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<ikskuh> hmm. i have several folders in my project right now. hardware for PCB designs, software for (well doh) software (c/c++ code)
<ikskuh> i wonder how to call the folder which contains the verilog code
<ikskuh> it's not really software, but it also is
<tnt> rtl
<tnt> gw
<tnt> (ie. gateware)
<ikskuh> gateware is nice!
<ikskuh> thanks, i guess i have to adopt gateware now into my dictionar
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<Myrl-saki> Is it weird to see a programmatic approach to setting values? i.e. `x = a; if (p) x = b; if (q) x = c;`?
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<xiretza[cis]> no, allowing to write things out sequentially instead of structurally is exactly what HDLs are for
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<somlo> I like to think about it in terms of "connecting things" rather than "setting values": If you see something like `x = foo ? a : b` then think of a mux with inputs a and b, output x, and selector foo
<somlo> they're connected to each other that way, not "assigned" :)
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<xiretza[cis]> <somlo> "I like to think about it in..." <- yes, that's a very structural view, you're basically just plopping down a MUX - processes allow you to write seemingly sequential code instead
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