cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<tpw_rules> is it a resistor array? "DALE" makes resistors don't they
<tpw_rules> yeah it is
<andlabs> now just thinking about that one teal reistor cr1901 found the other day
<andlabs> and the implied existence of teal resistor packs
<andlabs> assuming that DIP is only yellow to keep the convention of yellow for normal resistors
<tpw_rules> i would associate that yellow more with capacitors
<tpw_rules> but definitely with passives
<andlabs> just amusing to see a different color of hard epoxy top
<qu1j0t3> i have some disk drive controller boards here where all passives are bright blue.
<qu1j0t3> all.
<myon98> Not sure if applicable to ICs but I've seen very early epoxy packaged transistors, ones that are not TO-92 and not transfer molded, use other colors
<myon98> Earlier versions of Hitachi 2SC45x were orange, for example
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<Foone> andlabs: why is there a gemder.cpp?
<Foone> balrog: sadly not. there was one on ebay recently but for Crazy Money
<Foone> ok way less crazy than I thought, I'm just broke
<NiGHTS> New Kodak 6.6 5.25" FLEXIBLE DISK DRIVE | eBay
<ZrX-NoMs> what's special with that? motor eject?
<Sarayan> Hey, here's a Foone :-)
<Foone> yup!
<Foone> ZrX-NoMs: it reads a unique 6.6mb 5.25" floppy format that wasn't used anywhere else
<andlabs> Foone: because the master system is trans
<NiGHTS> Sega Master System Gender Adapter - Shop - SMS Power!
<Foone> andlabs: ahh, good for them
<andlabs> now why does MAME need to emulate this? I have no idea
<Foone> that page mentions that some games aren't compatible with it, so apparently it'
<Foone> apparently it has some differences
<andlabs> the master system lineage is a very strange thing
<ZrX-NoMs> Foone: hmmmm
<andlabs> oh wait I see, this is so they don't have to have a special "US master system with FM expansion" option I guess
<andlabs> not sure why they would be against that if they're in favor of this
<andlabs> either way it's Unofficial and Unsupported
<andlabs> games that don't work apparently rely on some cartridge slot memory map mumbo jumbo
<andlabs> bleh
<andlabs> fortunately Nerionaya just did a blog post about all this
<andlabs> so I don't have to exp.ain
<NiGHTS> The Sega Master System: Third Mark's the Charm
<balrog> Foone: I just bought 2 drives that were sitting on eBay for a while
<balrog> at $50 each, sorry :)
<balrog> Unfortunately I don't have any disks
<balrog> ZrX-NoMs: yes, 3.3mb/6.6mb/12mb embedded servo format with bubble heads, dual (coarse and fine) steppers, and a unique clamping mechanism
<balrog> Dual stepper system:
<NiGHTS> US4539614A - Flexible magnetic disk clamping an injector mechanism - Google Patents
<NiGHTS> US4630145A - Fine positioning apparatus for floppy disk drive - Google Patents
<NiGHTS> US4528607A - Magnetic record/playback head positioning apparatus - Google Patents
<andlabs> I still need to figure out that drive that's in my amiga 2000
<andlabs> and that certainly looks like mine
<NiGHTS> foone sur Twitter : "So, what and why is this? Well, here's my guess, which I can't 100% confirm: It's a Hyperflex disk. So in 1988 Qume Corp announced the Hyperflex HF24, an external drive storing 24mb on a big floppy…"
<andlabs> is the media actually called a "hyperflex disk"?
<andlabs> I still haven't ripped the contents of the hard drive but I'm going to guess all the fun data from this allegedly-from-NASA computer would have had on it would be on the removable disks instead of the internal hard drive but Im sure there'll be some fun software instead
<balrog> Foone: yep, that's almost certainly a Hyperflex disk.
<balrog> Now, where can one find a drive.
<balrog> That's ... too different from the 5.25" format, I think
<balrog> Foone: Drivetec appears to have been just down the block from DTC...
<balrog> 500 Yosemite Drive, Milpitas, CA vs. 1051 S Milpitas Blvd
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