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even nvim seems faster in river. River is almost too fast for me :)
and some application has
'show/hide' gui capability, which works in x11 and river, but not in sway and dwl
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I wonder what we did right to make the x11 stuff work :D
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minimize support maybe?
(dunno if river has it)
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ok you can fullscreen a selected window, hm comes close to 'deck' behavior maybe
but hovering a mouse above the window doesn't select it.
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while in dwm it does
which I prefer I think
flower_: focus-follows-cursor?
vyivel: that's a setting?
see `man riverctl`
sjeez what is nvim fast in river
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ok, I'll read the manpage and config file
in sway one can resize a window with the mouse, so this means also that not all the windows in the not-main stack have the same size. Would it be possible to make such thing in river?
e.g. mouse and Super key that is
i assume this depends on the wm?
well it will once the WM protocol is finished
currently interactive resize of windows in the tiled layout is not supported