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<TheAnachron> my bar only shows icons when stuff is urgent.
<TheAnachron> So in most situations, it shows only 1-3 of 65+ icons
<TheAnachron> my whole setup is "Dont show unimportant stuff, KISS" but also automate everything and CLI all the way
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<TheAnachron> Does anybody know someone from the ziglang core team? Because we're having cross compilation issues on Void Linux which are open for one and a half month, preventing us from updating to zig0.14:
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<ifreund> I mean, I am on the zig core team
<ifreund> I am also busy though, I'll try and have a look eventually
<TheAnachron> very nice, thank you!
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<TheAnachron> I just realized that I have a "warn: input.c:2551: stray button release event (compositor bug?)" inside my river.log, still on 0.3.7, is/was that a known issue?
<ifreund> There's nothing I can do with that information without either a way to reproduce it or a WAYLAND_DEBUG log of it happening
<TheAnachron> Yeah, I don't have any other info either, sorry for the noise, if it happens against I may activate a debug log and restart river :)
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<Guest90> Hey just wanted to let the maintainers of river know that river is awesome and is the best minimial wayland compositor out there in my opinion. Awesome work and keep doing what you're doing. Really appreciate your work!
<ifreund> thanks for the kind words :)
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<Guest47> quick question on branches. i see master, rwm, and 0.3.x as being the most up to date, 03x and rwm being the most. are those development branches that will eventually be merged into master, or what's the plan there? trying to figure out whether to stay on master or shift to one of these branches for use
<ifreund> Guest2720: rwm is a very long lived development branch that will eventually be merged into master and get released as 0.4.0
<ifreund> it is no where near ready for end users
<ifreund> the 0.3.x is the branch for the 0.3 release series, which continues to get bug fixes and updates to new wlroots/zig versions as 0.4.0 is being worked on
<ifreund> the intended way for users to get river is to use the latest release
<Guest47> got it thank you. i've been building off master but was seeing all of the other branches receiving commits. appreciate the direction here
<ifreund> expect master to be pretty much frozen until rwm is get merged
<ifreund> and when rwm gets merged, expect to deal with lots of breaking changes and missing features on master at first
<ifreund> basically, I'd recommend sticking to releases
<ifreund> there's no benefit to using master currently
<Guest47> thank you very much! absolutely love river (even on master, ha). appreciate the work you put in
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<partisani> uhh, hi
<partisani> does anyone know of a few non-master based layouts for river?
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<Guest34> hi, does anyone know how to disable csd for gtk apps? even if not fully, at least show the border when focus, which is not shown by default