ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/riverwm/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
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<soonToBeExHyprla> is anyone else getting some weird flickers on the terminals? i tried kitty and foot, both had the same issue. firefox seemed okay. it happens on both monitors, more frequently on the one with a higher refresh rate. nvidia gpu. no prior issues of this kind on other wayland compositors.
<adamcstephens> what version of River and wlroots? nvidia gpu is always a red flag for potential problems…
<soonToBeExHyprla> river 0.2.6-1 wlroots 0.17.1-1 . and yeah, i know nvidia sucks.. i hope there's a fix because i deeply miss tags
<adamcstephens> you could try the river master branch, as it has changed quite a bit
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<soonToBeExHyprla> tried the same version on my amd thinkpad and its working perfectly
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<Guest66> hi
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<ifreund> man, tablets are way complicated
<LarstiQ> ifreund: how so?
<ifreund> LarstiQ: have a look at the tablet-v2 protocol if you're curious. Way more moving parts than a mouse or touch input for example
<ifreund> I'm making progress on the river implementation but it requires some hacks
<ifreund> for example, wlr_cursor doesn't really support what's needed to do things right
<ifreund> (sway for example uses the same cursor for the pointer and all tablet tools, which is bad UX IMO, mutter gets this more right)
<LarstiQ> ifreund: will do. I can imagine multi-touch at least making things more difficult
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<adamcstephens> good to w
<adamcstephens> oops, ww
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<leon-p> I wonder if we can just spawn a nre seat on demand if a tablet tool appears
<leon-p> *new
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<ifreund> leon-p: no need for a new seat, we can have multiple cursors for a single seat
<ifreund> one pointer cursor and one transient cursor per tablet tool
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<pkap> Hi, is there a character limit for float rules or something like that? I cannot make the following rule work `riverctl rule-add -title "Extension: (Bitwarden - Free Password Manager) - Bitwarden — Mozilla Firefox" float`
<pkap> It works with `-app-id firefox` but that makes all firefox windows floating of course.
<waleee> have you verified that it's the exact string used in the title?
<waleee> I wouldn't be surprised if there's some font/char trickery like using the longer "-"
<pkap> Yes, the title is copy/pasted from the output of lswt.
<pkap> Hm not sure. I remember having a rule this (with the long `-`) and it used to work. `riverctl rule-add -title "Firefox — Sharing Indicator" float
<pkap> `
<pkap> But does sharing indicators are not present anymore in firefox so can not not really tell. Just that the rule worked some years back.
<pkap> So handling the longer `-` may have changed since then..
<pkap> Ah this was before the globbing feature. So this could be related to introducing the globbing.
<waleee> pkap: I was mostly thinking about if you had manually typed the title, the strings wouldn't be indentical if you had used - instead of —
<leon-p> ifreund: I was under the assumption that there is only ever a single wl_pointer per wl_seat. Is that one swapped between the active devices? How would that work when the user moves both mouse and tablet pen simultaneously?
<leon-p> pkap, waleee: firefox sometimes changes title and app-id after mapping the toplevel, so rules trying to target firefox often dont work.
<waleee> ah the dwarf fortress kind of *fun*
<pkap> Ah I see. Nothing we can do then
<leon-p> this also sometimes changes between firefox versions, foradded spice
<leon-p> I have a rule to make the little video pop up thing floating and after every update its a gamble whether it will actually float
<ifreund> leon-p: cursor != pointer
<leon-p> I know, was just wondering what the client sees
<ifreund> by cursor I mean just the graphical thing that you move around on the screen
<ifreund> the client see a zwp_tablet_tool_v2
<leon-p> oh right, pointer emulation is optional, forgot that
<ifreund> If your asking about pointer emulation, that would indeed use the same cursor as the pointer
<leon-p> well yeah, then it's just putting textures on screen and nothing magic, I see
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