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<Franciman> i need to start river with a dbus session, so i run: dbus-run-session river
<Franciman> i was wondering if it's the same to add the dbus-run-session inside the init script
<Franciman> so i can just type river
<ifreund> no, it is not the same
<Franciman> oh damn
<Franciman> how do you people start river?
<Franciman> i could simply write a script
<Franciman> but i wonder if there is anything fancy you're doing
<ifreund> is the normal pattern
<ifreund> one can also use a distro that has actually functional user services and user session bus
<Franciman> what does it mean?
<ifreund> (you still might want for other environment variables though I guess)
<ifreund> Franciman: I mean that you needing to manually do dbus-run-session is a defficiency of your distro
<Franciman> what distro do you use?
<ifreund> chimera linux
<dnkl> one can always use e.g dinit for user services, regardless of what's used for system/global services
<Franciman> oh cool, i didn't know it
<ifreund> it's always possible to do a bunch of manual work to achieve whatever, what I personally want from a distro is that this stuff works out of the box and is well integrate
<ifreund> i.e. simply installing a package is enough for things to just work
<Franciman> i'm trying void linux now. And yes i have user services
<Franciman> but what i don't understand is, what process to i start with dbus-run-session?
<Franciman> the bash process after login?
<ifreund> whatever process you want to run in the new dbus session
<Franciman> i want to run river lol
<Franciman> but i don't want river to get started at startup
<Franciman> so i don't understand how the user processes can help me
<Franciman> ehm user services*
<ifreund> you probably want to run dbus-daemon directly
<ifreund> this isn't really a dbus support channel though...
<Franciman> yeah, sorry
<ifreund> the man pages are pretty decent at least
<Franciman> ty
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<TheAnachron> Franciman: I run river in Void Linux, feel free to ask around in #voidlinux or even #linux, as such general questions are better suited for such
<Franciman> hey herr TheAnachron
<Franciman> nice to see you around here as well!
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