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such a layout generator should rewrite everything rivertile has? Or are there extensions / hooks options to add things on top of rivertile?
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might be an idea to make it easily extendable
but note I don't know a lot about the project yet, just an idea
the river-layout-v3 protocol is the extensibility interface
as for being able to control more aspects of river's window management policy, that's what the WIP window management protocol is
I will follow that WIP PR and might dive into it when it's done
any good statusbar? How is yambar for instance? seems to work on x11 and wayland
there are plenty listed on the wiki
I don't use one myself
flower_: I use zelbar here.
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I also live barless, though I'm considering adding one on my tablet (I don't always have a keyboard attached)
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ninewise: for a moment i read braless
and i was applauding your braveness and freedom
thought about toggling bar on/off with waybar
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