cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
<cr1901> /me is taken off stage by a hook and is maimed
<NiGHTS> Tube🎃Time sur Twitter : "sus… "
<cr1901> hmmm... maimed... MAMEd... probably a joke one could make there
Sarayan has joined ##yamahasynths
<Sarayan> Physical condition: average
andlabs has joined ##yamahasynths
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cr1901 has joined ##yamahasynths
<NiGHTS> Dark Priestess Fembot sur Twitter : "*turning off gender to conserve energy*"
<cr1901> Fembot is cool. I wonder if I could convince her to idle here, though I have no idea if she likes synths/retro stuff or not
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* tunixman claps, stands up, clapping intensifies
<tunixman> cr1901: ask her! she's great!
<tunixman> woah, the names on that bugs in our pockets paper.
<andlabs> cause i have one bug in my pocket and the other is hailing a taxicab
<andlabs> no I don't know what you're talking about
<qu1j0t3> andlabs: lol
<tunixman> To be fair this is just another facet of SB8, the pinkertons, and Apple using the secret service for trade secret disputes.
<tunixman> Or the RIAA using criminal law against people "stealing" music.
* tunixman rants at great length about the law which he has zero background in
<qu1j0t3> tunixman: you did a wrong channel i think but feel free to post the link you're discussing, i am sure people in here will be interested even though strictly speaking off topic
<NiGHTS> Bugs in Our Pockets: The Risks of Client-Side Scanning - Lawfare
<tunixman> oh god.
<tunixman> andlabs: yeah that's it.
<tunixman> oh one of my contacts was inside out that's why I couldn't see.
<cr1901> tunixman: I did, remains to be seen if she gets back to me... it's like 70/30 that she will
<tunixman> exciting times!
<andlabs> would you like a floppy disk drive with a manual lever lock for a machine famous for using motorized drive mechanisms instead
<Foone> ahh, 5.25" drives
<andlabs> yes
<Foone> I was hoping it was something silly like a 3.5" or zip drive with a rotary lock lever
<andlabs> it's a shame those don't exist because my suggestion woul dbe to put one inside a Macintosh
<andlabs> original one
<andlabs> that would be the comparison for this thing, because the 5.25" drives in the X68000 work the same way
<andlabs> Sharp were not particularly interested in moving off that format for whatever reason; my X1 turboIII released a year before introduced ~ HD disks ~ to the mix
<andlabs> also "YM2151Shield" wat
<andlabs> apparently this is a YM2151 replacement based on an Arduino uno
<andlabs> drop-in
<andlabs> but why is it called a shield
<Foone> because it plugs into an arduino?
<Foone> arduino add-on boards are called shields, usually
<andlabs> oh
<andlabs> TIL
<Foone> yeah. like how the raspi has "hats"
<andlabs> the people on YJA are desparate to offload ftheir copies of OS-9 for the X68000 for the amazingly low price of US$3,000
<andlabs> over a year later, same price
<Foone> sounds like the retrotech price bubble has hit japan too
<cr1901> I can think of other things I want to spend $3000 on
<cr1901> >Sarayan: Physical condition: average
<cr1901> Despite the term "average", I would venture to guess that's better than most people
<andlabs> well I mean
<andlabs> OS-9 specifically
<tunixman> we need to create a starter board kit that has "pants".
<tunixman> we can call the wiring harness "braces".
<andlabs> The Print Shop for X68000
<tunixman> oooh print shop!
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