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<adamcstephens> ifreund: I noticed when bumping waylock in nixpkgs that build.zig still has 1.4.0-dev. looks like both the 1.4.0 tag and master branch still have this
<adamcstephens> I patched in our package, so no rush on our end, but wanted to give a heads up
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<sewn> "Data too big for buffer (4096 + 12 > 4096)." what is this funky error i get every once in a while on river? i only get it if im just using my browser like normal and foot is killed
<ifreund> adamcstephens: oh no, whoops
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<adamcstephens> :)
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<aktina> how provide environment variables to river, like, i have a river-run script, exporting a bunch of env variables, but i don't think river inherits that, as when i open up a fire up 'env' command on terminal, i don't see those
<aktina> *when i fire up 'env' ...
<aktina> this is my river-run script
<TheAnachron> You should set those variables inside a profile that gets sourced
<TheAnachron> Don't do those things in rivers init file.
<aktina> no, this is not the river init file
<aktina> like, this is a run script, which is run after i login with my greetd/tuigreet stuff
<aktina> and this script calls up the river, which sources the init config file
<TheAnachron> Why not put them inside ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login or such?
<TheAnachron> I don't think it will work that way, as your SHELL is already populated with variables BEFORE you run that script
<TheAnachron> So when you log in, these ENV variables are kept and copied to sub-processes
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<aktina> i will try that
<aktina> :)
<TheAnachron> I have a file ~/etc/sh/session which has these values which I source on my ~/.bash_profile.
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