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Hello there, I have the following mapping: riverctl map normal Super F 'foot yazi'. but it seems that yazi can't see the environment variables like $EDITOR. everything works if i run yazi normally, or if i open a terminal, and manually run 'foot yazi' from there.
you'll need 'foot -a yazi yazi' or something like that
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i don't see how setting an app id is relevant to enviroment variables
i presume river itself doesn't see $EDITOR and therefore child processes don't get it either
Guest55: you need to ensure those environment variables are set in the river process
hm... was thinking of some other terminal with lengthy flag commands
Guest55: you can try `foot sh -c yazi`
'foot -e yazi'
-e is optional
Guest55: where do you set those ENV variables?
Are they set when river is launched?
realised i completly misundersootd the question
Guest55: this has nothing really to do with river, but on what ENV vars exist when rivers init script runs.
i set them using nix home manager home.sessionVariables
And these variables are set on rivers init file? You can run "env > /tmp/debug.env" inside your river script and check if those vars are set at that time
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Hi all, what's a good tool that I can use for switching between windows by fuzzy-searching?
dumbmf: none, because currently it is not possible to focus hidden windows unfortunately
I just tried the wayland fork of rofi, and while it can list the windows, it cannot focus