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<waleee> I can see a problem if windows in other tags are technically implemented as "hidden"
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<leon-p> Franciman: no
<leon-p> waleee: "hidden" is just a word I used to refer non-displayed windows, since it's a bit short than "not displayed". You should not try to infer any implementation details from that.
<leon-p> what is relevant here is that river ignores activation requests (focusing) of windows that are not currently displayed
<leon-p> Franciman: the foreign toplevel protocol does communicate whether a window in river is displayed or not. In theory we could use the minimized state for that and honour minimize/unminize requests, but it's pholosophically not quite clean, so we did not do that
<leon-p> *philosophically, my typing is bad today, wow
<leon-p> but it's not useful to invest any effort into this now, since the WM protocol will require all this to change anyway
<Franciman> ty leon-p
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