cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
<cr1901> TD-Linux: It's our favorite PC-98/crappy anime :D
<NiGHTS> PC-98 Bot sur Twitter : "Tanjō Debut // NEC Avenue // PC-98 // #pc98 #NECAvenue… "
<cr1901> PC-98 game/shitty OVA*
<TD-Linux> I showed it a bit at VCF West
<cr1901> I'm sure the game itself is fine
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<tunixman> pc-98 bot, very nice.
<tunixman> I worked for a Japanese "telco" in Los Angeles in the early 00s, maybe 03 or 04, I can't remember. Anyway one of the developers from Japan had this blackberry-sized laptop with actual keys on the keyboard. He coded up a shitstorm on it and never really had to move his fingers.
<andlabs> I got that packard bell computer with the game blaster
<andlabs> it has a 5.25" floppy drive with a standard turning-arm latch that refuses to budge unless a disk is in the drive
<andlabs> I wonder how
<andlabs> also two of the case screws are missing
<ZrX-NoMs> Just a tiny flippy plastic that turns out of the way when the floppy is inserted. Seen few drives where users force the latch close without a disk destroying the small plastic piece.
<tunixman> yeah there's a small plastic key which I would regularly push open to play with the drive door when I was a kid.
<tunixman> I kind of liked the tactile feel of the click I think.
<andlabs> hmm
<andlabs> also what's the best place to get a PS/2 to AT keyboard adapter from
<andlabs> or should I get an AT keyboard
<andlabs> assuming this thing just uses standard AT keyboards and not some proprietary extension like Leading Edge
<tunixman> I'd say Fry's but they went under...
<andlabs> whcih is something else I'm frustrated about with modern interent on retro computers
<andlabs> no information on anything
<andlabs> but hey we've got picclick and worthpint and ebay
<andlabs> and the occasional vcfed or vogons thread ogling at My Great Find
<NiGHTS> KENTEK 6 Inch in Mini DIN6 PS/2 Male to DIN5 at Female Keyboard Adapter Converter Cable Cord MDIN6 6 Pin to DIN5 5 Pin M/F for PC Mac Linux : Electronics
<andlabs> I didn't hold out for a Tandy because I wanted a Tandy specifically; in fact I would have preferred a computer with more ISA slots
<tunixman> It's even UL rated.
<andlabs> but with a Tandy I at least knew what the keyboard compatibilty was
<andlabs> but is it any good on experience or is it just cheap
<tunixman> oh yeah well. that's definitely the question. 57 ratings and 5 stars but are they real?
<andlabs> also that's the other way around
<andlabs> PS/2 female to DIN male
<andlabs> *I need
<NiGHTS> 5-Pin DIN-Male AT to 6-Pin Mini DIN-Female PS/2 Keyboard Adapter PS2 KB-ATM-PS2F-6I : Electronics
<tunixman> oooh that one is Jeffery's own choice even.
<tunixman> so I guess if he actually had to do work for a living he'd choose that one?
<andlabs> "jeffrey"?
<tunixman> bezos
<tunixman> I don't actually know if his name is just Jeff or acutally Jeffery, but whatever.
<tunixman> Looks like someone had some success with a ps/2 model M hooked up to a compaq 386/20 anyway.
<tunixman> someone else says that you need to test the pinout.
<andlabs> whee
<tunixman> so 1 of each, I'd say you've got a 50% chance of it working.
<tunixman> which is better than 40%.
<andlabs> well that's what I get for going with the one witht he rare card in it
<tunixman> hahahahaha yeah...
<andlabs> though I lucked out with the tandy
<andlabs> and got another rare card with it =P
<NiGHTS> foone sur Twitter : "Oh wow, a Copy 2 PC option board! This is a 1986 device that's kinda like a Kryoflux or CatWeasel board. It's an alternative floppy disk controller that reads at a lower level, to allow you to copy disks that are copy protected."
<tunixman> ooooh nice!
<andlabs> anyway I can't even find hte model number of the keyboard this machine came with originally
<andlabs> again, no one cares
<andlabs> just gotta sell sell sell
<tunixman> hahahah yeah... maybe it's stenciled on the circuit board.
<NiGHTS> Pietro Gagliardi sur Twitter : "things you get googling for a model of an old IBM clone on ebay: - ebay (often same listing)+proxies - picclick - worthpoint - pinterest - amazon - maybe a vcfed or vogons thread ogling it things you don't get: - anything saying what its trade name is or what the specs are"
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