trying to get river going on a clean base install of void, seems river will launch (i get the teal colored background) but no hotkeys seem to work leaving me stuck. it's as if the .config/river/init file won't load... any ideas ?
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@br0qn: redirect river output to some log file (you can set loglevel using some flags, check `man river`) and see what it tells you. First suspect is some error on the config (or config file not being executable)
I would have a config file that only sets a keybind to open a terminal. Login to river, open a termina and run individual riverctl commands from your full config to see where the error is
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updated everything to zig 0.14
well, except for river's master branch. I don't want to make more work for myself rebasing the rwm branch
I'll probably update to 0.14 on the rwm branch, consider master branch frozen until rwm is merged
bug fixes can go straight to the 0.3.x branch
sounds sensible
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