs> anyway I guess I can try to power this machine up and use *that* to just power the hard drive so I can back up its contents
<andlabs> the most overblown power supply ever
<ZrX-NoMs> The chip is a ISA IDE interface.
<andlabs> the only other cards ar ethe Game Blaster and the video card which is some Oak Technologies thing but I haven't identified the model yet
<andlabs> yeah it just seems very anachronistic that they'd have minitaturized that much by 1989
<andlabs> I'd expect that from 1999
<andlabs> "It was first developed by Western Digital and Compaq in 1986"
<andlabs> WAT
<andlabs> next you'll tell me ...actually no I don't know what you'll tell me next
<andlabs> I'm having trouble thinking of something else coming out years before it seems to have anymore; I know when everything else did
<cr1901> PCI is from 1993
<andlabs> also this is another unkeyed calbe
<andlabs> lol
<andlabs> as for the motherboard of this machine
<andlabs> the 286 is a PLCC in a socket ofr some reason
<andlabs> fooled me into thinking it actually has a 287 installed but no
<andlabs> the 287 goes in a DIP socket instead
<ZrX-NoMs> It was funny that WD came up the idea to integrate the controller to the drive, but drive manufacturers rejected it, so WD bought Tandon and converted their MFM drives to IDE. Soon after the world followed.
<Foone> andlabs: hah. I'm actually looking for a PLCC 286 right now! as in, I just brought my box o' CPUs upstairs to dig through
<Foone> (I'm helping someone fix a compaq portable)
<andlabs> good luck
<andlabs> ugh lol I need a male to male IDE cable if those exist if I want to not take this drive out of the computer
<andlabs> I might have to though
<andlabs> CablesONline sells them on both Amazon and ebay
<andlabs> I'll just go for that
<andlabs> I don't feel like taking this thing apart when it is so poorly documented
<Foone> I've seen them but only for 44pin
<Foone> it does look like they exist, though, you'll probably have to wait for aliexpress delivery
<KitsuWhooa> I'd avoid extension cables purely due to signal reliability, although idk if it'd be a problem on your system
<KitsuWhooa> s/reliability/integrity/
<NiGHTS> Correction: <KitsuWhooa> I'd avoid extension cables purely due to signal integrity, although idk if it'd be a problem on your system
<NiGHTS> CablesOnline 2 inch 40-Pin IDE Male to Male Gender Changer Ribbon Cable (FI-G02) : Electronics
<andlabs> oh man these ISA cards were easy to take out
<andlabs> well
<andlabs> somewhat easy
<andlabs> not so much to put back in
<andlabs> vertical riser woo
<ZrX-NoMs> Pulled out the pins from several pin headers and extended my IDE cable with those once. Worked just fine.
<andlabs> this is a 40-pin cable so IDK what you mean by that
<andlabs> pulling out the pins
<andlabs> oh also before I forget
<andlabs> the game blaster is a CT-1300B
<andlabs> for whatever that's worth
<andlabs> and the VGA card is an OTIVGA
<andlabs> by Oak
<andlabs> huh one of the screw bits in the iFixit Pro Tech Toolkit's screw bit colleciton is literally just a magnet, for pikcing things up with
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